Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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8 hours of sex (more if you count foreplay) in 24 hours, and let's say she's quite a bit tighter than my previous girlfriend :-P

But yeah, doctor tomorrow :-P
Trying to get my website upgraded to ASP.NET 2.0 framework. I've had this account for so long, it doesn't have any of the 'standards' that come with a new account from this isp: No CGI-BIN folders, no frontpage extensions. It's just a raw application directory with asp.net 1.1.4 framework.

So, all of the site changes I made over the last couple of days in vb.net 2005 won't work until it's upgraded to 2.0.

service tech: "All of our sites are already asp.net 2.0!"

me: "I've had this account for 8 years. I assure it that it's not."

st: "It would have automatically been upgraded."

me: "please surf to my site and see the big error message along with 'asp.net framework 1.1.4" at the bottom of the screen."

st: "please hold." it's been 30 minutes now. Heh.
"What version of asp script are you using?"
"I'm not using asp script. I'm using compiled asp.net, framework 2.0, VB.NET 2005."
"Thank you sir, what version of asp script? Not framework."
"VB.Net 2005."
"Thank you sir. Is that 3.5?"
"No. That's VB.net 2005, which uses framework 2.0."
"Thank you sir. I'm not talking about framework. Which version of..."
"Listen. It's clear you don't know what you're talking about. Switching me from 1.1.4 to 2.0 takes 10 seconds in IIS by toggling a dropdown box. Please escalate me to level 2 tech support. " (though to be honest, it may take all of 5 minutes if they also have to switch my application pool. The tossers).
yeah..I don't have much tolerance for tech support stupidity. I'm pretty sure I know more about running a web server than their level 2 tech support guys. Then again, I'm responsible for testing and maintaining a national insurance company's web presence and customer service site. Instead of spending 45 minutes on google or in their tech manuals trying to figure out what the fuck to do, they should have just escalated me in the first place.

Hell, if my hosting company was in town, I could have driven over there and did it for them in less time than the amount of time this guy had me on hold.
They told me there is something wrong with my code.

I had a random leftover domain from some work I started for someone last year, but never got paid for (and thus never completed). http://hookah-reviews.com It doesn't expire until March, so was perfect for testing.
Bought one-month's of hosting from GoDaddy for $6.99. Linked the domain to it. Put my files there.

Funny. it works.

So, this is my latest update on the support ticket, verbatim:
Please note, there is nothing wrong with the site/code.
I bought one month of hosting at GoDaddy this morning, and linked an old domain of mine to it.

The site works fine on GoDaddy's servers.

I manage the commercial website for a national automobile insurance company. To change the framework version, you go to IIS, go to the website properties, and go to the ASP.NET tab, and change it to 2.0. You might also have to change the application pools, depending on how you have things set up there. It's a TWO MINUTE CHANGE.

Please explain to me why I shouldn't just switch my domain's DNS to point to the GoDaddy site, and why I shouldn't cancel my Readyhosting account (Which I've had for years).
I'm currently backing up the 3000 or so midi files, .png files, and .mpgs on my site. I'll probably make the dns request tomorrow to port everything to GoDaddy. GoDaddy's about $10/year cheaper, and ReadyHosting recently changed their refund policy to allow prorated refunds, so I'm not out my entire yearly fee.

---------- Post added at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 AM ----------

Minor GoDaddy nitpick:
When you have a website, IIS allows for several 'default' filenames..so that when you go to, say, http://www.tinwhistler.com/ it will try various filenames like index.html, default.html, index.asp, default.asp, welcome.html, welcome.asp etc.
If it finds one, that's the one it shows you. It's a pretty standard feature to allow people to hit a website without having to type the default file name.

In other words, it allows http://www.tinwhistler.com to work instead of http://www.tinwhistler.com/index.aspx

The nitpick: GoDaddy doesn't have any .aspx (.NET) extensions in their default file list. I had to write a quick-and-dirty index.asp to do a site redirect to index.aspx. Kludgy, but it works. I've asked GoDaddy tech support if they can add index.aspx to my site's list of default filenames (which is also about a 2 minute fix)

Occasional Poster

Edited out this post before the thread moved on to the Hall of Meh sub-forum because I did not want this rant to be permanently saved somewhere.
I was very upset after finding out why I had such a hard time fitting in with a class some years ago. Thanks for the support Halforum, you're the best!
Occasional Poster, that is making me both angry and sad.

I have to say that, when I was around 16, there was this "floating question" about my sexuality. Some guessed me and my best friend were an Item.

Luckly, though, it never made me an outcast... But I can say it made me worry about that until maybe two years ago, where I realized that while I'm extremely attacted to women, I actually like some men.

But getting away from the Silver Jelly Biography Channel, I send you a big internet hug. I had to digress because thinking about what happenned to you is making me sad and angry again. In the smash some faces way.
I don't think that's ever happened to me. Well, my mom briefly thought so because I was spending a lot of time with my best friend in high school, which I had to explain was due to AD&D and Battletech, not whatever she thought was going on.

Actually I think people don't think of me as having a sex life at all, much less wonder about my orientation. The sad part is when they're right.


Staff member
This just sucks.
People are stupid and cruel. I don't get the "we don't like him because he's gay" attitude.

Look at it this way. You went through something and now know why. You know that these people are horrible (or were - people CAN change) people and you don't have to deal with them. You have learned how not to treat people. You have a roommate who stands by you.

You, sir, went through a bad situation but are now stronger and better for being the person you are.
I have to say that, when I was around 16, there was this "floating question" about my sexuality. Some guessed me and my best friend were an Item.
I had the exact same thing.

In fact, most of my family thought I was homosexual.

Then I got married and they were like: :confused: ?

Then I started my transition and they were like: O.O ????

Now, not much surprises them anymore... I think...

Still, it sucks how fast people can judge you, let alone based on an (assumed!) sexual orientation, and then subsequently cut you off because of some irrational fear or phobia.[/QUOTE]

The next step is to inform them that you're seeing someone, and you would like to introduce him to the family. Then you show up with a small cactus which you call Obidiah.

Occasional Poster

Thank you Ame, Jelly, LB and Dave.

These people have not been a part of my life since I quit that program. It was a difficult period of my life and I never really knew what went 'wrong' until now. I have come a long way since then, but tonight surprised me.

I'm thankful that I can share this with you here. I'm sure I'll feel better in the morning.
...And I'll feel better in the morning,
the pain will fade as time goes by,
What was taken,
I won't miss or I'll replace,
Nevermind Me, I'm Alright...
Most every cop I know would be the same way. None of them are tolerant at all when it comes to homosexuality. I don't understand it. Most of these guys are amazingly fun, witty, generally great guys, then you hear the most vile gay hate come out of their mouths and all of them laugh and laugh.

Anyways, on to my rant. Today, some vandals made me run. It was once again these fucking European kids who used to play semi-professional footie wherever the fuck they are from. I'm a fast fucking runner, but these kids were like a block and a half ahead of me no matter what. My partner took a short cut to cut them off and they made him look foolish. When I finally did catch one of the fucks I was ready to police brutality the shit out of him. I HATE WHEN THEY MAKE ME RUN.

I didn't of course, but God damn. Fucking 20 year old shits.


Staff member
RRRRAAAAAAAAAAGGGGEEE!!!! Look, if you're gonna make us sit through the Introduction to Legislative Studies four hours at a time, you'd best get things straight. There's a whole range of people coming to this class, many of whom have not read the one single three-page pamphlet you keep only in a single place in the whole fricking campus and don't tell anyone about it. Also, since almost no class in the frickin' university demands a sign-up for the first exam, it would be A F***IN' GREAT IDEA TO TELL THAT TO US BEFORE THE SIGN-UP DEADLINE!

And so help me God if I hear one of you ever say "Look, this is all in the Internet, look it up" I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU EAT YOUR OWN BRIEFCASE!

God, when did lecturers become so f***in' academically stupid...?

Wasabi Poptart

There are times when I really hate living on the other side of the country from the people I care about most, besides my husband and kids. I just found out a friend's mother passed away this morning. I'm heartsick because I can't be there for her. I don't want to call her because I know she is going to be too devastated to talk (and even if she was able, her asshole boyfriend would make sure I couldn't talk to her anyway). If I was back home, at least I could go to the services (if they aren't private) or cook her family a meal.
On top of it, it makes me think about my parents' mortality. If there was ever a time when I wish I could hug my mom and dad it is right now. And thanks to the shitty economy, I won't get to see them until after the holidays at the earliest.
I wish someone would invent a transporter.


Staff member
I'm so sorry to hear that, Wild... *hugs*

Incidentally... I've always been curious, why do people bring casseroles an' stuff to people who've lost close family members? To me it seems like a uniquely American phenomenon.
I'm so sorry to hear that, Wild... *hugs*

Incidentally... I've always been curious, why do people bring casseroles an' stuff to people who've lost close family members? To me it seems like a uniquely American phenomenon.
For many it's the only time the family gets together. I don't know about anyone else, but our funerals end up being family parties. Casseroles are quick and easy to make and just about everyone has a crock pot. Keeps food warm and it is easy to make large amounts of food.

Wasabi Poptart

My family has always done it just so the grieving person/family doesn't have to worry about cooking. They can take care of themselves and putting the deceased's affairs in order without needing to stop to think about what there is to have for dinner. I think it probably really started because you would have relatives and friends traveling a long distance (back before planes and other major types of modern transportation), so your neighbors cooked something for you to give those visitors when they arrived.


I am not a pack mule. If I happen to be going downstairs to get more soda, and you ask me to bring something back upstairs, thats fine.

Giving me an entire list of shit to carry that I can in no way manage to get up two flights of stairs on my own without making two or even three trips, is fucking retarded omfg retarded. Its like the take-a-penny-leave-a-penny type thing, ask one minor favor, ok cool, ask a couple dozen at the same fucking time and we got a problem.

Oh, and just because we happen to stock up on groceries, and your ass buys the heaviest shit in a supermarket you can buy (20 pound bags of dog food, 10+ two liters of soda, etc etc) do not expect me to carry it all in. Some, ok sure I dont mind helping, but just because YOU chose to spend your fucking money on, doesn't mean I need to be a power loader for Ripley to pilot into the front door with two mechanical arms of food.

And stop fucking asking me for stupid shit that makes no sense to me. Why, why why why why do you need an entire glass full of ice, to drink soda? I can understand if you dislike it warm, but if its fairly cold in the house and the soda is room temp, thats plenty cold enough. Sending my ass downstairs to refill on ice every hour is fucking retarded.

I. am. not. a. god. damn. bell. hop. I work 8 hours, and while I love my job, I still have to deal with some of the slowest people on the planet, listen to bitchy supervisors and some of the craziest coworkers all day every day. I want to come home, I want to chill. I wanna watch tv, play WoW and do what I need to do, not sit here and be the local gofer for anyone who asks you to fetch shit.



Staff member
Ugh... rice in small plastic bags. Are people really so goddamn helpless these days that clear instructions on the side of an Uncle Ben's package are not clear enough? You need your rice packed in "doses"?
Yesterday---what a day. Start off the morning feeling nauseous...mostly thinking it was fom the heavy drinking the night before. Boy, was I wrong. Shorty after eating breakfast, I had the pleasure of tasting it a second time, while genuflecting towards the great porcelain god. Trying to calm my stomach, I had some nice, warm soup which lasted for about 5 minutes. Tea? Nope. Water? Same damn thing. Rinse and repeat for an hour and another 4 or 5 times. When all I had left was horribly bitter bile left in me, I figured it was time to hit the hospital.

Unfortunately, my girlfriends grandfather was also in the hospital with kidney problems and her mother was also in the hospital taking care of him, so that left her grandmother at home alone, and we had to make a stop there first to make sure she was ok and had enough food at home. This left me desperately trying not to vomit for a good 45 minutes as we take a taxi and hit the local market to get food until i could finally relieve myself at her grandmother's house.

The hospital itself was relatively close, but Saturday traffic made damned sure that I wasn't getting there fast--with or without the legendary lane weaving skills of Tianjin taxi drivers. After getting there, I decided I was in no state to think in Chinese and let my girlfriend take the reins. I spent the next 5+ hours playing 20Q with my girlfriend and watching Chinese car crash victims be wheeled in.

Finally leaving the place, we had to go over to another hospital simply called No. 272 (it use to be a PLA military hospital) and visit my girlfriends mom and her grandfather, which was probably the high point of the day since I think her grandfather is really cool. After a short chat and dropping off some things, it was finally time to go home. My girlfriend and I got a t axi and finally made it back home around 8:30PM...I hadn't eaten a thing the whole day and I felt pretty damn tired....but not as tired as when she discovered that she forgot her keys at her grandmother's house. Back in the taxi once again, but this time we had the oddest taxi driver who not only insisted that I was Superman, but was also fondly taking about his trip to a local whorehouse, describing the experience in intimate detail. Oh how I wished my Chinese listening skills hadn't been so unusually sharp that evening. Finally getting home back at 10PM, I had my only meal of the day---a soup consisting of soft white rice called xifan, of which I will be eating for the next three days, three times a day. It wouldn't be so bad if it had any real taste at all.


Staff member
ARGH! I am so sick of Flash stealing my Alt key! Why does it do it? I don't know. It happens on multiple computers, in Vista and XP. Whenever I use full-screen video (Hulu, Youtube, Blip, etc.) Flash steals my Alt key and it doesn't work for most keyboard shortcuts. Alt+Tab still works, but no Alt+left arrow to go back in my browser, or Alt+Home to go to my home page. Using the Alt key in another program frees it up again, as does using Alt+Spacebar, but it's still annoying to have to do that every time just so that Flash will stop holding my Alt key hostage!

Grr, stupid Flash. I can't wait for better video standard to take over, hopefully one that actually handles video well. All this talk of adding hardware acceleration to Flash video. Bah! You wouldn't need hardware acceleration so badly if Flash weren't so inefficient! VLC isn't hardware accelerated either (to the best of my knowledge) and it handles video far better than Flash does. There is no excuse for SD video to have choppy playback, even on a netbook's processor.
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