Let me tell you about my uncle. He went to college, got a degree, did programming work for Grumman before they got bought out, and then found himself on a decade-long slide down into unemployment and insolvency. About 10 years ago, in his late 40s, divorced and destitute, he had no choice but to move back in with his parents - my grandparents. He, too, fell into a depression and was rarely able to find work, and what he found wasn't meaningful and certainly not in his degree's field. My father often expressed sadness and exasperation about his brother's situation - my uncle's attitude often sabotaged himself, and it was furthered along by my grandparents' de facto reinfantilazation of him back into the "dependent offspring" role in the household. The rest of us were beginning to think he'd never be independent again.
But, just a couple years ago, he managed to find a job in Houston which would barely let him support himself... and he made the big move all the way from Colorado to Texas, and over these last years he's managed to work his way up into living fully on his own and by his own terms again, despite being in his late 50s. I have to say even I was surprised, but definitely proud. It can be done, and it's not too late.