Maybe not a rant, I dunno .Maybe just venting out of frustration/depression coming on/whatever.
I had a not-so-fun conversation with my boss about two weeks ago - lots of negative words, lots of threats ("I'm not threatening you, I'm just laying down the facts" - yeah, telling me you "may need to go find someone else for my job" is still a threat even if you don't call it that), some personal attacks....
A lot of issues stem from bad communication - both directions, I admit. I'm certainly not blameless or faultless. On the other hand, I've been in this job for a little over 2 months now, 3 weeks of which I wasn't really here but in training at another company.
Anyway, that was Thursday. On Friday I did my best and called him for feedback or input on pretty much every decision I made or action I took. At the end of the day he was "pleasantly surprised".
Then, last week, he was on holiday the whole week, so I had to make do with what I could and with input from his not-quite-colleague-but-other-manager - who clearly has some differences of opinion as to what exactly is part of my job. To make matters a bit worse, I wasn't there on Thursday and Friday either.
So today I spent most of the day cleaning up after mistakes made and oversights and such from when I wasn't there...But apparently my boss decided to tack on an extra day of absence, and I can't reach him for any input.
The worry about tomorrow and all the tinhgs he's going to list I did the wrong, the accusations, the questioning of my decisions, the doubts about me personally,... is making me almost physically ill. I've had a migraine-level headache for two days now, I'm having trouble sleeping, I have some bowel issues and heartburn,... Quite a different type of stress than I'm used to and I'm really not dealing well with it at all.
I don't know if his coming back will be as bad as I fear - but if things don't improve fairly quickly I may just have to quit, because this is just plain unhealthy. I like the job well enough, and with some good coaching I think I could do well in it, but his management style really upsets me and makes me
afraid to call him, physically nauseous out of fear of what he'll say and make me think. I mean, I know I haven't seen my therapist in well over 2 months, since I moved, and that's having an effect on me too, but I'm honestly surprised at just how quickly he's managed to get so far under my skin and at just how bad he can make me feel :-( I tried standing up to him - to a point - in that last meeting but my feelings were dismissed, my opinions were pushed aside, and he doesn't seem to feel liek anything's wrong that isn't just linked to my being not what they expected or wanted. I
know a lot of this is in my head, and a lot of it is because of him and his approach to things, but I really just feel crappy and start doubting myself - not just professionally - and my capabilities to deal with anything serious.