OH man, have I got a rant for you guys.
So, I had a first date tonight, which was amazing. We talked in Starbucks for THREE HOURS. And expressed mutual interest to see each other again. But she also dropped a MASSIVE bomb on me. Not about herself, but a particular eating habit of mine. Because we're both healthy eaters, including having little to no carbs.
Oh, how wrong I was in thinking I had little carbs. And I feel like a complete idiot about it. And herein lies the rant!
Since late last year, I started having popcorn again. Nightly. A GIANT bowl of it. 1/3 cups of the kernels, sometimes almost 1/2 a cup. Popped in coconut oil. Then I added about a 1/8 cup of Becel.
And according to my calorie counter app, Lose It, I thought I was doing great! Wow, it's only like 10 calories! I'm meeting my goal every day no problem!
Except...I was calculating 1/3 cup unpopped. The app calculates it as POPPED.
Turns out I've been having closer to 11-12 cups of popcorn EVERY NIGHT when I came home from work. Over 450 calories before even counting the oil or margarine. So I've probably been having close to 1,000 calories in JUST that every night, going WAY past the goal of about 1,600 calorie intake. I wasn't having popcorn at ALL during my keto diet. No wonder I lost all that weight.
But now it's no surprise I haven't lost any weight since the end of last year. In fact, I've gained a little, back to 198-200 pounds. At best, I've maintained because I hit the gym hard almost every day.
And I feel like such an idiot because I was getting disheartened getting on my Fitbit scale that calculates my body fat percentage (neither that or the calories is an exact science, I know), which has only gradually increased. NO FRIGGING WONDER.
So, I'm cutting out popcorn entirely from here on. Cold turkey. Or is that "cold kernel." I'll have to find some healthier alternatives to snacks, especially as I'm back (OR I THOUGHT I WAS BACK) on the keto diet.