ATTN: Principal Zhou, Century Only Kindergarten, East Wuzhong Road Campus
Principal Lin, Century Only Kindergarten, East Wuzhong Road Campus
DATE: July ------
On several occasions, it has been demanded that I perform more work than initially agreed upon when we first negotiated my contract. I have been forced to accept extra classes when the school allowed other teacher(s) to take time off. I have been forced to work extra classes because the school caused one of the other teachers to resign and I have, throughout the year been forced to take part in many events, duties and lessons not listed as my duties under sections 2, 5 980, and 5 (10).
Further, I have on two separate occasions submitted my request, both with more than the two week notice as listed in Section 5(4) and been refused as, according to Principal Zhou, I should have given more notice than the more than two weeks I provided. Finally, following a great deal of argument from Principal Zhou, was able to convince her that it was not merely fair but also provided for in the contract that I am able to take vacation time following two weeks notice.
I was informed that I would be forced to teach my classes throughout the summer at another campus apparently without a Chinese co-teacher and A'yi per the Education Laws of the Peoples' Republic of China. On the morning of July 12, 2012, I was informed after insisting to be told the situation, that I would not be teaching at the other campus through the summer and would not receive my monthly salary contrary to Section 4 of the contract which has absolutely no provision for the school not paying me throughout the contract term.
I have, following all the extra duties forced upon me in paragraph 1 of this letter of formal notice of breach of contract coupled with the impossibility of being able to arrange vacations while other teachers very clearly are able to do so, hereby and without prejudice, inform you that you are in breach of both the chopped English contract and the contract with the Foreign Expert Administration Bureau. Further, I have been told directly that I simply must do as I am told and, not only is there no chance offered for negotiation, there are threats regarding my salary.
The Labour Bureau of Shanghai states that no provision of a contract or an Employer's demands can overrule their Labour Laws and Regulations. There are several problems listed above that clearly violate Foreign Expert Administration Bureau Laws and Regulations, the contract itself and the Labour Bureau of Shanghai Laws and Regulations.
It is my hope that all problems can be solved immediately without the need of involving outside bureaus.
Yours truly,
Stephen Charles Gilbo
Shanghai, China
cc: HR Department