Rant VIII: The Reckoning

It's a misconception on people's problems though. Sometimes people want advice, like in the Health and Help and Advice and such sub-forum, and sometimes people just need to vent, which is this thread and its sibling threads.

I know you've been trying to help people on here, but sometimes what seems from your side to be intended as sagely advice with a fresh perspective, it comes off as bizarre and in this instance insulting. You remember in the Robin Williams thread, when you advised Nick on how to watch What Dreams May Come after William's passing, and Nick's reaction was confusion? The reason is because that's not the kind of thing you say to someone who's grieving; at least not when it's raw. In this case, this isn't the kind of thing you say to someone who's been alienated from their friends.

Sometimes, when we want to help someone, it does well to consider less what we want to say to them and more what they need to hear.
I just always assume that @PatrThom is very bad at communicating his ideas and means to simply be blunt when instead he often comes across as insulting, insincere, or in some cases cruel. And I know that's not his intent. He's just bad at tact.
Thanks, that's useful. I know I already kinda discussed this over in Chad's thread, but it's genuinely difficult for me to do that.

Yeah, it's difficult for a lot of people. There's a stereotype that when a girl complains to a guy, she wants to get it off her chest and for him to listen, while he sees it as a problem and that it's his job to come up with a solution. I've had it come up with my wife on off-days where I'll say "I don't know what you want me to do about that," while the point wasn't for me to do anything about it, just show I'm listening and say "that sucks." And I consider myself to be pretty good at knowing when is what kind of issue, and I still fuck it up.

But it's not just a spousal thing; it can be an everyone thing, and no one is perfect at how to handle it.
Yeah, it's difficult for a lot of people. There's a stereotype that when a girl complains to a guy, she wants to get it off her chest and for him to listen, while he sees it as a problem and that it's his job to come up with a solution. I've had it come up with my wife on off-days where I'll say "I don't know what you want me to do about that," while the point wasn't for me to do anything about it, just show I'm listening and say "that sucks." And I consider myself to be pretty good at knowing when is what kind of issue, and I still fuck it up.

But it's not just a spousal thing; it can be an everyone thing, and no one is perfect at how to handle it.
It's not about the nail.
To @PatrThom I now know, and knowing is half the battle! GI JOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEE!

The reason I was bent out of shape is because I dropped 15 lbs through my work on my weight since august 1st. I am just not in the same athletic league as my friends and im pissed because its a Burden for them to come down to my fatty level and walk with me.
To @PatrThom I now know, and knowing is half the battle! GI JOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEE!
The reason I was bent out of shape is because I dropped 15 lbs through my work on my weight since august 1st. I am just not in the same athletic league as my friends and im pissed because its a Burden for them to come down to my fatty level and walk with me.
I also hate it when I accomplish something significant TO ME and nobody notices.

For what it's worth, I'd be happy to walk with you (and this is coming from someone who walked > 250mi in one month for a challenge at work). I'll even run my level 70 Wizard with your level 36 Witch Doctor if you like. But right now I have to see someone about this board in my eye.

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To @PatrThom I now know, and knowing is half the battle! GI JOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEE!

The reason I was bent out of shape is because I dropped 15 lbs through my work on my weight since august 1st. I am just not in the same athletic league as my friends and im pissed because its a Burden for them to come down to my fatty level and walk with me.
Well done on the 15!!
it probably wont change anything, but ill try anything to feel less self-loathing and hatered for myself. this broken shell of mine....
The next time you go shopping, try this experiment:
1) Pick up a hand basket
2) Put 3 bags of flour into it
3) Carry it around for the next 15 minutes while you push your cart. Don't put the basket down, not even for a second.
4) Go put the flour back
5) Notice the difference
5) Realize that's what you were doing up until now, realize how much of a difference it makes, get big silly grin on face.

The weight isnt a big deal, its just a means to less chewing out from the people around me. I Just want to feel better about me, it probably wont change anything, but ill try anything to feel less self-loathing and hatered for myself. this broken shell of mine....
Screw the haters, man, you're doing good, don't let anybody tell you otherwise. 15 pounds IS significant. Congrats, and keep working at it. Soon that 15 will turn into 20, and then 25, and before you know it you'll be jogging that full mile you were talking about.
Honestly, reading about your issues the day after I arrested a guy with cerebral palsy helped put things in perspective for me.... this kid is a stoner, a dealer, leans on his condition whenever "the man" comes down on him, abuses his mom, and is generally a piece of crap.

And I was still feeling bad about arresting him for hitting one of the paramedics who had come to help him.

This waste of breath flops about and cries about how he "can't." And here you are, getting it done.

You're an inspiration, Bones. I'd work out with you, any day.
Honestly, reading about your issues the day after I arrested a guy with cerebral palsy helped put things in perspective for me.... this kid is a stoner, a dealer, leans on his condition whenever "the man" comes down on him, abuses his mom, and is generally a piece of crap.

And I was still feeling bad about arresting him for hitting one of the paramedics who had come to help him.

This waste of breath flops about and cries about how he "can't." And here you are, getting it done.

You're an inspiration, Bones. I'd work out with you, any day.
haha, I never know what to say when people are all amazed. I don't normally bring it up, its not fair to other people to bring up what i did to get to "normal". I did what I had to because I wasn't given a choice to be disabled, that guy probably didn't have the kind of people my parents are, my father spent time in the marines and instilled a lot of their ethos in me, my mother is a teacher and doesn't stand for bull. I was brought up under high standards and it sticks with me. I have high standards for the people I choose to interact with because of it.
It does seem a little unjust that your "reward" for conquering your issues is to climb all the way up to the point where you're treated exactly the same as everyone else, though.

the reward is not being picked out of a crowd and beaten to within a inch of my life at random because im one of those "people" not even considered human, a waste of society's resources. (this actually happened in high school when i was about 16)

i should add what I mean is if I can pass as a normal nobody, thats good, because I wont wake up with my ribs broken and my face mangled because I was limping to my car. I am not a fan of random acts of violence as you can tell!
the reward is not being picked out of a crowd and beaten to within a inch of my life at random because im one of those "people" not even considered human, a waste of society's resources. (this actually happened in high school when i was about 16)
That's one of the most horrifying/depressing things I've heard in a long while.
the reward is not being picked out of a crowd and beaten to within a inch of my life at random because im one of those "people" not even considered human, a waste of society's resources. (this actually happened in high school when i was about 16)

i should add what I mean is if I can pass as a normal nobody, thats good, because I wont wake up with my ribs broken and my face mangled because I was limping to my car. I am not a fan of random acts of violence as you can tell!
to be clear in no way am I looking for sympathy, I was just answering Pat to why being "normal" can be a reward.
The doctors must have put the bite-guard in incorrectly during my last ECT appointment, and I have two chipped teeth, which are rubbing against my tongue painfully.


Staff member
The doctors must have put the bite-guard in incorrectly during my last ECT appointment, and I have two chipped teeth, which are rubbing against my tongue painfully.
Lucky for you you live in Canada, where you can see a dentist for free...right?

Still sucks.
Lucky for you you live in Canada, where you can see a dentist for free...right?

Still sucks.
Dental is seldom covered, although maybe in the People's Republic of British Columbistan. I will be okay though, the damage is mostly superficial; I can feel that one is less rough than it was a couple days ago. Still, I will go see a dentist just in case.
The doctors must have put the bite-guard in incorrectly during my last ECT appointment, and I have two chipped teeth, which are rubbing against my tongue painfully.
I imagine if you told one of the doctors you're seeing about what happened, they can do something about it. Maybe get you to a dentist to fix it because of their own stupid mistake. I don't know how it'll work, but I imagine something might be covered under health care for that.
I imagine if you told one of the doctors you're seeing about what happened, they can do something about it. Maybe get you to a dentist to fix it because of their own stupid mistake. I don't know how it'll work, but I imagine something might be covered under health care for that.
Yeah, I'm definitely bringing it up tomorrow at my next appointment.
why, Why, WHY THE FUCK do so many people consider mental illnesses to not be "real" diseases!? I've seen a ton of posts online, particularly on Reddit, over the last several weeks making statements that either flat-out wrong (people can pick themselves up, bro!) or completely and willfully ignorant ("There's no evidence for chemical imbalances in the brain in depression.")

No, no, no; FUCK THAT SHIT. Mental illnesses are not "mental" illnesses, they are PHYSICAL diseases in the same goddamn way cancer is. They are not "all in your head," they do not just require a pick-me-up, and they are NOT failures of character. Just because you have some half-baked criticism of the pharmaceutical industry does NOT invalidate reams of data showing there are "chemical imbalances" in the brains of patients with depression, schizophrenia, and a slew of other disorders. Just because you claim you "felt depressed once, but I got over it!" does NOT mean that you suffered from clinical depression. And just because you can't see the mechanistic, genetic and physiological root causes of these illnesses does NOT give you a free pass to lay judgment on their validity.

Just...dammit. It tears me up seeing so many people discount depression--the leading cause of disability worldwide--as nothing more than "feeling sad." This is the best summary of the subject I've seen, and it's so maddening that this opinion is so commonplace.
why, Why, WHY THE FUCK do so many people consider mental illnesses to not be "real" diseases!? I've seen a ton of posts online, particularly on Reddit, over the last several weeks making statements that either flat-out wrong (people can pick themselves up, bro!) or completely and willfully ignorant ("There's no evidence for chemical imbalances in the brain in depression.")

No, no, no; FUCK THAT SHIT. Mental illnesses are not "mental" illnesses, they are PHYSICAL diseases in the same goddamn way cancer is. They are not "all in your head," they do not just require a pick-me-up, and they are NOT failures of character. Just because you have some half-baked criticism of the pharmaceutical industry does NOT invalidate reams of data showing there are "chemical imbalances" in the brains of patients with depression, schizophrenia, and a slew of other disorders. Just because you claim you "felt depressed once, but I got over it!" does NOT mean that you suffered from clinical depression. And just because you can't see the mechanistic, genetic and physiological root causes of these illnesses does NOT give you a free pass to lay judgment on their validity.

Just...dammit. It tears me up seeing so many people discount depression--the leading cause of disability worldwide--as nothing more than "feeling sad." This is the best summary of the subject I've seen, and it's so maddening that this opinion is so commonplace.
"come on man, you just got to be happy, it isnt that hard, you just got to pull yourself out of that funk and be happy." correct response: "If you could just take a long walk off a short pier that would be super.."
My parents have a friend who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He went off of his meds and hit a depressive phase that was so bad he couldn't get out of bed. My mom let me know it was just because he's lazy, needs to get his ass out of bed, and get over it. When I tried explaining that it wasn't that easy especially if he's not taking his meds, she let me know in no uncertain terms that yes it is that easy. Her insinuation was that he was doing it because he wanted to stay home from work and it was for attention, not because anything was truly wrong.
My parents have a friend who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He went off of his meds and hit a depressive phase that was so bad he couldn't get out of bed. My mom let me know it was just because he's lazy, needs to get his ass out of bed, and get over it. When I tried explaining that it wasn't that easy especially if he's not taking his meds, she let me know in no uncertain terms that yes it is that easy. Her insinuation was that he was doing it because he wanted to stay home from work and it was for attention, not because anything was truly wrong.
Relevant: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/...92.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000043&ir=Science