Real Life Nicknames?

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I've been Jake since I was a baby. Most acquaintances don't know my actual name.

My grandfather's nickname his entire life was "Dude". Nobody every called him by his real name.

Jake said:
I've been Jake since I was a baby. Most acquaintances don't know my actual name.

My grandfather's nickname his entire life was "Dude". Nobody every called him by his real name.
My grandfather's nickname was "Crip" due to an accident he had playing baseball as a kid. The name stuck until he passed away and it's on his headstone. Sharpest guy I've ever known.
Edrondol said:
My grandfather's nickname was "Crip" due to an accident he had playing baseball as a kid. The name stuck until he passed away and it's on his headstone. Sharpest guy I've ever known.
Frankie said:
Man, I cannot bend my fingers properly to do the crip hand sign. I would make a bad gang member.
Well that, and you can read, write (without a spray can) and know how to access the internet.
I've actually started up a program of giving all friends and acquaintances nicknames.

Nothing insulting like fatass or piggy. Just fun or nonsensical like Kid Brutal or Momma Danger.

Wasabi Poptart

Jake said:
My grandfather's nickname his entire life was "Dude". Nobody every called him by his real name.
Same with my grandfather. Everyone called him "Dutch". My grandmom only called him by his real name when she was pissed at him.

I have cousins on my dad's side who are all only known by their nicknames.

Catty - Catherine
Butch - Lillian
Hoppy - Robert
Bowie - David
Jakey - June
My dad and aunt are fucked up with their names too. For whatever reason my grandfather just called them by some random name their whole lives and they identify more with their nicknames he gave them for no logical reason rather than their given names.

My dad's name is Jack Edward and he goes by Sam and my aunt is Susan Margaret and she goes by Ann. Real weird.

My nickname from college has turned into my de facto real name, the one almost everyone knows me by. It's not too hard to find. :slywink:


ZenMonkey said:
My nickname from college has turned into my de facto real name, the one almost everyone knows me by. It's not too hard to find. :slywink:

Fingercuffs? :smug:


Upon birth I weighed 10 pounds and rolls of fat. My grandparents called me The Buddha Baby.
Then I grew and lost all my weight and became a "string bean" (thanks Grandma) and I was known as "Bean."
In elementary school I told a rehashed joke about naming my kid Auto-Mo-Beals (as Beals is our last name) and thus I was known as Auto.
Then when people somehow failed to properly announce "Keenan" I became known as "K-Man"
My girlfriend calls me "Bear" which has become its own language paradox as I call her "bear" but we always know which bear is which in conversation (as we use "bear" to describe ourselves in third person, oh god, I'm one of those couples.)
Lately I'm known as "Dez" as its the name of my WoW character, and its easier to say then "Keenan."

The best name I ever came up with was this kid who was friends with my best friend from high school. I never learned his real name despite knowing him for two year. I called him "Gracey."

I, like several others, have never had a nickname. Other than "Matt" instead of Matthew, but that doesn't really count.


The children, they called me Mr. Glass.

Seriously though, I never had one in high school, but in college I always went by my internet handle: Batdan.
Nephew calls me Gee-gee

No nicknames have stuck. I was called Shaggy Bones for a while in hs b/c I was 6'2" and ~ 140lbs and shaggy, but that lasted for a semester.

There was a dude in hs that was overweight and during gym class he was put on the 'skins' team and he refused to remove his shirt, but the coach insisted (creepy dude - think Mr Woodcock). He had flappy hooties and the poor guy was dubbed Milker from that day on. By the time he graduated even some of the faculty called him Milker. I always called him Michael cause it bothered me to call him that. He said that he didn't care, but I just couldn't do it.


Staff member
High school - Snuff. And no, it had nothing to do with the tobacco product.
College - Bluto. And yes, it had everything to do with Animal House.

GasBandit said:
High school - Snuff. And no, it had nothing to do with the tobacco product.
College - Bluto. And yes, it had everything to do with Animal House.
Halforum - Ewok
You forgot one.


Staff member
I have many nicknames from high school and college... mostly just whatever people wanted to call me, based on my name, online stuff, and other random stuff.

The most recent of which is Woosh, or Ellinwoosh (the ladder being a play on my last name). This was developed during a moment of time where I was drawing something with mountain winds on the whiteboard between classes (we're all weather people) and then proclaiming "wooooooooooooooosh!" to my classmates.
Eh, most of my spaniard friends call me Den (kind of obvious where it comes from), half of them don't know my real name.
Then there's the 'mericans that can't pronounce my real name, those call me Will :p
My RL nickname is Phil. Bet you can't guess what my birth name is!

I started giving my roommate's nicknames sonic we're ever a ragtag group of adventurers we'll be set in that reguard.

Matt is Tex aka dirty sanchez
Steve is el diablo
Evan is Hollywood
Tim is still just tim I think
And I'm The Duke
I had to laugh at Ed's turbo story, as here in australia the way he pronounces his last name is exactly the way we pronounce nissan (the car company).

My nicknames are slowly getting phased out sadlly but here they are:

Dude or Ratus = my parents and other family friends from when I was about 4-10 as I always wore sunglasses, hat4 and had a mean attitude.I was one cool dude. Also see Ratus

Gromit = My auntie whom I get on with better than my mum is a surfer chick.Gromit is australian slang for a young surfer.Also she was dating a pom (english for those who dont know.I'm not sure if pom is world known or just aussie slang) and bought me wallace and grommet videos for my birthday that I watched a bajillion times

Lil D = I was just under 5ft tall till I hit about 16.Everyone from school still calls me it even though I'm 6ft something

and my personal favourite Twain.
Derived from my first name Dwayne (all one syllable not the stupid du-ane you sepo's have). Little kids have trouble with the Dw sound and it comes out as a T, and seeing as I help teach karate to kids it kinda stuck.All my karate gear has Twain written on it, usually with pictures of pretty flowers and other stuff as I cant really say no to my favourite kids and they love drawing on my stuff and doing my hair.I'll see if i can find my favourite photo of me after a state championships with my 2 fav girls on either side of me, I've got a blood nose black eye and 8 pig tails in my hair with hair lackeys and ribbons.

Oh and before I cut off my ponytail I was also known as Padawan at my karate class by the newer boys.I looked like JCMs lovechild before my haircut


Staff member
Ohh, I get all sorts of nicknames, because my real name has *gasp* three syllables and people just don't like saying three syllables. Currently, my post-grad school friends call me Hootie because of that no-talent assclown singer Hootie from Hootie and the Blowfish.

Among my Lithuanian friends I'm always called by a weirdly-translated form of my last name, which is all right, I guess.

I just remembered that on more than one occasion, a girl has found it acceptable to call me cheesesteak. I don't know how I feel about it.

Other than that it's mostly been variations of phil.

Hmm. In highschool, after talking about what our names meant, my friend jenny thought it funny to keep calling me "lover of horses" as if I needed help in being awkward and creepy.
My given name is Margaret. Since I'm the 5th one in the family, my nickname is Peggy.
In high school, I was "Doolittle" because I was working with animals and was more comfortable around them than people.
Right now, I'm "Crazy Ferret Lady". That one will probably be on my headstone.
ElJuski said:
Currently, my post-grad school friends call me Hootie because of that no-talent assclown singer Hootie from Hootie and the Blowfish.
We called a buddy Hootie for essentially no reason when he came to college. He's been almost exclusively called Hootie for about 15 years now. Calling him his actual (perfectly normal) name would seem weird to me.


I have a crapton of nicknames...

Lally - mutation of Laura from my mom (it's pretty much my favorite)
Lawrence - there has always been a joke that my dad wanted boys, so my sister and I were nicknamed Leonard and Lawrence (and it has stuck though the years, although he doesn't call us that all the time).
Lala - another mutation of Laura (and my sister's nickname was Lele to match)
La - when my niece was learning to talk, she couldn't figure out there were two "La"s in Lala, and would either just call me La, or "Lalalalalalalala" so La stuck and I actually get called that as much or more than Lala.
Laura[lastname] - for some reason, my first and last name apparently have a cadence that encourages people to say them together, so throughout my life, I constantly get referred to by my first and last name even when other people don't. For example, let's say a teacher is taking attendance, they might say "Jim, Katie, Bob, Laura [last name], Tim, Christine" etc, etc. This eventually turned into all of the people that did theatre with me in high school calling me and spelling my name as one word with the first letter of my last name left uncapitalized.
Gator - like Laurelai, I also get called Gator. It's a nickname both my boyfriend and I call each other (it originated from a sickeningly cute moment where, instead of saying "see you later alligator," he said "see you later baby gator" ... and it stuck), and it has also mutated into Gate.

I think that's just about it... :bush: Apparently a crapton is 6.

Lally said:
I have a crapton of nicknames...

Lally - mutation of Laura from my mom (it's pretty much my favorite)
Lawrence - there has always been a joke that my dad wanted boys, so my sister and I were nicknamed Leonard and Lawrence (and it has stuck though the years, although he doesn't call us that all the time).
Lala - another mutation of Laura (and my sister's nickname was Lele to match)
La - when my niece was learning to talk, she couldn't figure out there were two "La"s in Lala, and would either just call me La, or "Lalalalalalalala" so La stuck and I actually get called that as much or more than Lala.
Laura[lastname] - for some reason, my first and last name apparently have a cadence that encourages people to say them together, so throughout my life, I constantly get referred to by my first and last name even when other people don't. For example, let's say a teacher is taking attendance, they might say "Jim, Katie, Bob, Laura [last name], Tim, Christine" etc, etc. This eventually turned into all of the people that did theatre with me in high school calling me and spelling my name as one word with the first letter of my last name left uncapitalized.
Gator - like Laurelai, I also get called Gator. It's a nickname both my boyfriend and I call each other (it originated from a sickeningly cute moment where, instead of saying "see you later alligator," he said "see you later baby gator" ... and it stuck), and it has also mutated into Gate.

I think that's just about it... :bush: Apparently a crapton is 6.
When I was really little I couldn't pronounce my sister's name - Kelly. I called her La-la and it is still what she calls herself when talking to me (even though I never use it myself).
Matman for the last 36 years. came from running around the house with a towel safety-pinned around my neck singing the Batman theme song incorrectly.
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