Reveal your alts!

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The Neon Grue said:
Jean Grue Pickhard of the Starship Gruerprise, motherfuggers!
:rimshot: :clap:
Well well well, look who's back?

Makes me wonder if you ever completely left... :paranoid:
The Neon Grue said:
Jean Grue Pickhard of the Starship Gruerprise, motherfuggers!
:rimshot: :clap:
Officer Filmkov of the Starship Gruerprise, reporting for duty!

...Speaking of which, it has been a while since anything has happened with the Gruerprise thread. Anyone up for just taking things back to square one and starting a new thread for it?


I actually don't remember if I even have an alt on this forum. I know I had one or two as jokes on the previous forum, but this one? Don't think I've done that here.
Owning an alternate username, or "alt", as it is known in the hacker scene, is a federal offense and legitimate cause for a federal investigation against the owner of such. Please refrain from making one of thses "alts" as a means of causing pleasure and/or ridiculing someone.
The CIA said:
Owning an alternate username, or "alt", as it is known in the hacker scene, is a federal offense and legitimate cause for a federal investigation against the owner of such. Please refrain from making one of thses "alts" as a means of causing pleasure and/or ridiculing someone.


Thread Necromancer said:
The CIA said:
Owning an alternate username, or "alt", as it is known in the hacker scene, is a federal offense and legitimate cause for a federal investigation against the owner of such. Please refrain from making one of thses "alts" as a means of causing pleasure and/or ridiculing someone.

For those of you who DON'T know, Yavaux and Thread Nrecromancer are actually the same awesome drunken dude.

I just wanted to share the funniest thing about this thread for me. (Apart from the epically legendary 4chan kermit batman image)
Calleja said:
For those of you who DON'T know, Yavaux and Thread Nrecromancer are actually the same awesome drunken dude.

I just wanted to share the funniest thing about this thread for me. (Apart from the epically legendary 4chan kermit batman image)


Calleja said:
For those of you who DON'T know, Yavaux and Thread Nrecromancer are actually the same awesome drunken dude.

I just wanted to share the funniest thing about this thread for me. (Apart from the epically legendary 4chan kermit batman image)


Thread Necromancer said:
This makes me wonder, if I post and then follow up with Yavaux, does it count as a double post?

You seriously need to crawl back into your threads and leave these decent people alone without you inane blabbering.
Yavaux said:
Thread Necromancer said:
This makes me wonder, if I post and then follow up with Yavaux, does it count as a double post?

You seriously need to crawl back into your threads and leave these decent people alone without you inane blabbering.
Decent? That shows how much you know about us. We're all full of :hump: and :falldown: with some :moon: and a big touch of :twisted:
I'm very open about my sexua..... I mean, alt*. It's not that there is a need for him. And I've never made a great show of hiding who/what he is. Even had a coming out party of sorts on the old board. And the account is only here because... well that was a joke that didn't pan out and it just sits and collects dust only to be pulled out for times like these when I really think I'm only entertaining myself and apparently Calleja
Stop the bloody alt-hopping already, you dick-for-brain retard. It's not funny, and you're not entertaining anyone. Get a life, instead of just chatting with YOURSELF on an on line forum. How pathetic can you get, anyway? Moron.
Lighten up, dude, it's just a forum. I think he's funny.
You need to go out and have real interaction with people, or something. Go do some sports to work off that rage.


Alts Are Annoying said:
Stop the bloody alt-hopping already, you *-for-brain retard. It's not funny, and you're not entertaining anyone. Get a life, instead of just chatting with YOURSELF on an on line forum. How pathetic can you get, anyway? Moron.
He is pretty pathetic isn't he. I bet he's drunk again. sheesh.
Yavaux said:
Alts Are Annoying said:
Stop the bloody alt-hopping already, you *-for-brain retard. It's not funny, and you're not entertaining anyone. Get a life, instead of just chatting with YOURSELF on an on line forum. How pathetic can you get, anyway? Moron.
He is pretty pathetic isn't he. I bet he's drunk again. sheesh.

As usual. Honestly, sitting at home - alone, of course - getting drunk, doing things only you yourself could ever find funny, just messing up other people's nice and easy way of life, how pathetic can you get? Djeezes man, I'd feel sorry for him if he weren't such a numbskull dicking around on here.
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