Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Shawnacy said:
Horus Lightborn: The offspring of a human and a much holier power. A master of twin blades. Last he was heard of he set off on his own to seek a fabled paradise within the razor peaks.

Marian Aldarbrush: Eladrin Sorceress. A woman of great beauty and power. I believe she often spoke favorably of returning to her home city of Astrazalian. A city stuck between this world and the Fey Wild.

Dwar Steelgrand: A Dwarven Battlerager with more bravery in my little pinkie than I myself could ever muster. Dwar went wherever there was a war to be won or evil to destroy. Tracking him could be very difficult.

S'erikk Akara: Dragonborn Paladin of Bahamut. Died shortly of injuries sustained in the battle against Acererak. His remains were taken to his home across the sea on the island of Drak'nar.
I feel our best bet would be with Marian. Saryon is from Shroudmist Grove and grew up relatively close to this area and could be of use. Adia could be of use too.

Where are the razor peaks anyways? (Horus)

Heading south to the war doesn't interest me much as I'd like to follow the storyline. But I'm ok with whatever we do.

Oh, what was our XP totals for that fight?
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Gusto said:
Sure I mean yeah I guess the cleric finally hit with something and took out a bunch of guys in one round and also helped save a few people. Never mind the wizard who took out about the same number of baddies as the cleric and maintains a good hit percentage over the entire campaign I mean he's okay too I guess.:angry:
Ya know. Just in case you couldn't read his post for some reason.
Heh. Yeah. Maybe I'll add something in the summary.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Gusto said:
Sure I mean yeah I guess the cleric finally hit with something and took out a bunch of guys in one round and also helped save a few people. Never mind the wizard who took out about the same number of baddies as the cleric and maintains a good hit percentage over the entire campaign I mean he's okay too I guess. :angry:

The cleric could easily miss on his healing spells as well. :unibrow:
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

SeriousJay said:
Gusto said:
Sure I mean yeah I guess the cleric finally hit with something and took out a bunch of guys in one round and also helped save a few people. Never mind the wizard who took out about the same number of baddies as the cleric and maintains a good hit percentage over the entire campaign I mean he's okay too I guess. :angry:

The cleric could easily miss on his healing spells as well. :unibrow:
The cleric has NEVER healed me. :unibrow:

I'm just kiddin' bro. You were a rockstar last night.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I think Shawn's avoiding us on experience.

Him: Golly... They killed a lot of people... This would actually take them to level 3.... I can't let them know! *changes numbers*

You get 100 exp!


And south -could- put us in line with the storyline, and possibly not. I like that kind of thing. I'm always the type who never finishes a game due to sidequests anyway.

So whatevs. =3

So, was that snake thing not even supposed to be part of the area we went? Just to scare Kratash and me off? Cuz I really wanted to fight that. :rofl:
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

The catacombs have a few levels, it could be on an upper floor. We could take the long way back.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Gusto said:
The catacombs have a few levels, it could be on an upper floor. We could take the long way back.
I could be inside Saryon. ALIENSSS!!


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I'm all for it.

Though, thinking logically, it wouldn't make any sense for us. But I sure do like fighting the undead. And loot.

We could make an excuse like "We're going to hunt down that snake creature we saw, to make sure it doesn't get loose into the city, and to see if we could find any other potential threats."
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!


Basically Kratash and Serin have plenty of reasons to want to end that snake, ranging from "To prove I'm awesome" to "Protect the innocent".


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Those do sound like our reasons. :rofl:

Guess we'll add that to our potential options. I vote for that before leaving town.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Adia votes that when we leave we go to the South where the war is threatening to erupt and try to find the dwarven battlerager, Dwar Steelgrand. Oh, and quit yer bitchin' about the exp and levels. We'll get levels all in good time and the roleplay should be reward in and of itself. We have an amazing DM who keeps us entertained and guessing every week and does a fabulous job storytelling. If we climb in levels too quickly we'll just run through this like water and regret it later. I personally want this to unfold naturally and at the pace the DM deems best. He's doing a wonderful job, so let him work. Again, this isn't WoW. More levels don't exactly make for better gameplay here.

Edit: I just noticed this -

Nice Douglas Adams reference and all, but... *blink blink*
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

And speaking of experience....
It's going to come out to about 450xp each.
This is a combination of kills, rp, and quest experience. Good job, all.

Also I'll provide some common knowledge to help you guys decide where you are going to go.

The trouble to the south-east (which was actually described as "rising hostilities" moreso than a war) is going on between the small countries of Edenb'nar and Tialseen. (you are in the much larger country of Fenyril). It's regarding Tialseen massing an army and Edenb'nar getting nervous about their intentions. Korea jokes not included. This would be at least a 6 week journey.

The Razor Peaks are within the Stormrage Mountains, about 3 and a half weeks north-east. The hidden paradise is more likely the "Valley of the Forgotten Wind" which only a few people in history have ever claimed to return from.

The Island of Drak'nar will probably take about a week and a half via transport ship.

The City of Astrazalian is a large Eladrin City that moves back and forth between the mortal world and the Fey Wild. In the Spring and Summer it appears on a green island in the center of a massive lake about six weeks due south. In the fall and winter it returns to the Fey Wild. It's about a week before Summer Solstice as reference.

Consider all times to be a bit faster with different modes of transportation than just walking.

After speaking with Sir Oathbearer and Brother Lumar you know that Acererak is waiting for you to be a capable challenge. And he's waited hundreds of years as it is, so patience is not a big problem for him. However, it may also be assumed that you are not the only ones he has marked as possible candidates. It won't be long before word gets out that the tomb has reopened and adventurers from far and wide are going to start making their way there to test their abilities. So wait indefinitely and he's sure to meet his quota and complete his goals regardless.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

falineowlight said:
Adia votes that when we leave we go to the South where the war is threatening to erupt and try to find the dwarven battlerager, Dwar Steelgrand. Oh, and quit yer bitchin' about the exp and levels. We'll get levels all in good time and the roleplay should be reward in and of itself. We have an amazing DM who keeps us entertained and guessing every week and does a fabulous job storytelling. If we climb in levels too quickly we'll just run through this like water and regret it later. I personally want this to unfold naturally and at the pace the DM deems best. He's doing a wonderful job, so let him work. Again, this isn't WoW. More levels don't exactly make for better gameplay here.

Edit: I just noticed this -

Nice Douglas Adams reference and all, but... *blink blink*
Heh. At least you got an awesome custom rank.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Heh. At least you got an awesome custom rank.
With 42 posts!!! I save these forums and I'm stuck with ONE OF US! :zoid:

I don't mind where we go as long as we have a good time with it. Personally, I feel the Fey Wild is the best place to go for clues but we'll go with the majority.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Shawnacy said:
Heh. At least you got an awesome custom rank.
I know, right? It's super awesome! @_@ I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.

Edit: It disappeared! What? Why?! I want it back!
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

SeriousJay said:
Gurpel said:
OH LOOK AT THAT it's weekly "complain about gurpel" time.

1. i didnt take too much time rolling. the one time my turn took more than 20 seconds it was because i was deciding what to do.
2. i talked over someone (on purpose) once. i'm sorry my shitty internet connection does not let me hear you for 2+seconds.
3. i wasnt smurfing with the pogs. it was someone else. the extent of my actions on adia's pog was to set the "rotation" variable to zero so it reset (i did this after she complained.)

also at least dont be passive aggressive about "oh someone didnt bother to take the time to set up macros" and say "hey gurpel do some macros."

so whatever. i'll do some macros, you nazis.
That's a pretty poor attitude.

My previous post was pretty generalized and I'm sorry that you felt that every point attacked you specifically. Sometimes, it's not just about you, you know?
I think it's become clear that everything is about Gurpel. When Shawnacy says "you enter the town of Bridgeport" or "you are surprised by kobolds," or "you" anything, it's not addressing the group, it is addressing Gurpel. The other five members of the group are not fellows so much as an audience that can be maintained as tools for the hero Kratash, around whom all things revolve, unaware that he is less leading the others so much as the five are walking their dog.

:p Well, he did ask for it with the "let's pick on Gurpel" from that very general post.

I don't know that we deserve 450 exp for that. We didn't really merit it, considering we only killed a few skellies and ruined a temple and Saryon sat in a chair. A good bit of the evening was Serin and Kratash's excursion, so I assumed we'd all get some amount and they'd get like 25 extra. Though I guess it's easier to keep track of if everyone gets the same.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

escushion said:
SeriousJay said:
Gurpel said:
I don't know that we deserve 450 exp for that. We didn't really merit it, considering we only killed a few skellies and ruined a temple and Saryon sat in a chair. A good bit of the evening was Serin and Kratash's excursion, so I assumed we'd all get some amount and they'd get like 25 extra. Though I guess it's easier to keep track of if everyone gets the same.
Unless there is something that happens that really really really warrents separate XP totals I don't want to favor someone with extra xp for doing non party stuff. That might inadvertantly encourage people to go off and do things on their own more often, and while I will never say no to someone wanting to do that, I don't want to encourage it with rewards other than the reward of RP itself.
With six players and limited time each night we can't really spend too much time on seperate adventures.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Gurpel: Chill.

Escushion: The sarcasm doesn't help things, dude. Also chill.

Faline: You lost your title because you had it at 42 posts. After 42 posts, it's gone.

Regarding exp: That sounds fine. I don't see why you people are so anti-exp. The more we level up, the more options we have available to us. Example: At level 1, I couldn't teleport. Now I can. If we're captured and thrown in jail- oh lookit that- I can teleport out. We have more RP options. It's fine to say that exp isn't everything, but it's another thing entirely to say "We don't want all that exp. Take it back."

Not only that, we're becoming more powerful to take on this great evil. At the rate you people seem to want us to go, we'll face the ultimate evil of the world at level... 8. Wooooo.

At any rate, it would be completely in character for Serin to be concerned about a giant fucking undead snake she and Kratash saw. I am curious about it and wouldn't mind checking the upper levels out. If you guys don't want to, that's a group decision, but don't think I'm doing it just to pad our exp.

After reading all that, I'm interested in most of those destinations. I'm most interested in the island, Razor Peaks, and the conflict to the south.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I'm just saying on merits.

And level 8 is reasonable. I mean he might he may not be the last thing we ever face, and according to the PHB, at level 1 we are already well-seasoned above your average person.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

For your entertainment and a fresh perspective (Ok, Adia's perspective) I have written out a sort of summary from Adia's viewpoint of the Bridgeport occurances in Shawnacy's Adventure Summary thread. Feel free to jump around...I know it's a lot of text. ^^;; However, there are some interesting insights into everyone's characters, so I hope it's worth your while. :)

Kitty Sinatra

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I think he's saying you did such a fantastic job you make him obsolete.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Gruebeard said:
I think he's saying you did such a fantastic job you make him obsolete.
This. Excellently done. :thumbsup:

Between Shawn's surprisingly succinct summary and Julie's surprisingly detailed summary, I no longer have any reason to do one.

Which is cool. I always had a hard time summarizing them anyway. If I do anything now it'll probably be journal entries from Serin. If nothing else, since I don't RP much in-game I can RP on the forums. :uhhuh:
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

doomdragon6 said:
Gruebeard said:
I think he's saying you did such a fantastic job you make him obsolete.
This. Excellently done. :thumbsup:

Between Shawn's surprisingly succinct summary and Julie's surprisingly detailed summary, I no longer have any reason to do one.

Which is cool. I always had a hard time summarizing them anyway. If I do anything now it'll probably be journal entries from Serin. If nothing else, since I don't RP much in-game I can RP on the forums. :uhhuh:
If you ever have the time and inspiration to put something together please do. Heh. Never wanted you to get the feeling like it was mandatory that you wrote something.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Please do more Adia, I promise you first dibs on heals if you give me moars!

Man, I can't wait till Thursday. :)
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I guess I should do my kudos in public, even though I just tell her personally. Though I'm gonna say, I don't call seven pages a summary by any means :tongue: . Summaries are more what Shawn and Doom did; this is more a story.

Prose about adventures like this are really difficult to do, I've found in the past. It's too tempting to use the DM's narrative as the story's narrative and then you lose the reader. One of the best things about Faline's bit is that she did it as Adia would see it, noting what she saw as important, her own vices and attractions. Also the two bits of memory didn't feel forced. I've seen these before where something minor or insignificant will happen in the market and then the main character will remember "Ah yes, I recall a market day, three years and some ago, when I was walking down the muddy trail, blah, blah, blah" as if telling someone a story rather than remembering it, and an uninteresting story at that. The fragmented vision just before the battle and the dream memory were done the way a character should feel with them.

Put shortly, a lot of thought and care taken with observing. :)

I still want Doom's blood though. On pages.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

escushion said:
I think it's become clear that everything is about Gurpel. When Shawnacy says "you enter the town of Bridgeport" or "you are surprised by kobolds," or "you" anything, it's not addressing the group, it is addressing Gurpel. The other five members of the group are not fellows so much as an audience that can be maintained as tools for the hero Kratash, around whom all things revolve.

i don't see your point.

edit: i read adia's story. i really enjoyed the creative imagery you used to insult me : |

that said, i guess it's only natural that adia and kratash are at odds. we have opposite wisdom/int scores, not to mention opposite alignments >.>


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Adia's story is not insulting you, Gurpel. It's mentioning Kratash's extremely brash and generally unwise nature. Which, as you seem to have indicated, you do completely on purpose because it's in character. So you should be glad your character is leaving an impression. So stop taking things personally. And to the rest of you: Leave personal insults out of this. Our CHARACTERS are part of the Company of Discord. NOT us.

Leave the bickering behind.

I'll probably do a journal entry from Serin in a bit. Need to get some RPing done.

Happy note: Come July-Augustish, I'll be in a non-satellite-internet situation, and I'll be able to talk to you people LAG FREE! *gasp*
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

doomdragon6 said:
Happy note: Come July-Augustish, I'll be in a non-satellite-internet situation, and I'll be able to talk to you people LAG FREE! *gasp*
Good stuff man.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Gurpel said:

i don't see your point.
I'm shocked. :bush: How old are you?
doomdragon6 said:
Happy note: Come July-Augustish, I'll be in a non-satellite-internet situation, and I'll be able to talk to you people LAG FREE! *gasp
Hurray! :aaahhh:

Oh...and thank you to everyone for your kind words about my summary/story! ^_^ I'm now confident and emboldened to do more, so ya'll can expect another one after next session. <3 <3 <3
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Gurpel said:
escushion said:
I think it's become clear that everything is about Gurpel. When Shawnacy says "you enter the town of Bridgeport" or "you are surprised by kobolds," or "you" anything, it's not addressing the group, it is addressing Gurpel. The other five members of the group are not fellows so much as an audience that can be maintained as tools for the hero Kratash, around whom all things revolve.

i don't see your point.
All these general, innocent words people post that are not aimed at you or not sniping you, but rather just being playful, and you take it personally, get insulted and angry over nothing... and then I actually purposely attack you (because you asked for it, but still) and it flies over your head.

doomdragon said:
And to the rest of you: Leave personal insults out of this.
I was the only one who did any kind of insult, and that was a reaction to Gurpel assuming Jay had attacked him when no such attack had occurred. He seemed to be craving it. I don't see what this "rest of you" is.
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