Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

*attempts to get the subject back on course*

..... so, we go off to the Fey Wild? *bats eyes sheepishly*

We'll need to make a decision for our DM quickly so that he can setup the evening on Thursday.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Well, what are our votes?

2 (me, Faline) for the war to the south, 1 (Jay) for Feywild, so the other 3 need to vote.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Alright wait. Are you guys serious about thinking that Im offended by something? ...because I'm not. The post "and? your point?" was a joke. I cant tell if it actually flew over your guys' heads or if you were being sarcastic. The same thing goes for "i like the creative language you used to insult me". Im not offended that Falineowlight's story paints kratash as impulsive. I was poking fun at the fact that it does.

jesus i dont know if you guys are serious about me not being serious about you guys being serious. the internet makes my brain hurt.

anyway, i'll go ahead and vote for the island of drak'nar because it's the closest.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

The anonymity of the internet makes fools of us all!

So, final word. No-one is pissed or offended at/by anybody. :rofl:

Thinking logically: The City of Astrazalian in the Feywild will disappear before too long. It's 6 weeks south. The trouble to the south-east is 6 weeks south-east.

For efficiency's sake, we should go to Astrazalian first before it disappears. Then, head to the Edenb'nar and Tialseen conflict, which should be not very far east after the first venture.

From there, head north to the Razor Peaks. Then, finally, over the ocean. Just for story's sake, it seems like a trip overseas should be saved for last.

Plus, Serin would most likely be interested in the Sorceress, so she'd probably reason the Feywild, then WANT the Feywild.

So while I personally am more interested in the rising conflict, it seems like Astrazalian is the most reasonable choice.

So my vote is for Astrazalian.

Edenb'nar and Tialseen Conflict: 2 Votes
Astrazalian: 2 Votes
Razor Peaks: 0 Votes
Island of Drak'nar: 1 vote


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Edenb'nar and Tialseen Conflict: 2 Votes
Astrazalian: 3 Votes
Razor Peaks: 0 Votes
Island of Drak'nar: 0 votes

Seems Errik needs to vote now.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I didn't realize we had a countdown with the Fey place. And you're right, if it takes six weeks to get to either point, then it won't matter too much. The conflict will either be there still or not. And if the difference is between south and southeast, it shouldn't take long to go from the Fey place to where the conflict is once we finish in the Fey place.

Faline sees your reasoning too, so we change our votes to Astrazalian.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Edenb'nar and Tialseen Conflict: 0 Votes
Astrazalian: 5 Votes
Razor Peaks: 0 Votes
Island of Drak'nar: 0 votes

[strike:z0968p7v]Seems Errik needs to vote now.[/strike:z0968p7v]

The party sez: [strike:z0968p7v]Fuck[/strike:z0968p7v] you Errik.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

doomdragon6 said:
Edenb'nar and Tialseen Conflict: 0 Votes
Astrazalian: 5 Votes
Razor Peaks: 0 Votes
Island of Drak'nar: 0 votes

[strike:1wth1js3]Seems Errik needs to vote now.[/strike:1wth1js3]

The party sez: [strike:1wth1js3]Fuck[/strike:1wth1js3] you Errik.
Errik agrees.

BUT I GUESS IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER :angry: :angry: :angry:

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Gusto said:
Errik agrees.

BUT I GUESS IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER :angry: :angry: :angry:

It's ok, Adia still lurves you and Bez. ^.^ [schild=21,1,4B0082,EE82EE:77upx927]Or maybe Adia just loves your power...[/schild:77upx927]
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

By the by, gusto, I saw some of your artwork on your deviantart and it looked great. I was wondering, if you had the spare time, if you might make some drawings of our characters. I just thought it would be cool to see your spin on us. :)


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

escushion said:
When you guys are too busy getting gnawed on by giant gators, killing innocent kobolds, trying to leave a woman and her babies to die, and when you're calling a demon child "m'lord". :rofl:

Just kiddin' folks, settle down.

Question: When you do damage that an enemy is weak against (Like Radiant versus Undead), do they only take a +5, no matter what your damage is? Or is there some kind of equation there?

(For example, I was going to say that my Dazzling Ray (6d6 + 8 Radiant) would be killer against undead, but if it's only a +5 then it's just as deadly as any other attack, but +5.)
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

falineowlight said:
By the by, gusto, I saw some of your artwork on your deviantart and it looked great. I was wondering, if you had the spare time, if you might make some drawings of our characters. I just thought it would be cool to see your spin on us. :)
I've kinda been working on it. :) Thanks for the kind words.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

doomdragon6 said:
Question: When you do damage that an enemy is weak against (Like Radiant versus Undead), do they only take a +5, no matter what your damage is? Or is there some kind of equation there?

(For example, I was going to say that my Dazzling Ray (6d6 + 8 Radiant) would be killer against undead, but if it's only a +5 then it's just as deadly as any other attack, but +5.)
I think it depends on their vulnerability. So if it's vulnerability 5, it's 5 extra damage. In the same way you have an element you have defense against, marked as 5, so it's 5 less damage. I guess you'd need to check the Monster Manual to see if there are creatures with higher vulnerability settings.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Usually, the DM will track your attack on the creature. Check it's type and see if it has any protection or weaknesses on it and provide you a value.

For example :

Skeleton (Level 3 Soldier)
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 150
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +3; darkvision
HP 45; Bloodied 22
AC 18; Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 15
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 5

- Longsword (standard; at-will) ? Weapon
+10 vs. AC; 1d8 + 2 damage, and the target is marked until the
end of the skeleton’s next turn; see also speed of the dead.

- Speed of the Dead
When making an opportunity attack, the skeleton gains a +2
bonus to the attack roll and deals an extra 1d6 damage.

Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Str 15 (+3) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 13 (+2) Int 3 (–3) Cha 3 (–3)
Equipment chainmail, heavy shield, longsword

Kitty Sinatra

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

doomdragon6 said:
Question: When you do damage that an enemy is weak against (Like Radiant versus Undead), do they only take a +5, no matter what your damage is? Or is there some kind of equation there?
So: Yes, they take the same amount of extra damage no matter what your damage is. There is no equation there.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

So I know we've decided on Astrazalian-- was anyone else interested in making a quick romp to find the big undead snake creature?

I feel like we ought to spend a little more time in the city, and plus Serin would want to investigate.

If no one else is interested, that's coo'. Just wanted to throw it out there.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

doomdragon6 said:
So I know we've decided on Astrazalian-- was anyone else interested in making a quick romp to find the big undead snake creature?

I feel like we ought to spend a little more time in the city, and plus Serin would want to investigate.

If no one else is interested, that's coo'. Just wanted to throw it out there.
I can guarantee that if you make a romp through the upper catacombs you're going to find more than just the undead snake creature. *prepares his undead manual* Just let me know. :sobad:


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

C'mon guys.

I love fighting undead.

And loot! We can get lots more neato powerful items to add to our inventory!

Let's do ittttttt. *big puppy dog eyes*

PS: I don't know if this got posted the other day or if I lost internet before I got to post it:
Quick note: Unless otherwise noted, whenever Serin is in a town, she's shapechanged as a typical female human that looks more or less like her natural self, just human. Shoulder-length brown hair, green eyes. Hair isn't as "spikey" as Serin's natural hair.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I wouldn't mind, as long as we don't our entire gaming sessions wading in there. :)
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

SeriousJay said:
I wouldn't mind, as long as we don't our entire gaming sessions wading in there. :)
Heh. Keep in mind I don't want to plan for a bunch of completely different options.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Well if we go in, it'd probably be whatever you'd consider a quick romp, then start on our way to Astrazalian, however we figure out we need to go there.

Potential idea:

Brother Lumar tells us he needs more time to inspect the tapestries. He's been sensing an obscene negative presence emanating from the tomb and fears that if we don't do something to cull the undead energy, the undead hordes will burst free into the city instead of being bound solely to the church.

We go in, do a little bit of exploring, then when we leave Brother Lumar tells us something (or not) about the tapestries (THEY'RE MAGICAL CAPES TOO!) and informs us on the best way to get to Astrazalian. And then we go there. =D

I really wanna go in there. I'm sure most of the party probably doesn't want to, but god do I want to go.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

doomdragon6 said:
Well if we go in, it'd probably be whatever you'd consider a quick romp, then start on our way to Astrazalian, however we figure out we need to go there.

Potential idea:

Brother Lumar tells us he needs more time to inspect the tapestries. He's been sensing an obscene negative presence emanating from the tomb and fears that if we don't do something to cull the undead energy, the undead hordes will burst free into the city instead of being bound solely to the church.

We go in, do a little bit of exploring, then when we leave Brother Lumar tells us something (or not) about the tapestries (THEY'RE MAGICAL CAPES TOO!) and informs us on the best way to get to Astrazalian. And then we go there. =D

I really wanna go in there. I'm sure most of the party probably doesn't want to, but god do I want to go.
No magic for you...
You die as a monkey.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

doomdragon6 said:
falineowlight said:
doomdragon6 said:
I'm sure most of the party probably doesn't want to
You're right. Not interested. :)
Bah. Of course not.
Oh I don't think there would be much up there to interest you.
You remember that crate in Resident Evil 3 (the movie) that seems to have limitless numbers of zombies in it? Well imagine 80 of those crates up there.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

The only reason I'm really interested at all (OOC) is because I like combat. And there'll be plenty of that elsewhere. No biggie.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Shawnacy said:
You remember that crate in Resident Evil 3 (the movie)...
What a terrible movie that in no way shape or form has anything to do with the game. :explode:

Off to the Fey Wild we goes!

ps : Make sure you guys set ur macros. :p
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!


Also, Feywild = Magictown, USA, if I am correct. With any luck we should be able to get some pretty neat gear.

Speaking of gear, can we sell the Grawl Maul now that we don't need it? Like, out-of-official-gametime?

Might as well I figure.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

True dat.

Serin's interested in this sorceress anyway. I just wanna get some kind of interesting items, really. The Power Jewel is "neat," but almost useless. Once per day, after two battles where we don't take a short rest in between (definition of a milestone, yes?), I can regain the use of a 1st or 3rd level encounter power. So once I day, I might get to use a more powerful burst a second time.

I think Saryon wanted it. I may actually just give it to him. I'll give it another session and see if it comes up at all.
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