Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

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Battle general speeds up if people think of generally what they want to do ahead of time so when their turn comes, they have a solid idea what to do most of the time.

This is a solid encounter, so a lot of decisions are being made and they are hard hitters.


Staff member
First Aid: Standard action.
? DC: Varies depending on the task you’re attempting.

? Use Second Wind: Make a DC 10 Heal check to
allow an adjacent character to use his or her second
wind (page 291) without the character having to
spend an action. The character doesn’t gain the
defense bonuses normally granted by second wind.

? Stabilize the Dying: Make a DC 15 Heal check to
stabilize an adjacent dying character. If you succeed,
the character can stop making death saving throws
until he or she takes damage. The character’s current
hit point total doesn’t change as a result of being

? Grant a Saving Throw
: Make a DC 15 Heal check.
If you succeed, an adjacent ally can immediately
make a saving throw, or the ally gets a +2 bonus to a
saving throw at the end of his or her next turn.
Good times.

Now what we need to work on for next week :

Battle general speeds up if people think of generally what they want to do ahead of time so when their turn comes, they have a solid idea what to do most of the time.


Staff member
I feel like that battle went about as fast as it could have. It still took 3 hours for 50 extra exp, but meh.

Maybe next session'll be a little better. Drake battle and Astrazalian.

1 month and no more lagggg. Then I can RP more.

Really, Serin doesn't say much anyway. It's more of what she'd do, and there's not much she would do, really. ... I R SPECTATOR!
doomdragon6 said:
I feel like that battle went about as fast as it could have. It still took 3 hours for 50 extra exp, but meh.

Maybe next session'll be a little better. Drake battle and Astrazalian.

1 month and no more lagggg. Then I can RP more.

Really, Serin doesn't say much anyway. It's more of what she'd do, and there's not much she would do, really. ... I R SPECTATOR!
Did we get 50 additional exp? I must've left Vent a little too early.
Yeah, we got 50 exp. So the total is 1877.

Our current gained gold per person is 432. I spent and sold a bit in Bridgeport though, so people need to start keeping track of their money by adding it when we get it to their shop bar in character builder and removing it as they spend it.

I agree Jay. I don't think we planned any of it as well as we usually do. I think we'll do better with this next one.
Battle turns can indeed be faster and at times it dragged on as some people weren't ready. :)

If you need a refresher on your abilities, it's best to read up on them before the session and while other take their turns so that when people take their turns, they are relatively prepared to go. We did a good job with macros, now we can focus on this. The average should be an encounter every 2 gaming hours or so.

Oh and another thing, I disliked not seeing HP... at least not after they are bloodied. I felt people got confused.
SeriousJay said:
Battle turns can indeed be faster and at times it dragged on as some people weren't ready. :)

If you need a refresher on your abilities, it's best to read up on them before the session and while other take their turns so that when people take their turns, they are relatively prepared to go. We did a good job with macros, now we can focus on this. The average should be an encounter every 2 gaming hours or so.

Oh and another thing, I disliked not seeing HP... at least not after they are bloodied. I felt people got confused.
Noted and will probably change it back to at least showing the HP of non boss enemies.


Staff member
I dunno. I liked not knowing whether or not an attack would outright kill a creature or not. To me, combat essentially turns the game into a video game. You can technically do whatever you want, but for the most part, all possible moves are set out and you are restricted to the squares and the numbers. Not seeing HP takes away a little bit of the 'established system' feel. And really, our characters shouldn't be able to know something like that.

Whatever Shawn decides, I did like his flavor descriptions about how damaged the enemies were.
So a very good game. That combat went a long time and perhaps that's my fault for not keeping us focused.
For next game lets all try (myself included) to plan our actions ahead. See if we can speed things up. The book says the typical combat lasts an hour. That's probably pushing it a bit, but let's try to get the more intense battles under 2 hours max since we don't have a lot of time to begin with.


Staff member
Typical combat takes an hour?

I have not played a single combat in any of our D&D games that took only an hour.

Well anyway, looking forward to this drake battle. Seems interesting.

2 questions: Can we still fight on horseback without the feat? As I understand it, Mounted Combat just gives you access to bonuses and powers the mount confers, but you don't need it to fight, do you? All I would even plan on doing is having Serin ride the horse for extra speed shooting off spells.

Speakin' o' which, wanna hear my horse's name? It's super original. Like, nobody's ever named a horse this before.


It's Whisper. Yeah. Bathe in the originality, bitches!

Anywho, second question: The nature skill allows you to attempt to tame natural creatures through a series of nature checks. If we manage to knock one of the drakes unconscious, could we attempt to tame it and ride it? Or, if nothing else, see if a breeder or something in Astrazalian wants it? :D
Unfortunately I wasn't around to hear your reaction, but did you guys had fun with the 'Darth Maul' Boneshard Skeletons when they exploded in your face? :rofl:
Mine is called...... Lampos

And no... we did not... at one point I got snappy "What the hell, at least 4 Close Blast radius?" when informed I got 1 HP left.... then Shawn corrected himself... and SeriousJay was -50% less serious.


Staff member
First one wasn't all that bad, but Grendmir was down to nothing, so Krastash had to drag him back just enough spaces to be out of range so the explosion wouldn't kill him. Then we kinda unloaded and annihilated him. :D

Also, I had my first D&D dream.

Um, sorta.

We were in a classroom (as our IRL selves, as best as my mind imagines you people I guess) with a bunch of students just sitting in all the desks.

Then I started unloading Serin's spells on them (Whirlwind, Starburst), each spell taking up the "squares"/desks allotted in game. Whenever I hit the students disappeared (clearly they were minions). I think we were actually sitting in desks too, so we had to be efficient nad try not to hit each other. And I think the first four students in the first four desks were Steve, Snot, Asian Kid, and Fat Kid from American Dad.

So yeah. Next Thursday, guys!

doomdragon6 said:
Can we still fight on horseback without the feat? As I understand it, Mounted Combat just gives you access to bonuses and powers the mount confers, but you don't need it to fight, do you? All I would even plan on doing is having Serin ride the horse for extra speed shooting off spells.
Read pages 46 & 47 of the DMG. Spells out pretty good what you can do in combat while mounted.

doomdragon6 said:
The nature skill allows you to attempt to tame natural creatures through a series of nature checks. If we manage to knock one of the drakes unconscious, could we attempt to tame it and ride it? Or, if nothing else, see if a breeder or something in Astrazalian wants it?
Nature only lets you do natural beasts like dogs & things like that. Drakes may not work if they don't have the right keywords.


Staff member
@ Dave:

Ah, thanks. *flips to those pages*


I don't remember exactly what we've encountered, but what I can find from Drakes says that they are natural beasts. However, none of these have wings, and the things we're fighting are flying, so maybe I'm mistaken. Either way, I'd like to give it a shot. Flying mounts / Something to sell would be nice.

these are "war wing drakes" which the DM revealed to us through a successful nature check are tameable as mounts.
Gurpel said:

these are "war wing drakes" which the DM revealed to us through a successful nature check are tameable as mounts.
They are sometimes used as mounts. Currently you have three wild adult-size ones tearing apart a home in search of the tasty people inside.

well, thats a subtle difference. in any case, kratash isn't worried about pets so much as using his new greatsword.


Staff member
Potentially hard to reach. Well, I can potentially knock at least one of them prone.

If they're sitting on a roof, though.. >.>
Gurpel said:

well, thats a subtle difference. in any case, kratash isn't worried about pets so much as using his new greatsword.
I figured I was neglecting the melee folks a bit with magic items. So I made up for it.
I figure your greatsword blade changes to a bolt of lightning when you want to do lightning damage, and back to a blade when you do not.

Sounds like Serin and Adia need some lovin next. But we'll see what makes sense to add in the adventure.
escushion said:
Shawn, I picked up a trident and a battleaxe before we left, just so you know.
Alrighty. Just add them to your character sheet and change any macros. But I won't need an updated character file until you level.
Done. Only gonna use the trident to chuck it, so I added that, but I've put all versions of using the 2h battle axe in. I'm gonna probably use either/or until I'm sure if I want to keep using a shield or not, so the Warhammer and Shield are with me. Everything's marked in the macros though, so no one will get confused (especially me).
Julie is shopping with a friend today, and she'll probably sleep until 2 PM tomorrow, and she started work on Friday, so who knows when you'll get her stuff.
escushion said:
Julie is shopping with a friend today, and she'll probably sleep until 2 PM tomorrow, and she started work on Friday, so who knows when you'll get her stuff.
A friend you say?
She always keeps telling me she has no friends there.


Staff member
Shawn, quick question about teleportation:

In the DMG, it explains how flight and mounted flight works. When flying, it says that you don't spend any movement points/squares when you move straight up or straight down in the air.

I was wondering if this applies for teleportation as well, as I was unable to find any specifications about it.

Example: Serin can teleport 3 squares / 15 feet. Would she be able to teleport to any height that she can see within 15 feet, or would she only be able to teleport a maximum distance of 15 feet, whether it be straight up or down or whatever?

Edit for possible clarity: Say, if we came upon a tower that had windows on every floor. Could she teleport to a high window, as long as she could see it and was within 15 feet of in on a 2D plane, or would she only be able to teleport to the 2nd floor window, which is 15 feet away from her in a 3D plane.
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