Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

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Oh lawdy. Adia go'n hab a anner-ism.

And Friday the 31st works for me. I can't forsee anything being in the way of that.


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Oh yeah, quick description of dragonling:

Small, obviously, light green, with eyes almost too big for its head. Big nostrils. Ridges going from top of its head down back to to its tail.

When it tries to blow fire, it just gets a little pathetic spurt and maybe coughs.

I don't want it to be capable of any kind of intelligent conversation (at least yet), instead just speaking in little coos. (Kind of like a dove, but softer and more baby-like and inquisitive.)

Basically, I figure Serin will stumble upon it or an egg or something, and when she finds it / it hatches, it attaches itself to her. She, being generally stoic and cold, will find it annoying at first and then grudgingly accept that it's taken a liking to her and accept its existence.

And then whatever happens from there. Wewt.

(I will name it Fyoosh!)
doomdragon6 said:
Oh lawdy. Adia go'n hab a anner-ism.

And Friday the 31st works for me. I can't forsee anything being in the way of that.
Yes and yes.

Oh, and I got rid of Adia's at will "Hit and Run" and replaced it with "Careful Attack". My new encounter is "Thundertusk Boar Strike".


[spoiler:2rkoe5ck]Adia is SO going to kill Kratash.[/spoiler:2rkoe5ck]


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Oh, Gusto-- We found some Eternal Chalk. It's just chalk that doesn't run out. Serin pocketed it, but I figure it might be of some use to you somehow, for a ritual or some such nonsense. =P

You can have it if you want it. If not I guess I'll hold onto it until something comes up.
Great game. I'll have a summary of what happened up in a bit. I think that people are doing a great job keeping in character which just make it the more fun. Kratash and Grendmir may have managed to make one of the Zehir cultists question his acts, while Adia.... well... peeled scales of the other one's arm and eventually hung his ass from the floating tower.


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I know it was just a very weak moment of opening a chest, but I enjoyed failing to pick the chest lock, then working with Kratash to smash it open. :rofl:

I guess I need to roleplay havin' this Dragonling too.
doomdragon6 said:
I know it was just a very weak moment of opening a chest, but I enjoyed failing to pick the chest lock, then working with Kratash to smash it open. :rofl:

I guess I need to roleplay havin' this Dragonling too.
Sorry if it didn't show up the way you wanted. I thought to myself "how would a magical manifestation of a dragon just suddenly appear?" and I figured "well... they are pouring through some ancient Dragonborn tomes."


Staff member
Oh no no, that worked fine. I hadn't thought about how it's not an actual creature, but a magical manifestation. Going through mystical Draconic tomes, and having one of them latch onto Serin's magical abilities makes sense. Thumbs up. :D :thumbsup:

Lookin' forward to the next session. Exploring a tower, going underground, revealing to a magical shadow creature that those to whom they are bound are not as they claim... All fun stuff to look forward to!

Oh yeah- did the Anti-Phantom circle look like something that could be copied (sayyyy, with a piece of chalk?) and still work? If Serin or Errik or somebody could copy the design onto a piece of parchment (or somehow memorize it), they could use the piece of paper as a reference later and draw their own Anti-Phantom circle.

Of course, they don't know if that would apply to all phantom-like creatures, summoned creatures, or specifically those phantoms, so it's a gamble.

Also, I've noticed that we have 5 Ancient Draconic Daggers, one for each of us, and as they apparently do not have any kind of magical abilities, I'm very curious to see what their future uses will be. Whether for a ceremony or something like that, or to sell or be enchanted later. Or maybe they're just souvenirs. ANYWAY!

Answer to the circle question'd be appreciated. :D
The circle is a ritual and requires the ritual itself to complete (you can't just copy the circle). Basically when you use the Magic Circle Ritual you get to choose, at time of creation, what type of creature the circle will bar from entering.
Chapter 4 (part 2): "The Harder They Fall."
Venturing towards the floating tower the party came across a Dragonborn warrior of the Zehir cult who tried to contend with Kratash over the title of "Worst Liar". A fight erupted as Dragonborn snipers attacked from their hiding positions and a mounted wardrake flew into the fray. When their enemies were downed, the party began to question the two cultist survivors. Kratash and Grendmir's preaching of honorable Dragonborn code caused their cultist to question his ways. Meanwhile, the beautiful and stunning Adia threatened her captive with violent torture and proceeded to prove she meant business by slicing off his scales. The moral questioning dilemma ended when the Dragonborn cultist refused to move another step and Adia obliged him by wrapping a fixed chain around his neck and kicking him off the top of the floating tower. Within the tower the party came across a magical circle (supposedly to keep away the ghostly residents of the valley) surrounding a desk and bookshelves filled with ancient Draconic tomes of their lore and heritage. On the table lay a patent of nobility listing Bejik as one of Vrak's bloodline. However, within a locked chest that was obviously not Kratash proof, the group found a similar patent that lacked Bejik's name. Figuring out the first was a decent forgery, the party made plans to find Vrak and inform her of Bejik's treachery.
I left near the end of the first combat, when only the drakerider and the sniper in the tower remained.

-- less than a minute ago --

Sounds like I missed some fun. :)


Staff member
I don't remember if we ever wanted to record our games, but my friend pointed out that we can record the entire Vent session by right-clicking the channel, clicking View -> Record / Playback, and then hitting "Record."

Then, at the end be sure to "Stop" it and save it. Closing it just deletes it.


Staff member
Oh yeah, I know I was gone for a decent bit of it, but did we find out our exp/gold from the encounter?

Supposedly the exp was just enough to level us, but did we get any moniez from the fight?
The xp was 145 for the encounter I believe.
Treasure included the 4 daggers and other items you find in the chests within the tower.
doomdragon6 said:
I don't remember if we ever wanted to record our games, but my friend pointed out that we can record the entire Vent session by right-clicking the channel, clicking View -> Record / Playback, and then hitting "Record."

Then, at the end be sure to "Stop" it and save it. Closing it just deletes it.
I don't think it will record people who have unchecked the box in their user options allowing them to be recorded.


Staff member
.... This seems like an easy solution. Like, perhaps, checking that box. =P

Granted, if someone here for SOME REASON has a problem with us recording our D&D games fine, but if someone here does have a problem with that I don't want to know why.


Staff member
Just wanted to say I'm super looking forward to our next session. I haven't had a true D&D itch in a while, and I'm sitting here wanting to play right now.

I want to try to force myself into RPing a little bit more. Maybe I'm still used to having lag, or maybe it's the mental block of playing a female character, but I do feel like I'm holding back a bit. I may need some of you (most likely Adia) to push me a bit to RP more. I'm coming across as a loot/numbers person, when I really would like to flesh out Serin a bit.

I think for the most part, it's the mental block of being expressive-- There's this stigma of getting into something a little too much. RPing consistently implies that you "care" too much or are getting too "expressive" about something-- which for a female is expected and allowed, whereas for a guy, it's a bit feminate. I've actually found myself thinking that if it weren't for Julie, I wouldn't care to RP or have an interesting character at all. She sort of "allows" the RPing for me.

Sounds odd, and it's a bit of a tangent, but that's my view on things. Summary: I'm having a hard time allowing myself to RP a female character, draw me out some.

For an example-- I do like the idea of Adia and Serin being more or less friends (despite Serin not completely caring for how psychotic Adia can be), and back in the Kobold den I liked how Adia engaged Serin and asked her opinions and whatnot.

BTW: This isn't a "Pay more attention to me!!" post. This is just me saying that I want to try to RP more, and could use a little nudging if you people care to nudge.


Also, I had a thought about Rituals-- As I'm sure Gusto knows, and I think Saryon has the Ritual Caster feat as well, rituals are very expensive to cast. Rituals can be extremely handy (or extremely quirky and purely for RP), but their cost makes them almost always not worth the casting. (In this game and Dave's, I've yet to see a Ritual used for this reason.)

So my thought was that, since Rituals usually help the party, by accomplishing some goal or whatever, should we make it a custom that anytime someone wants to cast a Ritual or is considering casting one, we split the cost evenly betwixt the 5 of us?

This would make the "Not-All-That-Expensive-But-Still-Too-Expensive" Comprehend Language Ritual go from costing 10gp to cast to 2gp per person. Where the first might hurt our still-developing wallets (at least in terms of worth), none of us would have a problem parting with 2gp so someone can understand what that Ogre just said, right?

And I was just looking at a really entertaining ritual (already forgot what it was) that cost 80gp to cast. 80gp?? Really?? I would NEVER cast that! (Granted, Serin doesn't have Ritual Casting. But if she did! I would never cast that!) However, taking it down to 16gp per person is quite reasonable.

I don't know if it was already the unspoken decision to help the Ritual Casters out financially when they wanted to cast something, but I wanted to see if you'd all like to make it "official" that this is our practice. That way, instead of Errik or Saryon going, "Hmm, I could get this Ritual.. It wouldn't be too bad if the others helped pay.. But what if they don't? Eh, screw it," it'd be more like, "Oh, awesome. I can make us all water walk for 5gp!" or whatever the cost is.


PS: Buying the ritual is another matter-- I'm not saying we should help pay for the initial purchase, as a wizard buying a ritual is akin to a fighter buying his sword, and it's a personal transaction.


Added again: The same could go for Alchemy, though the difference there is that instead of benefitting the whole party, Alchemy sort of creates items that might be used as a weapon, or give a bonus, or something like that. So each member of the party paying 5gp each so a character can throw an acid vial at an enemy makes less sense than a character using a ritual to Ward Undead from the party. Although, items such as Alchemical Silver, which makes a weapon ignore a creature's Insubstantial status, might be seen as "benefitting the whole party," in which case it would make sense to split the cost. Nobody here has Alchemy as far as I know, but what are thoughts regardless, in case one of us were to consider taking the feat? (Personally, I was considering taking Ritual Caster as well, but then we'd have 3 Ritual Casters. Though it wouldn't matter much if each character had different rituals.)
So what? I don't think it's feminine, but even if you think that, so what? That's not a bad thing. Be that. It's your enjoyment level, and no one here is gonna judge you. We're ALL doing it, after all. I certainly don't think anything less of Shawnacy doing the Bez voice. I'm gonna go all-out with Brix tonight in Jay's game, and you hear how ridiculous I am with Grendmir. Do you think any less of me? (I say less because I don't think of femininity as negative. Fuck, I'm fairly androgynous mentally.)

Just do it.


Staff member
Yeah yeah, I know. Mental block. Just gotta hop over it.

Edit: Anyone have any opinion on the ritual thing whatsoever?
I don't mind absorbing the ritual cost. It's money that I'd otherwise be spending on giant swords or fullplate, and honestly, especially in the case of my Ward Undead, it's entirely within Errik's character to "accept donations" from the village people he's defending. :)


Staff member
Well, it'd be one thing if a Magical +1 Giant Sword cost more than a Magical +1 Tome, but they both cost the same. So if you were to get a magical robe of x, you'd be spending just as much as Kratash buying a magical plate suit of x. So by casting a ritual, you're still forfeiting 10, 20, 80 gold just to cast something that's "convenient" at best. Furthermore, the ritual wears out, where a giant greatsword stays with you. Not to mention the cost of ritual book itself, which is already pricy.

I'm not entirely sure why I'm arguing for something I don't even have (despite considering getting it), but it pains me when we'd consider casting a ritual and have to debate whether it's worth the cost or not. Especially when the ritual is almost pointless. Like Fastidiousness. A creature is warded against being dirty. Is that really worth 10g? Hell, even the rituals that conceal your campsite are barely worth 10g. (I wouldn't pay it.) Or Wizard's Curtain! Pay 30g for an ALMOST completely opaque curtain?? And even rituals that would be really cool, like Last Sight Vision (shows a corpse's last moments through its eyes) is 25g. I wouldn't pay 25g just for that. But divided by the 6 of us, I absolutely would.

It's up to the party and I'll bring it up again over Vent since no one seems to care on here, but I feel like ritual costs are absurd for what they give you.
Julie and Darryl's internet is down and they may not be able to join us for the game tomorrow. Game is still on though and I will scale the encounters down just in case.
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