*sighs, turns over "DAYS SINCE LAST MASS SHOOTING IN AMERICA" sign to 0*

He was shot this morning in a bar two blocks from his house because a random local called it in.
At the risk of sounding horrible and all that, man, these Isis idiots really are bad at their job and only getting worse.
Back in 2016 (terrorist attack on subway and airport) they were badly organized and their timing was off but at least it amounted to something.
This? One guy shooting three people (third is injured but will be ok)? It's a regular Friday in the US. If I had a mind to kill some Swedes and had an automatic rifle, I would have easily been able to take out 20. With no preparation to speak of.
How did they evolve from "blow up two towers and four airplanes in a coordinated attack across a country" over "kill dozens in multiple bombings on the same day" to "shooting two guys in the street"?

To be clear, it's terrible this happened, but compared to Gaza or Ukraine or even American schools, this is less than a blip.


Staff member
Two separate mass shootings in the same town at the same time? Hmmm. I'm waiting for the press to say, "I wonder if they are related?!?"
at the same time?
I didn't see anything about them happening at the same time. It could be the guy sprayed the restaurant, jumped back in his car, then finished at the bowling alley (or vise versa) before police were able to respond. They are only looking for one man right now.


Staff member
I didn't see anything about them happening at the same time. It could be the guy sprayed the restaurant, jumped back in his car, then finished at the bowling alley (or vise versa) before police were able to respond. They are only looking for one man right now.
The first report I saw (hours ago) was that there were two shootings at the same time. Turns out it's an Army reservist firearms instructor with mental issues who was on the radar for threatening his base previously.
Turns out it's an Army reservist firearms instructor with mental issues who was on the radar for threatening his base previously.
I want to see what exactly they did with this guy after the initial threats he made. Because it doesn’t sound like it was enough.
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See, this is exactly the reason why we need to work harder to keep assault-type weapons out of the hands of ordinary civil…er, of irresponsible, untrained…uhhhh…

They'll just shrug it off and say some platitudes about "the price of freedom." They don't care about the death, destruction, and national shame. They just want to be able to keep an AR-15 under their bed in case a scary outlaw biker tries to break in.
They'll just shrug it off and say some platitudes about "the price of freedom." They don't care about the death, destruction, and national shame. They just want to be able to keep an AR-15 under their bed in case a scary outlaw biker tries to break in.
Technically speaking they don't care about the guns, either. I mean, the gun manufacturers do, and the NRA does, and politicians love to take money from them, but the political machine doesn't care about the guns. What they care about is a neat little issue that is divisive, that makes people plant their ideology (and sometimes personality) into this one thing so that they can be easily controlled.
They just want to be able to keep an AR-15 under their bed in case a scary outlaw biker tries to break in.
This is a lousy, stupid idea.
An AR-15 is too long and unwieldy for bedroom defense, it's more of a "keep people from making it (in)to your house in the first place" kind of weapon.

Moot point. I’m just going to go back to fearing for my kid’s life like any normal American.
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God, even worse that his sister was holding her 10-month-old child at the time.

So now you're sister is gone, her child is motherless, teens had access to guns on Christmas, and all this over who had the most presents?!? I can't fathom how people could have gone so wrong in life to get to this point.

EDIT: sorry, I missed that the sister had two children. So, against all odds, it gets worse.
God, even worse that his sister was holding her 10-month-old child at the time.

So now you're sister is gone, her child is motherless, teens had access to guns on Christmas, and all this over who had the most presents?!? I can't fathom how people could have gone so wrong in life to get to this point.

EDIT: sorry, I missed that the sister had two children. So, against all odds, it gets worse.
No it can get worse. They are probably going to try and claim the Stand Your Ground law for the 14 year old.
The other day someone with a toddler in tow shot up the Joel Osteen mega church in Houston. The person doing the shooting died, the kid in tow got hit and is in the hospital


Staff member
There may be some bias I'm not aware of, but it seems to me that more shootings are happening in smaller towns lately: 3 dead, 10 wounded, in Arkansas grocery store shooting, authorities say. This one was in Fordyce, Arkansas, which has a population of ~3,400.

"At least 234 mass shootings have taken place in the United States in 2024, according to data from the Gun Violence Archive, which, like CNN, defines a mass shooting as one in which four or more people are shot, excluding the shooter. The country has seen a spate of shootings in the past few weeks as the summer heat has escalated, with 21 mass shootings recorded by the Gun Violence Archive since last Friday."

234 mass shootings in 172 days so far this year.


Staff member
There’s been so many that this thread is exhausting. But today a high school in Georgia had “multiple casualties”. No other info right now.