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There have been more than a few people I wouldn't invite over for dinner, but there hasn't been anyone yet that I hated sharing a forum with.

Oh and Makare would be cool if she wasn't such a testy thang.

Return of Markare in 3 2 1....
hell, makare isnt even on the pvponline channel much anymore, its been weird. I was like her worst enemy for a while and then she just poofed off the internet.


Staff member
She did finish school. Maybe she found gainful employment. It does happen. Not to me, but it does happen.


Staff member
I see her on facebook a lot. She seems to be doing very well.

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Yeah. Amy was having issues with her partner, if memory serves. That was one heck of a long time ago, though.
I wasn't even close to one of the immediately recognizable members back then. I think I've since become one of the more regular posters.
Also, where's JCM these days.

I mean, apart from all his alts.
He stopped posting when he became a papa.

I think that combined with his "come at me bro! here's my real name and address" attitude may be a major reason he stopped posting in general. Your perspective on that changes a lot when you have a kid to protect.
Crone has, I believe, been a... silent supporter...of the community in the past. I suspect she has done so again very recently. (Many thanks for that.)

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That's, uh, not what I meant... I referenced North_Ranger for a reason.
I understand what you mean - her partner's health wasn't doing well at the time, and obviously we have no idea how she's doing, either.

I miss SeraRelm as well.
Add me into the column of folks who're relieved to hear that Amy's still lurking off to one side, doing as well as she might be. I never had any issues with her, and found her posts to be interesting.
Add me into the column of folks who're relieved to hear that Amy's still lurking off to one side, doing as well as she might be. I never had any issues with her, and found her posts to be interesting.
She sent me a private message, I think, when I returned from Europe, saying she'd missed me. It was kind; I didn't know I'd been -could be!- 'missed' by anyone here.
I miss you when you're gone, brother. You're a legit personality on here, and I enjoy reading what you've got to share with us. Even when life's got you by the balls, you've always got something to say.
all you regulars are awesome, and thats why NR passing hit us so hard, I think. I thought oh they are just random people on the internet WHATEVER! But the thing is you are all so cool. on a personal level listening to Poe and OC on vent talk about shit was awesome. Emrys' DOOMWEASELING!, Pat's tech advice, yoshi for being a crazier hobo than me, and whoever else I might have forgotton, SORRY!
Also Pez, Kags, and Heatherling for being awesome cosplay-related people.
Doc_Severin for being awesome to interact with, I will never forget when I was out in the field in bumfuck no where talking to him about stuff on irc.
I miss you when you're gone, brother. You're a legit personality on here, and I enjoy reading what you've got to share with us. Even when life's got you by the balls, you've always got something to say.
Ah, you're too kind! I certainly know now how important this community is, and all of us to it. But, at the time I had been travelling and returned, I hadn't had that feeling.
Ah, you're too kind! I certainly know now how important this community is, and all of us to it. But, at the time I had been travelling and returned, I hadn't had that feeling.
We all stil lthink you should grow sideburns in the size and shape of that shade on your avatar, though.


Staff member
And don't forget other assholes observing quietly into the night.

But seriously, this place is incredibly insular and without focus. To the people on the inside, it's perfect; to the outside, it's pointless. So it goes!