*sniff* Sammi picture.

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Midnight at graduation prom was my 18th birthday. When the day turned my friends grabbed me and hoisted me up on their shoulders and paraded me around the club, while the DJ announced it really loud and my entire graduating class cheered my fucking name.

That moment's resulting photograph was the only picture I've ever bothered to have framed.


I hope your daughter has a great time, Dave.
Damn, I wish I had a fucking name... it'd be something epic like... La Bestia or something.

What's your fucking name? Or, wait, is it Gusto? That makes sense... cause you do it with Goohsto!
At least Sammi's getting to go to prom with a date. I tried getting a date for prom back in my senior year of high school. (Cue Rant) I ended up getting a no from each girl I had asked. They all considered me as just a friend, nothing more. Every. Single. One. I decided "screw you" to prom and spent the night at the movies, drowning teen heartbreak with a tub of buttered popcorn and a large Diet Coke. (End Rant)

Sorry if I got all angsty there.
My girlfriend of three years broke up with me two weeks before my Senior prom (after telling me that she had slept with a guy almost twice my age behind my back). I fucking hated my prom so damn much. :(
We didn't have proms in the UK, we had Leavers Balls. I didn't get to go to mine, my girlfriend broke up with me two weeks before Valentines Day. Plus I can't dance, so it all worked out okay, I suppose.

I was just happy I'd finally made friends who liked me for who I was.

Enemies too, but only a couple.
I'm totally de-naming my penis and instead getting a name just for fucking. That's all on you, Goos.

Now to think of a proper one... :hmmm:


Staff member
Prom was fun. The first one I told everyone I wasn't going and then arrived in a blaze of glory and shiny black material. Then senior year I stole a cardboard cutout of Humphrey Bogart and had my first dance with the guy who is now my boyfriend.

---------- Post added at 12:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 AM ----------

El Guano.
Wow, prom really IS a touchy subject for nerds. Score one for Hollywood.
Hey, what can I say? My love life has really been in the crapper. It's like I wa given one glourious moment in the form of a french kiss with a lesbian model my freshman year of high school, only for my actual pursuits of love to be shrouded in doom and gloom.

---------- Post added at 11:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------

No, the hammer is my penis.


Staff member
Goose, your prom night sounds fucking amazing. I'm jealous-- I took a one-handed girl to prom against my will. My ma and brothers made a big to-do about the whole "prom" thing; my grandma berated me for it; I was mostly miserable except for all the other friends I was with. And, the whole after-prom-party thing. That was neato!
Just to clarify, we're not naming your penis, right? We're coming up with ideas for what your girl's going to say when you yell, "Say my name, baby, say my name"?
I like how we've hijacked Dave's thread about his daughter's prom night and turned it into coming up with Calleja's porn star name. :tongue:
I skipped my prom and went on a date with my girlfriend.

I didn't want it, and I think it's a stupid tradition. Of course I hated high school, and in fact had my picture and name wiped from the yearbook. IT'S LIKE I WAS NEVER THERE. Except all the records and my diploma.

But you know.
Kameha's sex name is the same as his regular name: Susan.

At least I had a few friends to play Battletech with instead of just sitting home alone.
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