*sniff* Sammi picture.

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Must... photoshop... something else onto her head!

...'cept I don't have photoshop on this computer :angry:
Ewww. Someone spilled manbaw and angst all over the prom thread. As for me, I went to my high school's prom. Four times. :toocool:

Your daughter looks beautiful, Dave. Congratulations, and try to enjoy the moment.
I'm glad we don't have proms down here, just graduation after-parties.

I think proms are, like, the single biggest reason why nerds become social rejects... I would probably still be a virgin or something if we had proms. It's like... you do bad in prom, your mojo is gone for LIFE! Sad state of things, sad.

It's all in your heads, of course, but that makes it real, sadly.


Staff member
We have no proms here. In high school, we have on our sophomore year this thing called "Oldies' Ball", which is essentially the sophomore class dancing old-fashioned dances in tuxedos and dresses (although some people like to go a little further; one guy in my class came dressed in an 19th-century Scottish military uniform, down to the kilt and the... purse thingie on your crotch). It's basically just a performance held for the parents and the teaching staff, followed by some manner of party afterwards.

I admit, I hated mine. Mainly because I had the bad fortune of not getting a date, so I was paired up with one of the free girls. She was good-looking, don't give me that, and before the Ball I had actually considered her a quiet, but essentially a nice person. But then came the Ball and she basically treated me like I wasn't there. If I said she looked beautiful in her dress (which I did, in non-creepy fashion), she just gave me a look that said 'Oh? You're supposed to talk, as well?'. And the moment the dances ended, off she zooms to her gaggle of friends, not even the barest whisper to indicate she enjoyed the dance.
Not you too, N_R, come on buddy... let's take our pants off and have a good time in the present where the memories of proms past can't hurt our glorious present selves!!

and this is advice you should ALL HEED! Don't make me slap my own people! But I will! I swear I will!


i skipped my prom, I think. I had a job. Money was tight, and coke and hoes were expensive back in 19whatever
Heh, I went stag to my prom but almost had a date. It was like this... I was friends with a Dutch girl (we went to an international school). We liked each other but hadn't done anything about it. She was incredibly smart, spoke four languages, knew how to play the flute, and was cute as hell. Anyways, I was in the library during our free period, busy with my homework. She came in, looked around to make sure nobody else was around, and sat herself right down next to me. We exchanged greetings and had some small talk, then she took a deep breath and said, "Prom's coming up in a couple weeks. Are you looking forward to it?"
"Yeah. It sounds like a lot of fun."
"It does, doesn't it? Are you going with anybody?"
"Not right now. I haven't thought much about it. How about you?"
"Nope. I really wish somebody would ask me."
"Well, good luck with that. I'm sure you'll find a guy."

And I just continued doing my homework like nothing much had happened. Then she left a few moments later. It wasn't my finest hour. When I finally realized what I'd done she had already asked somebody else. She and I still talk occasionally but we never mention prom. Still, prom was a blast. I'd had a tuxedo custom-made for me. It was a bright orange tux, like Lloyd's outfit from Dumb and Dumber. I was the life of the party that night. And I still have the tux hanging in my closet at home. It's something I aim to keep for special occasions such as family reuinions.


Staff member
You guys are overthinking this whole Calleja sex name thing.

Of course he is.....


Wasabi Poptart

I went to my senior prom. My boyfriend and I left early because we had better things to do. :hump:
When I went to school on Monday, I got cornered by one of the teachers who was a chaperon. She read me the riot act because they had chosen me to be prom queen and I was no where to be found when they were going to make the announcement. :oops:
I don't mean to be angsty about it. It's just something that I had wanted to be part of that didn't work out. It happens, and I'm over it, but I do remember the wanting.
LMAO! YES! That's a good prom story... man, that guy fucked the prom queen without even KNOWING IT YET. He's like a rock star now isn't he?

isn't he?

Wasabi Poptart

LMAO! We dated all through high school starting in sophomore year. He broke up with me about a month before the prom because he wanted to date his cousin's friend. The tickets were already bought (thanks to ME) and I already had my gown. I told him that he was going with me if it meant I had to drag his sorry ass there. We got back together the week of the prom. He was a total jackass. I was pretty stupid, too.
The only prom I've ever attended wasn't mine, I was the exotic date.
I couldn't believe some people were ACTUALLY arriving in limos and stuff. Ugh.
It wasn't the most fun I've ever had but it was ok, I guess.
I couldn't believe some people were ACTUALLY arriving in limos and stuff. Ugh.
I arrived in a limo. It was fun. On the way to the afterparty we stopped at the grocery store where IU worked so I could pick up some Perrier and a bag of Tostitos.

Don't be hatin'. :(
We didn't make it anything it wasn't. My entire group of high school friends went to prom together, so yeah, we rented a limo. It's not like rolled up thinking we were rockstars or anything.


The only prom I've ever attended wasn't mine, I was the exotic date.
I couldn't believe some people were ACTUALLY arriving in limos and stuff. Ugh.
It wasn't the most fun I've ever had but it was ok, I guess.

I came in a 2000 Vette and did a big smokey burnout at the front entrance to the place.

God, I loved that car (even though it wasn't mine).
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