As someone in his late thirties who has spent a lot of time, recently, around college age ladies, I'm going to chip in my two cents: She's probably not as mature as you think she is. Even if she is, the life experience gap is a major hurdle in relating to one another.
I say that having known some really remarkable young women. Ones that have held down two part time jobs, and taken a full course load of college classes. Women who have been self-supporting and independent from before they were old enough to drink. Women who have done more with their lives by 24 than I have in my 39 years. People that age really can be remarkably mature... but that tends to happen in limited areas. They've gotten a lot more maturity points to dump into a few maturity stats, but even then you probably just haven't seen the areas where they haven't matured yet. Maturity isn't a singular thing, just like knowledge isn't. Ever have a conversation with someone and they know like
everything about a subject, and you think they must be smart, but then you find out they don't know shit about anything else? Chances are you've just seen how mature she is in certain areas, but you haven't noticed that she's still very much a college girl, or even a child, in a lot of other ways.
When (not "if") you come across the ways in which she's still maturing, it's gonna be a slap in the face. What's worse is that you're not always going to always know if it's really her being immature, or if it's just your prejudice against opinions different than your own. One of the problems with getting older is assuming that all your viewpoints are better because of your experience. In any case, you're going to have to deal with the gulf that exists between you on an issue. That's true of every relationship, but an imbalance of power makes dealing with such differences in opinion much more dangerous.
I can't tell you if that's going to make things end in disaster. I really don't know enough about relationships to say. And I don't know enough about your life experience to know how big the gap is. Personally, I don't have the life experience of your average 39 year old. I had been "mature for my age" as a kid, up until my twenties, when my health problems and lack of gaining life experience started to put me behind. Now I'm well behind my best friend Kris, who is less than a year older than I am, but has been married for like 17 years, and working full time in a career for most of that. When we met in high school, he and I were evenly matched. For a while now he's been the older and much more experienced than I am, and it's changed the dynamic of our friendship. Not significantly, but enough to notice. Hell, sometimes
@LittleKagsin is the more mature and experienced friend between she and I, though that shifts back and forth depending on the subject.
I get along well with a lot of the young women I've met through taking college classes and acting. Some of them have become very close friends, and I've been romantically interested in some. My perspective on that changes. Sometimes I think it's for the best none of them have returned my interest, and other times I think I would be very well matched with someone in her mid twenties, because of my lack of life experience. But even with my lack of real world experience, it's an iffy thing, because I have been living and not in a coma or anything. I can't imagine someone who has actually been in a career for most of their adult life being on even footing with a 22 year-old.
Some thoughts:
- If you've been dating on-and-off for most of your adult life, and she's only had one or two relationships. That's gonna be complicated, especially if she dated like one guy for most of high school. Like, it's not a warning flag that somethings wrong with her, but if she's had just that one relationship, she's going to be approaching this relationship from a completely different direction than you are, and the complications from that are immense. Things could really explode in your face.
- You haven't mentioned having anything in common. Even if you enjoy some of the same things, you probably don't want the same things out of life. Wanting each other is not the same thing as wanting to have lives together.
- Do you get along with her friends? I'm assuming you probably don't really care for them a lot, since most people that age annoy you. That's a really big issue.
- Don't keep going with this relationship if you have to hide it.