[TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

Watching this Mighty Ducks Disney+ show; theyre filling their team with all the Mighty Ducks essentials: 3 white kids that can barely skate, 2 girls, a black kid, and some kind of ethnic fat kid as goalie.
Watching Below Deck Sailing Yacht, classic example of the only available guy seems exponentially hotter than the dregs they really are. Ladies, Gary us NOT worth it.
Infinity Train Season 4
An unfortunately lack-luster final season that was intentionally written to NOT be a final season.
While the season is technically a prequel and does occur during the time of Amelia's take-over of the train it does not provide more than a few references to it. The majority of the adventure is limited to the lessons learned by the two protagonists and does not affect the arching story of the train at all. And sadly their story isn't very engaging either.


Staff member
I've been rewatching a few episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. I'd forgotten how much I hate Dr. Pulaski. What an asshole.
I've had no interest in this since signing off on the melodrama of Arrow, but now I feel like I should rewatch Constantine and then look into this.

Of course, I also want to finish Lucifer, and Supernatural, and catch up on all the horror movies I've missed...


Staff member
Huh. I watched s1 and we stopped watchin ghalfway through s2 as the wife wasn't really invested anymore. Man, that show's gone some weird places huh?
Yeah, CW has let Legend of Tomorrow just go off the rails, and it's glorious. By far my favorite of the DC series on the CW. It's like some messed up fusion of Silver Age comics combined with pre-Code horror/sci-fi, and it's the best kind of bizarre.
I've had no interest in this since signing off on the melodrama of Arrow, but now I feel like I should rewatch Constantine and then look into this.

Of course, I also want to finish Lucifer, and Supernatural, and catch up on all the horror movies I've missed...
Constantine is doing it's best to be true the comics and is fairly dark. Legends is Scooby Doo Adventures on a time machine.
Watched through all of Invincible last night. Was familiar with the comic but had never actually got around to reading it.
That tonal shift of the first episode hooked me and from there I just sat and binged the whole thing.
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Staff member
Back to the Future's version of the future: Where we're going, we don't need roads.

Star Trek's version of the future: Where were' going, we don't need pockets.

Spoiler: You do, you totally do. For fuck's sake give backpacks to the away teams. With some rope, a granola bar, a canteen, and some maybe a knife. You are beaming down to a dangerous alien planet, take some damn supplies.

"When all you have a is a phasor, every problem looks like a Ferengi."