Teens wear American Flag shirts on Cindo de Mayo

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Really? I thought it is still America, even though it was Cinco de Mayo.

I can see the principal asking for the bandannas, those are not allowed AT ALL in most schools. Because of the gang affiliation or bandannas now days. But the T-shirts is a bunch of crap.
Yeah, I'm a little confused about this one. Even if they did it on purpose, it seems like a preposterous thing to send them home for, or even mention for that matter.
I'll say it here too. CINCO DE MAYO IS NOT A NATIONAL HOLIDAY IN MEXICO!!!11!!!!!!!

I had to tell nearly all my Mexican born students what Cinco De Mayo was.


It is similar wearing KKK costume in the hood... that is no or a Japanese uniform in China. You know.. you will get shot.
That's a bit of an extreme thing to say, isn't it? I mean, yeah, there's a good chance the guys are doing it as a sort of anti-Mexican jab, but it's an American Flag. Everyone in that school lives in America.

It... I just... arrgh!


First off, what Sixpackshaker said.

Second, how is wearing an American flag on Cinco de Mayo offensive? The US has a history of being incredibly douchey to Mexico, certainly, but the two countries are politically on more or less amiable terms right now and the US actually did end up helping out a little after the war that the battle of Pueblo took place in. It's absolutely not analogous to wearing a KKK costume in a black neighborhood or anything.
Now, maybe if these kids were in Mexico or something, I could see the argument, but for god's sake.
To be honest, all I know about Cinqo de Mayo is that it's another excuse for people to get drunk. :p



You know, I believe these teens did it intentionally. It is not \\"accidental\\" per the article. The parents are going \\"nuts\\" (said article) which I think is a little overboard.

It is similar wearing KKK costume in the hood... that is no or a Japanese uniform in China. You know.. you will get shot.
This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; not MEXICO. Last I checked wearing an American Flag T-shirt wasn't insensitive or illegal EVER! So am I insensitive if I wear an American Flag t-shirt on Bastille day?

Raise your hand if you would give a flying fuck if a Mexican guy wore a Mexican flag shirt on the Forth of July? I know I wouldn't give a rat's ass.



You know, I believe these teens did it intentionally. It is not \\"accidental\\" per the article. The parents are going \\"nuts\\" (said article) which I think is a little overboard.

It is similar wearing KKK costume in the hood... that is no or a Japanese uniform in China. You know.. you will get shot.
This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; not MEXICO. Last I checked wearing an American Flag wasn't insensitive or illegal EVER![/QUOTE]

unless it is a bandana ;) (could be a new gang sign or what nots)



You know, I believe these teens did it intentionally. It is not \\\\"accidental\\\\" per the article. The parents are going \\\\"nuts\\\\" (said article) which I think is a little overboard.

It is similar wearing KKK costume in the hood... that is no or a Japanese uniform in China. You know.. you will get shot.
This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; not MEXICO. Last I checked wearing an American Flag wasn't insensitive or illegal EVER![/QUOTE]

unless it is a bandana ;) (could be a new gang sign or what nots)[/QUOTE]

If it's a school code thing sure, but the student who were asked to remove the bandana's were told to because they were American flags; not because of school policy on gangs.

This makes about as much sense as illegal immigrants protesting in DC over their "constitutional" rights.
I don't know about wearing a bandana in school, but the t-shirt thing is totally fucked up. That makes me super-pissed. Not sensitive to Mexicans???? The American flag is now offensive. Liberal cocksucking motherfuckers. How's that for offensive? Dickwad assholes. How about you protect your student's rights? I hope that asshole gets fired.

Charlie? A stunt? Wearing a tshirt with a flag is now a political statement?? How about all those dipshit mush for brains schmucks that wear images of Che? Are they asked to remove their shirts?


I think a lot of people over react to the situation in our "culture sensitive" era. I personally think it is a overboard, but at the same token sometime you might have to be mindful of what you wear on certain times.

I don't believe the American Flag on anything is offensive, I am just saying be mindful of what you wear.

I wouldn't wear a KKK outfit on MLK b-day or I'm Japanese T-Shirt when I visit Pearl Harbor (of course I should have worn I'm NOT Japanese when I visited Pearl Harbor cause people thought that I was Japanese for some reason and randomly cuss at me while I visit the site)

that is all I'm saying :)


I wouldn't wear a KKK outfit on MLK b-day or I'm Japanese T-Shirt when I visit Pearl Harbor (of course I should have worn I'm NOT Japanese when I visited Pearl Harbor cause people thought that I was Japanese for some reason and randomly cuss at me while I visit the site)

that is all I'm saying :)
That's a completely reasonable sentiment, and I agree. Also that bit about your visit to Pearl Harbor is fucked up. Sorry.

But still, wearing an American flag on Cinco de Mayo is in no way opposing the memorial. Now, wearing a French flag would be rude, but even then, in an American school, they should not have gotten in trouble. Hell, I bet if they were wearing French flags they wouldn't have gotten in trouble, because nobody at the school would probably even know the friggin' history of the occasion.


I wouldn't wear a KKK outfit on MLK b-day
I hope you wouldn't wear a KKK outfit any day.

KKK Hood != American Flag

It's not a fair comparison.[/QUOTE]
well.. depends where you are. There ARE some official KKK group in the South that DO wear their hood.

Note: I'm NOT KKK (in case people think I am which would be odd since I'm Asian mix and not really KKK material)


I think a lot of people over react to the situation in our "culture sensitive" era. I personally think it is a overboard, but at the same token sometime you might have to be mindful of what you wear on certain times.

I don't believe the American Flag on anything is offensive, I am just saying be mindful of what you wear.

I wouldn't wear a KKK outfit on MLK b-day or I'm Japanese T-Shirt when I visit Pearl Harbor (of course I should have worn I'm NOT Japanese when I visited Pearl Harbor cause people thought that I was Japanese for some reason and randomly cuss at me while I visit the site)

that is all I'm saying :)
KKK is a racist gang of people, are you now equating that with the American flag? The only way that the KKK Hood/hat, would be equivilant to a Japanese T-Shirt in Pearl Harbor is if it said "Fuck Yo Ports", Or i guess if an American wore a "Nuke Japan" shirt to Japan, but those are overtly offensive and not simply the flag of a nation in which they live (read current flag not confederate, which would make more sense having that than the KKK outfit).


I wouldn't wear a KKK outfit on MLK b-day
I hope you wouldn't wear a KKK outfit any day.

KKK Hood != American Flag

It's not a fair comparison.[/QUOTE]
well.. depends where you are. There ARE some official KKK group in the South that DO wear their hood.[/QUOTE]

Is this some kind of (not so) cunningly disguised political commentary implying that the US is a terrorist hate group?
well.. depends where you are. There ARE some official KKK group in the South that DO wear their hood.

Note: I'm NOT KKK (in case people think I am which would be odd since I'm Asian mix and not really KKK material)
Even if they do run around in full garb, it's still not the same. I don't think it's entirely fair to even compare the girl scout uniforms in this case to a national flag, let alone an organization founded and fueled by hatred.


Staff member
I don't understand, the school is in America, right? And the students attending, therefore, are Americans, right? So who could possibly be offended?


I think a lot of people over react to the situation in our "culture sensitive" era. I personally think it is a overboard, but at the same token sometime you might have to be mindful of what you wear on certain times.

I don't believe the American Flag on anything is offensive, I am just saying be mindful of what you wear.

I wouldn't wear a KKK outfit on MLK b-day or I'm Japanese T-Shirt when I visit Pearl Harbor (of course I should have worn I'm NOT Japanese when I visited Pearl Harbor cause people thought that I was Japanese for some reason and randomly cuss at me while I visit the site)

that is all I'm saying :)
KKK is a racist gang of people, are you now equating that with the American flag? The only way that the KKK Hood/hat, would be equivilant to a Japanese T-Shirt in Pearl Harbor is if it said "Fuck Yo Ports", Or i guess if an American wore a "Nuke Japan" shirt to Japan, but those are overtly offensive and not simply the flag of a nation in which they live (read current flag not confederate, which would make more sense having that than the KKK outfit).[/QUOTE]

Oi vey,

do I REALLY need to type up paragraphs of explanation of stuff?? I am NOT equating KKK = American flag.



I hope that is clearer.

I was cuss at, spit on, and even "suggest to leave" because I was Asian visiting Pearl Harbor. I figure maybe next time when I bring my wife (she never been) I might have to wear a t-shirt saying "I'm not Japanese" or might get the SAME treatment again.
now of course what I was wearing at a time was a polo shirt, jeans, and NIKE tennis shoes.

Now if I was wearing "Japan is Great" or something when visiting Pearl Harbor, I might get a beating or something (who knows consider the treatment I got last time I visit)

I am just saying, if you are going for the offensive, be ready to take the heat.
What would be funny is if that one hispanic teen DID wear a Mexican t-shirt on the 4th or July and someone raised a stink over the Mexican flag on her shirt that it would be put on the news because of all of us hate filled Americans that wouldn't let that poor girl show her national prideo n an American holiday.
What would be funny is if that one hispanic teen DID wear a Mexican t-shirt on the 4th or July and someone raised a stink over the Mexican flag on her shirt that it would be put on the news because of all of us hate filled Americans that wouldn't let that poor girl show her national prideo n an American holiday.
What's funny is according to report I heard on the radio, one of the kids is half-mexican. That racist.


Staff member
Anywhere in America, at any time, that forbids you from wearing an image of the American flag is in the wrong. It doesn't matter what day it is, or what color what people are. This is America, we have a flag, some people like to wear it, and it is their right to do so. Can you be beat up for wearing the flag? Maybe. But that doesn't make it wrong to wear it.

You know, I believe these teens did it intentionally. It is not \\\"accidental\\\" per the article. The parents are going \\\"nuts\\\" (said article) which I think is a little overboard.

It is similar wearing KKK costume in the hood... that is no or a Japanese uniform in China. You know.. you will get shot.
This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; not MEXICO. Last I checked wearing an American Flag T-shirt wasn't insensitive or illegal EVER! So am I insensitive if I wear an American Flag t-shirt on Bastille day?

Raise your hand if you would give a flying fuck if a Mexican guy wore a Mexican flag shirt on the Forth of July? I know I wouldn't give a rat's ass.[/QUOTE]

I 100% agree with this post.

This is about the dumbest thing I have heard all week and I heard a Cher album playing in a mall.


Anywhere in America, at any time, that forbids you from wearing an image of the American flag is in the wrong. It doesn't matter what day it is, or what color what people are. This is America, we have a flag, some people like to wear it, and it is their right to do so. Can you be beat up for wearing the flag? Maybe. But that doesn't make it wrong to wear it.[/QUOTE]

again, I didn't say it was wrong, I'm just saying be mindful (maybe I am using the wrong word or something)
Anywhere in America, at any time, that forbids you from wearing an image of the American flag is in the wrong. It doesn't matter what day it is, or what color what people are. This is America, we have a flag, some people like to wear it, and it is their right to do so. Can you be beat up for wearing the flag? Maybe. But that doesn't make it wrong to wear it.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty liberal, and my only thought after reading this comment was "Hell yeah!" If you are in America, you should never be persecuted, harassed, or punished for wearing the nation's flag. If the roles were reversed, and a student sporting the Mexican flag was told to change on the 4th of July, there would be an uproar.

again, I didn't say it was wrong, I'm just saying be mindful (maybe I am using the wrong word or something)
Telling people to be mindful implies they should think twice about wearing the American flag. It's saying that there are times when people shouldn't do it at an American school. I don't think you'll get too much support for that position.
This is the type of thing I will NEVER understand about America(ns)


It's a freakin' t-shirt, wear whatever you want and stop being so sensitive about nonsense like this =/

There are much bigger issues to worry about than someone's t-shirt.

And yeah, Cinco de Mayo is not THAT big of a deal down here.
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