Teens wear American Flag shirts on Cindo de Mayo

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This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; not MEXICO. Last I checked wearing an American Flag T-shirt wasn't insensitive or illegal EVER!.
According to the United States Flag Code it's never acceptable to wear the flag as clothing. Section 8d "The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery." Also out is any use of the flag in costumes or athletic uniforms, use in advertising, in boxes or receptacles, use of the flag on napkins or disposable items, etc., etc. The flag code also acknowledges that it "is intended as a guide to be followed on a purely voluntary basis to insure proper respect for the flag. It is, at least, questionable whether statutes placing civil or criminal penalties on the wearing of clothing bearing or resembling a flag could be constitutionally enforced in light of Supreme Court decisions in the area of flag desecration." So, it's not illegal to have the flag depicted on clothing, but US law considers such use insensitive to the flag and the country it represents.[/QUOTE]


So Captain America violates the flag code? That's kind of ironic.[/QUOTE]

Well, he doesn't actually wear a flag. Just stars, stripes, and red, white, and blue.[/QUOTE]


\"US Flag Code\" said:
The words \"flag, standard, colors, or ensign\", as used herein, shall include any flag, standard, colors, ensign, or any picture or representation of either, or of any part or parts of either, made of any substance or represented on any substance, of any size evidently purporting to be either of said flag, standard, colors, or ensign of the United States of America or a picture or a representation of either, upon which shall be shown the colors, the stars and the stripes, in any number of either thereof, or of any part or parts of either, by which the average person seeing the same without deliberation may believe the same to represent the flag, colors, standard, or ensign of the United States of America
One could argue that he does. Either way the vast majority of the Flag Code is simply guidelines for conduct to ensure proper respect for the flag and country.

/me needs to buy a flag.
Really this is just a clusterfuck of stupidity.

It's the American flag, not a giant middle finger to Mexico. Both the students who in all probability wore it like that should remember that and the students who interpreted it as such should remember that.

The principal should have just
A) Ignored it and let some punk kids think they stuck it to mexico for a day
B) called them all girls for coordinating their clothes and hand them a box of tampons for when they sync up their periods too.
C) made them take the bandannas because head coverings or whatever are prohibited (maybe they're not at this school? in which case see options A or B)

But of course this guy works for a public school so he decided on the only wrong answer which was to overreact about nothing.


Staff member
personally I don't give a crap of what you wear around me, what time, what day, or even location, but I can't say the same for my neighbors, my state, or my country (U.S.) Heck, people give flack of wearing OU hats on Texas Tech campus.
hehe, actually you have it backwards and a little off center. Don't where UT colors around OU fans (OU doesn't care about tech that much, the rivalry is with UT.)


But to the specific OP. Your comment about Chinese and Japanese relations made this click for me. That's like....that's a fucking huge thing. But Mexican - American relationships aren't that bad, actually they are pretty good. We fucked them over a couple times, but not that bad and for the most part it was fair fights, and today we try to help them out....kind of....and they come here for work and we go there for vacation. That just sounds ridiculous as I am saying it btw.

Anyways, I don't begrudge you your comment, but there was never a "rape of mexico city", relations aren't even close to that bad.

Actually....just a thought...I've gone and gotten drunk with Brits on teh 4th of July. Its fucking awesome. We ended up challenging each other to a drinking contest to decide the fate of the colonies. Sadly, America now belongs to the british again....next year we'll get them back. I love asking brits "How can you call an island an empire?". But that's different from asking a Palestinian to show you on the map where he is from. That's....that's not cool. I guess its a matter of where the tension is from. Mexican - American, no tension. American - British, no tension. Japanese Chinese....yeah tension. Israel Palestine.....uhm yeah.

Black americans and white americans though...that's some delicious tension. We will always have that shit.


Yeah? I dare you to walk in a bad Boston neighborhood with a full Yankees uniform. Or viceversa.
Been there done that. Sox fans are douchebags.[/QUOTE]

I'd challenge you to escalate to wearing a 'Fuck the Raiders' shirt to a bad Oakland neighborhood, but I don't actually want you to die or anything.
Really this is just a clusterfuck of stupidity.

It's the American flag, not a giant middle finger to Mexico. Both the students who in all probability wore it like that should remember that and the students who interpreted it as such should remember that.

The principal should have just
A) Ignored it and let some punk kids think they stuck it to mexico for a day
B) called them all girls for coordinating their clothes and hand them a box of tampons for when they sync up their periods too.
C) made them take the bandannas because head coverings or whatever are prohibited (maybe they're not at this school? in which case see options A or B)

But of course this guy works for a public school so he decided on the only wrong answer which was to overreact about nothing.
Man, I miss the old days of asking a bunch of boys if they called each other the night before, when they show up wearing the same clothes. Then on Friday's I'd do it to the Football team when they wore their jerseys to class.
Really this is just a clusterfuck of stupidity.

It's the American flag, not a giant middle finger to Mexico. Both the students who in all probability wore it like that should remember that and the students who interpreted it as such should remember that.

The principal should have just
A) Ignored it and let some punk kids think they stuck it to mexico for a day
B) called them all girls for coordinating their clothes and hand them a box of tampons for when they sync up their periods too.
C) made them take the bandannas because head coverings or whatever are prohibited (maybe they're not at this school? in which case see options A or B)

But of course this guy works for a public school so he decided on the only wrong answer which was to overreact about nothing.
Man, I miss the old days of asking a bunch of boys if they called each other the night before, when they show up wearing the same clothes. Then on Friday's I'd do it to the Football team when they wore their jerseys to class.[/QUOTE]

Our football players had to wear black shirts and slacks, with gold ties (our school colors were black and gold). I didn't understand it at all. Forcing school spirit on the kids just seemed so weird.
Kids are stupid. It doesn't matter what race, creed, or culture. They are ignorant little piss-ants who think they have done something "revolutionary." They don't one clue about culture.

It's the administrators of this school that piss me off. They're the ones who are supposed to be in charge.
Kids are stupid. It doesn't matter what race, creed, or culture. They are ignorant little piss-ants who think they have done something "revolutionary." They don't one clue about culture.

It's the administrators of this school that piss me off. They're the ones who are supposed to be in charge.
I was thinking the same thing. I wonder why the administrators are so afraid of the students? The principal and vice act like the students have a gun to the administration's heads.
It wasn't originally part of Mexico, so it's not being slowly invaded like the other states that were *whistles innocently*


Don't the kids realize how much they're hurting themselves with this? the far right nut jobs will have a field day. It only goes to directly prove their paranoid points.

Stupid, stupid kids.
Is it possible that we can get a couple of those protesting students to come here as new members so I can have an opportunity to tell them what I really think about them? Please Dave? You can call it my Christmas present. Or maybe a Día de los Muertos present? Please?
Oh shit... America is becoming Mexico's toupee!

---------- Post added at 04:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 PM ----------

Oh that fucking pisses me off. They have EVERY right to be pissed for whatever reason AND they have every right to wear a Mexican flag. But to fuck up other people's education and make the school such a volatile place? THEY HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT

I feel this might be the tip of the iceberg.. I hope I'm wrong.


Eh, I'm not really upset. I'd long ago accepted that the world's gone stupid. My only doubt is that maybe the word "gone" isn't entirely accurate.
Yea. But I get pissed when people make school unsafe for kids. Some kids feel that school is the only safe place they can be.


maybe i'm missing something...which country sent 50k troops along with extra weaponry to aid the mexicans fighting the french? which country set up naval blockades to prevent french reinforcements from landing? thought so. stupid teenagers need to take a history class.



Staff member
Ok, some more topical pictures...

So was Mexico. Tell that to the Guatemalans who try to get across the southern Mexican border.

Don't you people have jobs to go to ? Well, maybe that's why there's only 6 of you.

The stupid... it hurts so much... so much stupid. /facepalm

Yeah, THAT'S how you ease anti-illegal sentiment. By making yourself look ever more the obstreperous scofflaw.

One more reason to support 1070.

Maybe this is part of the protester exchange program.

I think you and the lady in the 3rd picture from the top need to get your stories straight.
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