Teens wear American Flag shirts on Cindo de Mayo

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again, I didn't say it was wrong, I'm just saying be mindful (maybe I am using the wrong word or something)
Telling people to be mindful implies they should think twice about wearing the American flag. It's saying that there are times when people shouldn't do it at an American school. I don't think you'll get too much support for that position.
I said be mindful of ANYTHING you wear. It can be American Flag, an orange shirt on St. Paddy's day (taken from above), I am Japanese when visiting Pearl Harbor, anything... I personally have NO qualm of people wearing American flag (even a thong) I'm just saying that there are people out there will give you flack if you are in the wrong environment at the time and be prepare to take said flack.

In this case, 5 kids decides to wear American Flag t-shirt. The shirt itself is nothing wrong. Heck, wearing on Cinco de Mayo is not wrong, but the school who is overly sensitive (like the one in my OP) thinks differently. Sure you can get the parents together and try to sue, fight, or what have you, but is it worth it? possible, but could open a whole new can of worms (I don't know all the scenarios but it can happen) There is a freedom of expression, but some of those freedom ARE limited in a School environment. That is the point I'm trying to get across.

personally I don't give a crap of what you wear around me, what time, what day, or even location, but I can't say the same for my neighbors, my state, or my country (U.S.) Heck, people give flack of wearing OU hats on Texas Tech campus.


Staff member
This is the type of thing I will NEVER understand about America(ns)


It's a freakin' t-shirt, wear whatever you want and stop being so sensitive about nonsense like this =/

There are much bigger issues to worry about than someone's t-shirt.

And yeah, Cinco de Mayo is not THAT big of a deal down here.

Somewhere along the line, somebody got the idea that they have an inalienable human right to not be offended. It's all been downhill from there.
What I don't get is why wearing an American flag on Cinco de Mayo is even being equated to a KKK hood and robe?

Cinco de Mayo has nothing to do with the USA. If my wikipedia skills are correct, isn't it about the defeat of the French army at the hands of the Mexican army? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?


What I don't get is why wearing an American flag on Cinco de Mayo is even being equated to a KKK hood and robe?

Cinco de Mayo has nothing to do with the USA. If my wikipedia skills are correct, isn't it about the defeat of the French army at the hands of the Mexican army? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
that was just an extreme example of wearing stuff that MAY offend people. Do I get offended when people wearing KKK costume around me? no, but some people might. Do I get offended if people wear Chinese costume and pretend to be Chinese? no. These are just example and have NO RELATION to each other than example of be mindful of what you wear. (cast in point above on my longer post)
My stance on this issue and so many others that have popped up over the years that are similar has always been this:

There is nothing wrong with pride in heritage, but if you choose to live in America then BE American first and foremost. If you choose not to then what the hell are you doing here?

And before someone starts the "These are kids and don't have a choice where they live" argument then consider their parents chose to live here and likely did so for a reason. I feel my point is still valid.

In regards to the "Mexican T-shirt" on the fourth of July, I think it would be asinine to be offended by that. The two have no relation at all. Wearing a British Union Flag, that might be offensive on the fourth of July. As would wearing something affiliated with the Taliban on September 11th.

But I agree with Gas on this, in America wearing the American flag should at NO TIME ever be considered offensive.

Totally going to go dig up some old Revolutionary War soldiers to remind this country what they fought and died for again. Oh wait, I shouldn't have to. They left us a note. It's called the Constitution.
I think the point here is that you shouldn't have to be mindful of what you wear, anyways. The burden is not on me to think "Gee, is my American flag at my American school in America going to offend someone?" Fuck that noise.

The burden is on everyone else to realize that there is nothing wrong with that no matter what day it is.


I think the point here is that you shouldn't have to be mindful of what you wear, anyways. The burden is not on me to think "Gee, is my American flag at my American school in America going to offend someone?" Fuck that noise.

The burden is on everyone else to realize that there is nothing wrong with that no matter what day it is.
Originally my statement was be mindful of what you wear, it just happen the article I chose happen to be American Flag.

It could have been an article of A guy wearing OU outfit at a Texas Tech event and gotten beaten up during TT/OU weekend. I would have said the same statement.
My stance on this issue and so many others that have popped up over the years that are similar has always been this:

There is nothing wrong with pride in heritage, but if you choose to live in America then BE American first and foremost. If you choose not to then what the hell are you doing here?

And before someone starts the "These are kids and don't have a choice where they live" argument then consider their parents chose to live here and likely did so for a reason. I feel my point is still valid.

In regards to the "Mexican T-shirt" on the fourth of July, I think it would be asinine to be offended by that. The two have no relation at all. Wearing a British Union Flag, that might be offensive on the fourth of July, that might be offensive. As would wearing something affiliated with the Taliban on September 11th.

But I agree with Gas on this, in America wearing the American flag should at NO TIME ever be considered offensive.

Totally going to go dig up some old Revolutionary War soldiers to remind this country what they fought and died for again. Oh wait, I shouldn't have to. They left us a note. It's called the Constitution.
But your statement is still wrong! That's like saying "She got raped, buuuuuuut she really shouldn't have been wearing a skirt that short." No. Not okay. It's the rapist who shouldn't have raped her, it's the attacker who shouldn't beat you up, and it's the school who shouldn't give shit over a flag T-shirt.


But your statement is still wrong! That's like saying "She got raped, buuuuuuut she really shouldn't have been wearing a skirt that short." No. Not okay. It's the rapist who shouldn't have raped her, it's the attacker who shouldn't beat you up, and it's the school who shouldn't give shit over a flag T-shirt.
While I agree with you on that, but I have learn that the world is not "where it suppose to be"

people are still afraid of same sex marriage
The world is still running on fossil fuel
People are at war with each other over religious belief
people are at war over oil
people are willing to buy stuff cheap as long it doesn't effect their profit margin
people still deny the holocaust
There are people who believe the earth is less than 5000 years old
there are tons of wrong going on in the world and they are keep going cause people in power keeping them going.

There are lots of crazy people out there and some of them are in power to promote more crazies. I like to live and I pick my battles, some carefully, and some I go head on depending on the issues.
All the wrapping themselves in the American flag in this story and this thread is pretty hilarious.

Don't worry, despite what this article leads you to believe, god-fearing white people are still completely safe.


All the wrapping themselves in the American flag in this story and this thread is pretty hilarious.

Don't worry, despite what this article leads you to believe, god-fearing white people are still completely safe.
until they buy Chinese products ;)

I swear, there has been soooooo many recall for Chinese products. I begin to wonder if the Chinese are really trying to get rid of the "evil Americans"
All the wrapping themselves in the American flag in this story and this thread is pretty hilarious.

Don't worry, despite what this article leads you to believe, god-fearing white people are still completely safe.
But a Mexican-American can not wear an American Flag at school, because he may offend a Mexican-American.
Mexico's Independence Day is September 16th.

I'll never understand why May 5th (it's May 5th, dammit, saying the date in another language doesn't make it ethnic, it's just stupid, the holiday has no NAME because it's barely one!) was adopted as the day to "celebrate mexican heritage".

We get drunk on the night of September 15th and scream (literally, part of the celebration is El Grito) and blow shit up and have a merry time pretending to be nationalistic one day a year.... why the US didn't choose to do so the same day baffles me still. Seriously, May 5th is just a day elementary schools get off, and most kids don't even really know why.

Plus that way you get an actual holiday name that is ten times more fun to say in Spanish: El Grito. "Where are you going for El Grito?" "Oh man, I got so effin plastered on tequila and pulque on Sean's Grito party last night".

See? MUCH MORE FUN THAN "CINCO DE MAYO" TO SAY! It even has that whole "El" article you guys love to use. EL DIABLO!


How dare you disagree with the teachers, Mex! That makes you racist! And white!
Hell, if you're gonna go with May 5th at least call it what it actually is supposed to celebrate: "La Batalla de Puebla". Yes, you're celebrating one battle in one war we actually ended up LOSING.

The French didn't just WIN they actually posted an EMPEROR.

Whom they later executed not far from where I live now, sure, but still. He was a French-appointed Mexican Emperor. And they still celebrate "Cinco de Mayo". It... it makes my head hurt, is what it does.
We get drunk on the night of September 15th and scream (literally, part of the celebration is El Grito) and blow shit up and have a merry time pretending to be nationalistic one day a year.... why the US didn't choose to do so the same day baffles me still. Seriously, May 5th is just a day elementary schools get off, and most kids don't even really know why.
Cinco de Mayo is a Corona holiday, most public schools do not get the day off (at least here in NC they don't).

Next Mex you're going to tell me that Kwanzaa isn't a real African holiday.
I meant in Mexico.... elementary schools in Mexico get May 5th off (and not even that these days, they move the actual off-day to the nearest monday or friday) and kids barely know why.

Seriously.. El Grito celebrations in Mexico:

Celebrations of May 5th in Mexico:

All the wrapping themselves in the American flag in this story and this thread is pretty hilarious.

Don't worry, despite what this article leads you to believe, god-fearing white people are still completely safe.
I might take your comments more seriously if I thought you had a clue.


All the wrapping themselves in the American flag in this story and this thread is pretty hilarious.

Don't worry, despite what this article leads you to believe, god-fearing white people are still completely safe.
I might take your comments more seriously if I thought you had a clue.[/QUOTE]

He does have a point: white people shouldn't be allowed to be angry about anything. Because they're white.
Oh yeah, you people are still prissy for no reason.

The goddamned PRESIDENT could wear a Spanish flag as a toga during independence day and we'd barely notice.... hell, if it was May 5th and some one wore a French t-shirt people would compliment his knowledge of history.
Late to this one, but seriously, what the fuck? Last time I checked, this is America, and besides....you know, what, that's really all I need to wear an American flag on a t-shirt.

If you find the presence of the American flag on a t-shirt worn by an American student at an American public school in America to be offensive, I genuinely believe you're in the wrong freakin' country. That's not even a "if you don't like it, get out" kind of sentiment, that's a, "this is really, really, really not an ideal place for you to live if you're that upset by it" kind of thought.
Thankfully even the district is not standing behind the actions of the principle and vice principle of this school.
Morgan Hill School District website said:
The Morgan Hill Unified School District does not prohibit nor do we discourage wearing patriotic clothing. The incident on May 5 at Live Oak High School is extremely unfortunate. While campus safety is our primary concern and administrators made decisions yesterday in an attempt to ensure campus safety, students should not, and will not, be disciplined for wearing patriotic clothing. This matter is under investigation and appropriate action will be taken.
Ok, this is MY OPINION of what happened:

Four kids wanted to piss someone off/play a really ridiculous joke decided to wear over the top patriotic garb. There is nothing wrong with this (besides those kids just being immature), but I'm sure some hispanic cultured students got offended. They were sitting around at brunch break (WTF is a brunch break and when can my school get one), so they had already probably been in sight of administrators, teachers, etc., so if there was a problem with the amount of patriotic symbolism on their clothes, they probably would have already been reprimanded. My guess is that they put their bandannas on at their break because the students at my school put on their caps when they walk from class to class, or during any lightly supervised break in their class schedule.

When the teacher told them to remove their bandannas, he was in the right. I don't know the ethnic makeup at this school, but my guess is that there was a heavy percentage of hispanic students that the teacher was genuinely concerned about riots and the like. Or maybe he just had it out for those crazy kids. Or something.

In a nutshell, I think this wasn't completely innocent, and maybe the boys were trying to stir up some shit, but it shouldn't have gone that far. Like everyone has stated previously, it's America so there shouldn't be a problem with patriotism, but that was WAY too much patriotism for guys that age to seriously pull off without other motives.

My opinion: jaded by school-aged assholes everywhere. :)


Staff member
This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; not MEXICO. Last I checked wearing an American Flag T-shirt wasn't insensitive or illegal EVER!.
According to the United States Flag Code it's never acceptable to wear the flag as clothing. Section 8d "The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery." Also out is any use of the flag in costumes or athletic uniforms, use in advertising, in boxes or receptacles, use of the flag on napkins or disposable items, etc., etc. The flag code also acknowledges that it "is intended as a guide to be followed on a purely voluntary basis to insure proper respect for the flag. It is, at least, questionable whether statutes placing civil or criminal penalties on the wearing of clothing bearing or resembling a flag could be constitutionally enforced in light of Supreme Court decisions in the area of flag desecration." So, it's not illegal to have the flag depicted on clothing, but US law considers such use insensitive to the flag and the country it represents.


This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; not MEXICO. Last I checked wearing an American Flag T-shirt wasn't insensitive or illegal EVER!.
According to the United States Flag Code it's never acceptable to wear the flag as clothing. Section 8d "The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery." Also out is any use of the flag in costumes or athletic uniforms, use in advertising, in boxes or receptacles, use of the flag on napkins or disposable items, etc., etc. The flag code also acknowledges that it "is intended as a guide to be followed on a purely voluntary basis to insure proper respect for the flag. It is, at least, questionable whether statutes placing civil or criminal penalties on the wearing of clothing bearing or resembling a flag could be constitutionally enforced in light of Supreme Court decisions in the area of flag desecration." So, it's not illegal to have the flag depicted on clothing, but US law considers such use insensitive to the flag and the country it represents.[/QUOTE]

This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; not MEXICO. Last I checked wearing an American Flag T-shirt wasn't insensitive or illegal EVER!.
According to the United States Flag Code it's never acceptable to wear the flag as clothing. Section 8d "The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery." Also out is any use of the flag in costumes or athletic uniforms, use in advertising, in boxes or receptacles, use of the flag on napkins or disposable items, etc., etc. The flag code also acknowledges that it "is intended as a guide to be followed on a purely voluntary basis to insure proper respect for the flag. It is, at least, questionable whether statutes placing civil or criminal penalties on the wearing of clothing bearing or resembling a flag could be constitutionally enforced in light of Supreme Court decisions in the area of flag desecration." So, it's not illegal to have the flag depicted on clothing, but US law considers such use insensitive to the flag and the country it represents.[/QUOTE]


So Captain America violates the flag code? That's kind of ironic.


This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; not MEXICO. Last I checked wearing an American Flag T-shirt wasn't insensitive or illegal EVER!.
According to the United States Flag Code it's never acceptable to wear the flag as clothing. Section 8d "The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery." Also out is any use of the flag in costumes or athletic uniforms, use in advertising, in boxes or receptacles, use of the flag on napkins or disposable items, etc., etc. The flag code also acknowledges that it "is intended as a guide to be followed on a purely voluntary basis to insure proper respect for the flag. It is, at least, questionable whether statutes placing civil or criminal penalties on the wearing of clothing bearing or resembling a flag could be constitutionally enforced in light of Supreme Court decisions in the area of flag desecration." So, it's not illegal to have the flag depicted on clothing, but US law considers such use insensitive to the flag and the country it represents.[/QUOTE]


So Captain America violates the flag code? That's kind of ironic.[/QUOTE]

Well, he doesn't actually wear a flag. Just stars, stripes, and red, white, and blue.


Anywhere in America, at any time, that forbids you from wearing an image of the American flag is in the wrong. It doesn't matter what day it is, or what color what people are. This is America, we have a flag, some people like to wear it, and it is their right to do so. Can you be beat up for wearing the flag? Maybe. But that doesn't make it wrong to wear it.[/QUOTE]

again, I didn't say it was wrong, I'm just saying be mindful (maybe I am using the wrong word or something)[/QUOTE]

Why the fuck should I be mindful about wearing a shirt with my country's flag on it in my own country? I'll fucking wear an American flag as a cape on every country's national holiday from now on with a big smile on my face.

---------- Post added at 09:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 PM ----------

I think the point here is that you shouldn't have to be mindful of what you wear, anyways. The burden is not on me to think "Gee, is my American flag at my American school in America going to offend someone?" Fuck that noise.

The burden is on everyone else to realize that there is nothing wrong with that no matter what day it is.
Originally my statement was be mindful of what you wear, it just happen the article I chose happen to be American Flag.

It could have been an article of A guy wearing OU outfit at a Texas Tech event and gotten beaten up during TT/OU weekend. I would have said the same statement.[/QUOTE]

When I wake up in the morning my first thought when I put on clothes is not and never will be whether those clothes will offend someone. I could give a rat's ass what someone thinks of my T-shirt.
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