I said be mindful of ANYTHING you wear. It can be American Flag, an orange shirt on St. Paddy's day (taken from above), I am Japanese when visiting Pearl Harbor, anything... I personally have NO qualm of people wearing American flag (even a thong) I'm just saying that there are people out there will give you flack if you are in the wrong environment at the time and be prepare to take said flack.Telling people to be mindful implies they should think twice about wearing the American flag. It's saying that there are times when people shouldn't do it at an American school. I don't think you'll get too much support for that position.again, I didn't say it was wrong, I'm just saying be mindful (maybe I am using the wrong word or something)
In this case, 5 kids decides to wear American Flag t-shirt. The shirt itself is nothing wrong. Heck, wearing on Cinco de Mayo is not wrong, but the school who is overly sensitive (like the one in my OP) thinks differently. Sure you can get the parents together and try to sue, fight, or what have you, but is it worth it? possible, but could open a whole new can of worms (I don't know all the scenarios but it can happen) There is a freedom of expression, but some of those freedom ARE limited in a School environment. That is the point I'm trying to get across.
personally I don't give a crap of what you wear around me, what time, what day, or even location, but I can't say the same for my neighbors, my state, or my country (U.S.) Heck, people give flack of wearing OU hats on Texas Tech campus.