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Good day overall:
Passed the credit check/background check to get into an apartment. Should be able to move in to the apartment in about a month.
Happened upon a friend I hadn't seen in a few months. He was the lead guitarist and vocalist in his band and they were playing live during a downtown festival. Great music and got to catch up with him after they finished playing.
Small wins is what I am going for right now. The epic win is just around the corner.
Thanks CG and Cheesy!

Cheesy, good luck with the gal! Nothing feels as good as being in love. It's like skipping on clouds or something.
Thanks man! The whole trip helped to give me a clearer picture of what I'm trying to get myself into. It's kinda scary, but I love her and her kids so much, I feel it'll be worth it.
I went to a Paramore and No Doubt concert tonight. It was freaking awesome. No Doubt had such stage presence and the whole place was up and jumping through the entire show. Just freaking awesome.
Garbledina said:
I went to a Paramore and No Doubt concert tonight. It was freaking awesome. No Doubt had such stage presence and the whole place was up and jumping through the entire show. Just freaking awesome.
Saw that last month in Atlanta, and I concur. It restored my lost faith in No Doubt for sure.

Okay this is pretty embarrassing win but nonetheless. (MST3K/RiffTrax stuff ahead.) Both Michael J. Nelson and Bill Corbett happened to respond to a tweet I sent to them, separately. So I just shamelessly asked Kevin Murphy if he'd round out my MST3K trifecta. And he did. :heart:

In before "Twitter r dum" and "those weren't the original three" but hey, va fangul! :finger: I rarely go full starfucker but every now and then it's just too tempting.

Also in my defense it wasn't really shameless; I was so embarrassed I had to go scrub some pots to recover.
ZenMonkey said:
Okay this is pretty embarrassing win but nonetheless. (MST3K/RiffTrax stuff ahead.) Both Michael J. Nelson and Bill Corbett happened to respond to a tweet I sent to them, separately. So I just shamelessly asked Kevin Murphy if he'd round out my MST3K trifecta. And he did. :heart:

In before "Twitter r dum" and "those weren't the original three" but hey, va fangul! :finger: I rarely go full starfucker but every now and then it's just too tempting.

Also in my defense it wasn't really shameless; I was so embarrassed I had to go scrub some pots to recover.
Mike Nelson > Joel anyway. But that's pretty sweet. :thumbsup:

Our fridge finally got fixed today, and I just celebrated by making a spicy mustard, pepper jack cheese and turkey sandwich. It was wonderful.
Bought the special edition of Pray for Villains, the new Devildriver CD, yesterday. I technically got it for free thanks to the Rewardzone giftcards I had, and it turns out it includes four extra songs.

Two of the extra songs are awesome, and have inspired me to go and kick more ass at drumming. Here's the only one I could find:

2 lbs of Jelly Belly's of flavors I love from my wife for our anniversary
Scud, Disposable Assassin TPB of all 25 issues
Meeting Dave McKean and having him sign my copy of Mirror Mask.

Worth 4 hours of driving. Dave is a super nice guy.
My power just came back on an hour or two ago. It went out around 9 last night, I'm not sure what happened, but i think a substation went out somehow. it really sucked having to light candles and wait. to compound matters, in the middle of the night, one of our trees blew over and broke our picnic table/possible the barbecue.

The weird (and win) part is that since the power came back on, my internet has been about 100kbps faster. woo.
My phone is set up to be able to play MP3s as ringtones, but my provider disables this functionality so I'll be forced to buy their ringtones (most of which are terrible) so for years I've been ring-tone-less.

Yesterday... that all changed.

After exhaustive googling and hunting down a program that is no longer available, I can 'trick' my phone into thinking the MP3s on it are from my provider and now, at long last, Shumann's Scherzo plays when my best friend phones me.

The kicker is I spend so much time at work that I'm pretty much too lazy to turn the ringer back on, so it's going to end up staying on vibrate anyways.

Totally. Epic.

And it might not be over yet.

(This is in no way sexually related, you pervs.)
Apparently my work flooded. I'm currently deciding whether this is 'epic win' or 'epic fail'. On the one hand, no work for a week.

On the other hand, no wages for a week. Well, at least I have a second job.

Yeah, I'll definitely take a few days off and go with win, though perhaps not 'epic' in scale.

EDIT: Also, No Doubt sent me an email with a link to their entire discography for free! Well, I suppose I paid to see the concert, but I wasn't expecting that! Damn, that was awesome of them. (DRM-free too!) Unexpected and pure awesome.


Staff member

Found this last night. :popcorn: Love it.
Just saw my name on the class list for fall teaching. I know it isn't much but damn, this is what I've wanted for so long now and it's pretty cool to see it in reality.

Still need that coat with patches on the elbows though...

Well, it was epic, and now it's over, but I'll get mocked if I talk about it here. :tongue:
You had an awesome rush of creativity and created a cool song for your husband? Satori did the very cutest thing ever in the history of Felinity? You mearned your cats' True Names? Mr ZM serenaded you badly but romantically with a horrible self-written love song? You discovered a new source of happiness in the quirky dancing of the birds outside your window? A TV show you'd seen years ago but couldn't remember the name of just randomly came on TV, allowing you to relive some moments from nostalgia - and it turned out to be actually good, not just good through rose-coloured lenses? I can think of lots of things that could qualify as "oh, you'll laugh at me" - epic wins that deserve sharing, and they're all amazingly cool and you'd be lucky and jealousy-worthy for each. It can't be that bad :-P

(In other news, I'm an incessant know-it-all who always wants to know everything just to hoard the information. Too bad my memory is as leaky as a diaper from the 18th century)


...I was all of that. That's just amazing.


Nah, it's not worth going into, except that I was awesome, and ended up getting shit for it. The latter of which I honestly don't care that much about. (Oh, and this is all internet dramaz, and not HF either. Nothing whatever to do with anything real or important in my life.)
Just finished reading the adventures of Robin Hood to my baby. :)
Tomorrow we venture forth with King Arthur!
Oh, so it's related to the whole " "oink" isn't enough thanks for someone who helps you, really" thing in the other thread.
Well, that's no epic win! We obviously assume you did great things, and since it's the internet, it's obvious the other side is more than likely not to reciprocate.
So, that's just plain you being epically great as usual. :-P

(one has to try and exercise that whole compliment thing from time to time, right? ;-))

Bubble181 said:
(one has to try and exercise that whole compliment thing from time to time, right? ;-))
Apparently. :heythere: No, it was fairly epic in fact. The fact that one of the principals is having a hard time with it is not in any way my problem other than that it's always amazing how hard and how long people will lie in a fetal position inside the cave of denial.

In other news...

HCGLNS said:
Just finished reading the adventures of Robin Hood to my baby. :)
Tomorrow we venture forth with King Arthur!
Awww! :D Excellent choices.
I, too, approve of Robin Hood, by the way, and King Arthur. Try to throw in some Lionheart stuff and you're set for one great Brit-loving child with some awesome taste :D


Just graduated from my Masters degree in Digital Electronics, even got an award from the university. Had a fancy meal with my dad, grandad and gf last night, and out for some drinks with coursemates later.

It feels fantastic to be me today! Now all I need is a job....

Mr_Chaz said:
Just graduated from my Masters degree in Digital Electronics, even got an award from the university. Had a fancy meal with my dad, grandad and gf last night, and out for some drinks with coursemates later.

It feels fantastic to be me today! Now all I need is a job....
Very nice! Congrats, dude! :clap:

Mr_Chaz said:
Just graduated from my Masters degree in Digital Electronics, even got an award from the university. Had a fancy meal with my dad, grandad and gf last night, and out for some drinks with coursemates later.

It feels fantastic to be me today! Now all I need is a job....
Congratulations! I hope the job search goes well for you.

Wasabi Poptart

We finally got paid for my husband's travel claim from back in April! HOORAY for money!
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