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Staff member
:D The fella's here. We're spending the afternoon drinking coffee, reading comics, and checking out the superhero art exhibit at my school.

Cats who like cheap toys are the best. I just spent ten minutes playing fetch with Zen after she fell in love with this hairband.

Yay for cheap cat toys! I think our cats' favorites are always things like yarn if Aja is crocheting something or twist ties; except for their catnip stuffed mice. The only thing that they love more than those mice is Valerian Root...

Wasabi Poptart

My parents' Siamese cat used to like playing with rubber bands. She kept a collection of them in a section of her food bowl. My cat liked to play with wrapped candies and cough drops because they would skitter across my laminate floors at top speed.
Good luck to you, Gared. You should like to have the energy and drive to pull it all together. I hope it works out for you and the missus.

Gared said:
The only thing that they love more than those mice is Valerian Root...
Really? They're herbal kitties? Zen loves her catnip but I've discovered she's also a total pothead. (That was an accidental discovery, by the way.)

WildSoul said:
My parents' Siamese cat used to like playing with rubber bands. She kept a collection of them in a section of her food bowl.
LOL! I love it when cats "collect" their toys. I fostered a hilarious bluepoint Siamese who would take his toy mice and put them in the toy that's like a little racing circle for a fake mouse. I think he wanted to see more competition.

And Cajun, they love you too. :D
ZenMonkey said:
Cats who like cheap toys are the best. I just spent ten minutes playing fetch with Zen after she fell in love with this hairband.
Crunched up pieces of paper and coffee cup trays for the victory!

HCGLNS said:
Crunched up pieces of paper and coffee cup trays for the victory!
Ours love these sparkly balls that are sold as pompoms for craft projects, for about $2 for a bag of lots. Whenever they disappear we just break out some more.

In other epic win, I FINALLY fixed the CSS problem that was causing my not-yet-live blog not to display correctly on other computers. I was dreading having to figure this out and the solution was remarkably simpler than I expected (although it's probably inelegant).

Now I just have to finish writing and editing the stuff I want on there before it's live. Yay!
My wife is finally done with school today and we go to pick her up tomorrow!

Ok, maybe it's her Epic Win, but I'm awful excited to have her home permanent like!
Rock Band epic win.

I was playing the uhh, tour mode, with my little brother when he noticed this.

We almost started the next song and lost our chance to see this gem for good!

(Look at the Star-Count) :)



Staff member
Rock climbing was...AWESOME! The people who work there are great--very friendly and helpful. The owner, Art, is a sweetheart. We climbed for four an a half hours, taking a few breaks. I was so excited that I didn't feel tired at all. After chatting for about 20 minutes, I finally started to feel tired, but I said "one more climb!"

I got halfway up before my right arm seized up. I fell back and just dangled there until Jake let me down. I'm a bit sore today, but it was so much fun!

Best moment of the day: As I reached the top of one wall, Bohemian Rhapsody starts. I sing it from the top. :D

Afterwards we read our comic books in the park. It was a cool, clear afternoon with a lovely breeze. Then we went to his restaurant for dinner, watched standup comedy, and had a looooooong night's sleep. We were both completely worn out.


Just came back from a weeklong vacation to Florida and the Bahamas.

Flew down, went to a hotel and hung around swimming in the pool for a couple days. Went on a 2 day cruise to the Bahamas where I snorkeled at the coral reefs, turned twenty dollars into over three hundred dollars playing Blackjack at the casino, and ate good food and drank good drinks. Then we went to Orlando and went on the rides at Universal Studios (I really liked the Simpsons Ride, even if it did replace the equally awesome Back to the Future ride). Then we went home.

All in all, a really awesome week (besides the flight home being delayed an hour due to our plane getting hit by a bolt of lightning that also knocked out the guy loading baggage onto the plane).


Bumble the Boy Wonder said:
Rock Band epic win.

I was playing the uhh, tour mode, with my little brother when he noticed this.

We almost started the next song and lost our chance to see this gem for good!

(Look at the Star-Count) :)

Jesus, how long have you two been playing it?
JCM said:
Jesus, how long have you two been playing it?
Well, pretty much any time either of us go to a friends house we take my hard drive, since everyone wants to play the songs I've downloaded without paying for it themselves (cheap bastards!)

So... We have been playing since RB2 was launched, and we need lives. :tongue:
Just signed up for an introductory voice acting class at Voice-One in San Fran on August 9th. Hopefully I will be able to get some financial aid to take the rest of the courses if this class seems like my cup of tea.
Cajungal said:
That's awesome, Chips. Good luck with it!

CK, wanna elaborate?
Spent Friday-Monday morning in PA with a girl I've liked since high school. It's a weird situation because she's Mormon and as far as long-term things go it won't work (want to get married in a Temple, etc), but in the meantime we had a great time wandering around Hershey, Philly and just laying around watching movies and talking. I don't even know if we're dating or what but I don't care, any amount of time spent with her is well-spent.
I went on my first date in five years and it went pretty well.

Got coffee, talked TV, music, movies, et cetera, had Chinese food, exchanged numbers, and parted ways. I have a good feeling about this.
Glad to hear it Gusto!

Nothing like a long hiatus from the dating scent to refresh and get a clear perspective on what you want out of a relationship!

Gusto said:
I went on my first date in five years and it went pretty well.

Got coffee, talked TV, music, movies, et cetera, had Chinese food, exchanged numbers, and parted ways. I have a good feeling about this.
Wooo! Somehow I feel like I'm missing something a PM...huh...
ZenMonkey said:
Gusto said:
I went on my first date in five years and it went pretty well.

Got coffee, talked TV, music, movies, et cetera, had Chinese food, exchanged numbers, and parted ways. I have a good feeling about this.
Wooo! Somehow I feel like I'm missing something a PM...huh...


I finally got this motherfucking blog off the motherfucking ground!

/samjackson off

Newly Nerfed, which I'm calling my "home for disabled geekery."

I swear this is not a gratuitous bump but a post that had to be made. Got taken out to the Pacific Dining Car, best steakhouse in L.A. and hopefully familiar to James Ellroy fans, for the launching of my goofy little blog.

This counts as

1. epic Mr. ZM win for just being the best husband ever, and also

2. epic food win because OHDEARJESUSSPAGHETTIMONSTERALLAHWHATEVER was that an amazing steak. Filet Oscar, cooked perfectly medium, pink in the middle with lots of red juice, with big chunks of Dungeness crab meat, giant asparagus stalks, all covered in Hollandaise or something like it. It's what I always get and tonight it happened to be more phenomenal than usual. Plus they had my favorite wine by the glass tonight, a Sonoma-Cutrer chardonnay we served at our wedding.

'Twas a good day. :D
ZenMonkey said:
2. epic food win because OHDEARJESUSSPAGHETTIMONSTERALLAHWHATEVER was that an amazing steak.
Epic steak is indeed epic. I don't eat beef all that often, so I make sure it's the good stuff. A couple of the best I've had recently were an incredible chateaubriand at Sayler's Old Country Kitchen in Portland, OR and a super-thick aged & dry-rubbed monster at a steakhouse in Illinois (part of my brother's bachelor party) where you cook the steak yourself over charcoal while drinking a huge mug of beer. Mmm... beefy...
Well, I'm thinking it'll all go through.

Got a new Mazda 5 very similar to this one:

For about $13k (ie, $7k, or 34% off).

It's a pretty decent car, but definitely an excellent deal. (Cash for clunkers, ford employee discount, various other rebates and dealer incentives, etc)

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