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I agree with the above posters.

I'd like to point out that it can't possibly be a sister or cousin, though. With THOSE genes?!


Staff member
My old boss called me up today to ask me to help out a few afternoons a week. It'd be nice to have a job, but my health has been a lot of ups and downs lately. I'm not sure if I can do it. WIN or setup for a FAIL? I'm not sure.
I don't know if these are "epic," but I thought they were cool. While on my little trip into San Francisco yesterday, I had a mile walk down Third Street to get to the building with the class in it.

About two buildings before mine, I see this little plaque:

I remember reading The Call Of The Wild when I was in elementary school, so I thought this was neat.

Then the very next building over, I got this nice surprise:

I didn't realize that their office was RIGHT there.
I'm at the liquor store, getting the second round of supplies for my BBQ, as my wife has decreed that none of what I had previously had purchased was suitable for her or her friends. So in my cart I have some white wine, some gin and a case of Bud Lite Lime. While at the counter some boisterous youths of the fratboy variety, sally up behind me carrying several cases of Bud Lite Lime and begin a conversation.

Frat Boys "See man, Bud Lime is awesome, even he's got some. Hey old man, Bud Lime rocks! Am I right? Huh?"

Me "This is for my wife and her friends. I wouldn't be caught dead drinking this."

Frat Boys "...."


Staff member
My brother and I are recording a couple of songs together. :D Music and an affinity for fighting games have always been what seals our sibling bond.
Cheesy1 said:
/snip cool buildings Cheesy found
Hey, I was walking around downtown here today and found some unexpected buildings myself.

Apparently my city has a South Korean consulate. I never thought it was a big enough city to have that sort of stuff. And there's a building that houses a company called "Vulcan Minerals" too. I thought that was fun. I also found a plaque on a building that marks it as the former home of the architecht that's essentially to be credited with rebuilding this city after the fire of 1892. Not a huge deal globally, but it has local significance, and it was an entirely serendipitous discovery, which I thought it was neat.

Ooh, and I also learned that Admiral Nelson apparently stopped into St. John's during his career in the British Navy, as well as Captain Banks: the captain which the Mutiny aboard the Bounty happened under. And the port wine that was used by the HMS Bellerophon to toast Napolean's surrender was purchased in this city as well.

Neat stuff.
So, to finish up my degree this year, I needed to take summer courses this summer. I'm normally covered under the state's funding (several grants and such that I qualified for due to stellar performance in high school and planning ahead), but the summer quarter wasn't covered. So I took the summer quarter which--after books, parking pass, and the hiked-up CSU fees--totaled over $2k. Not a ton in the grand scheme of things (especially since that's not super expensive for a quarter of college), but it was more than enough to wipe out most of my savings, which sucks because my family's on hard financial times at the moment, too.

I just got my financial aid award, and it turns out they included the summer quarter in my aid. According to the website, I was just cut a check to reimburse me for everything I spent this summer. While I'm happy, since it means I've got a buffer zone again, I'm happier because it means I can give half of it to my mom, who needs it a lot more than me.


Staff member
Early birthday present for my folks? The amount I'm losing this week. I was going to spend it on much-needed clothes for the upcoming semester of tutoring and teacher observation. :D Yaaaaay
Today is my last day working this job; and my last day working customer service / call center in general. Tomorrow at this time I should be on board my flight for Chicago to begin my vacation (the first I've had in about 5 years) and then after that it's back to college and on to getting the hell out of this city and into the country where I can run a small farm.

Here's to the last day of my current life, and the first day of the rest of my life.

Oh, and congrats to Gusto and lafftaff.
Gared said:
Today is my last day working this job; and my last day working customer service / call center in general. Tomorrow at this time I should be on board my flight for Chicago to begin my vacation (the first I've had in about 5 years) and then after that it's back to college and on to getting the hell out of this city and into the country where I can run a small farm.

Here's to the last day of my current life, and the first day of the rest of my life.

Oh, and congrats to Gusto and lafftaff.
Congratulations, man. I think I remember you mentioning this before...the job where they refused to hire anybody new, but you couldn't get vacation due to something involving the boss' son?

If not, regardless; congrats, man. I can't wait til around this time next year when I can quit my job and become a professional student. Good on you, and check out Fastweb for scholarship/grant info; same with filling out the FAFSA and seeing if there's any aid you qualify for.
Congrats on the jobs and cool concerts :)

As for me, eh, it's definitely not epic, and all that, but I spent hours talking to a nice girl a couple of days ago, I actually got up the courage to ask her out (even though she declined), and I spent a great day at the beach with another very nice young lady. Nothing happened with her, either, so, you know, but anyway, I'm finally working up the courage to actually try to do something like that, so that's a plus.
I just picked up a sorely needed external hard drive. I transfer stuff between home and the lab all the time, and my old 128MB flash drive--in addition to often being inadequate--finally bit the big one when an internal plastic component snapped, meaning that I spent about ten minutes with tape and jury-rigging to get it to plug into a computer to rescue my data.

So, I went to Best Buy and picked up a 1 TB external hard drive. Extrapolating from the box, I now have enough storage space for 440 hours of DVD-quality porn!

Biardo said:
Edrondol said:
Tonight. 8 [sub:3mab4z0w]PM[/sub:3mab4z0w]. GREEN DAY!
met me know how it was!
I'll be seeing them in october
Oh my fucking GOD! This was the best concert I'd ever seen. Billy gets the crowd involved and doesn't stop until it's over. ... /708149907

Before he played a single note, Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong was in control of the Qwest Center Omaha.

“Get off your ass right now!” Armstrong shouted at the crowd. “This is not (expletive) television right now. This is live. This is in the moment. This is right (expletive) now. Are you with me? Are you ready?”

Armstrong preached a sort of rock 'n' roll revival, leading chants and calling the crowd to be saved.

Shouts to “get those hands in the air” brought about a sea of waving arms, and calls of “Omaha” elicited screams.

The band started the show with a barrage of songs off its new album, “21st Century Breakdown,” also working in a few hits like “Holiday,” “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” and “Hitchin' a Ride.”

Armstrong went on a little rant while the rest of his band started into “The Static Age,” a song about media and technology.

“Put away the cell phones. No cameras. This is our time right now. No television, no computers, no school, no work.”

Their songs may have taken on a more political and socially aware tone over the last few years, but drummer Tré Cool, bassist Mike Dirnt and Armstrong didn't take themselves too seriously.

For “King for a Day,” the whole band donned goofy hats. Among them: a pirate hat, a witch's hat, cat ears and a policeman's cap. Later, Armstrong brought out a water gun and squirted the crowd. He also used a leaf blower to spray toilet paper into the crowd and an air-powered T-shirt gun that he used to fire shirts across the arena.

Every so often, the group launched into cover tunes. They played the intros to “Iron Man” by Black Sabbath and “Rock You Like a Hurricane” by the Scorpions and a full verse of “You Really Got Me” by the Kinks. They also did a full version of “Shout” by the Isley Brothers and worked in parts of “Earth Angel,” “Break on Through (To the Other Side)” and “Free Fallin'.”

Fans at the show seemed a dedicated bunch. No one headed early to their cars to beat traffic, and fans screamed out the words to nearly every song.

To be certain, their dedication was rewarded. Armstrong brought several people onstage to sing songs, spray the squirt gun and goof around. During “Longview,” a man, a woman and a young boy all took a verse of the song, while Armstrong ran around the stage and played guitar.

The crowd was a mix of young and old. Some apparently longtime fans showed up, as well as a lot of young children and teenagers, accompanied by parents.

While the show included nearly every song from “21st Century Breakdown,” the band still played all of its old hits, including “Welcome to Paradise,” “When I Come Around” and “Longview.”

A set-closing encore featured the hits “American Idiot” and “Minority.” To finish the night, Armstrong strutted onstage alone with an acoustic guitar to perform “Last Night on Earth” and “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life).” The last song brought a huge response from fans, who sang every word.

The crowd went wild whenever Armstrong yelled “Omaha” or “Nebraska” or “Cornhuskers,” which came about every other sentence. He also worked the local geography into several songs, subbing “Nebraska” or “Omaha” for other lyrics.

Armstrong also reminisced about passing through Omaha during the band's early days, on a tour to support its 1994 album, “Dookie.”

“We played at this bowling alley. Was that the Ranch Bowl?” he said to cheers, recalling the former bowling alley and rock club on South 72nd Street.

“Where else can you play at a kick-ass rock club and work on your spare in the meantime?”


okay good, I was still trying to decide whether to go or sell my ticket (my brother just ordered a bunch of them and one was for me) I'm not really a green day fan but I did liked their early stuff

but if it was that good then I'm going

Thanks for making my mind up for me Ed. I have no free will and I'll do annything you tell me :retard:


I've been watching what I eat and drink over the past two weeks and have cut out the beers, regular pizzas etc. It's been tough, but I've somehow managed to lose 11 pounds!

I'm slightly suspicious of my bathroom scales, but I'll take any good news when possible.
11 pounds in 2 weeks? Yeah, you have a right to be suspicious of your scales. Don't get fooled by a faulty scale like I was! Unless you've been doing some serious exercise along with the dietary changes, you didn't lose that much that fast.
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