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Well, it's a win in that now I feel better that my attempts to loose weight were not in vain...its just I had something else wrong.

And now I can fix that. :)

Wasabi Poptart

Yay LilSin! Sucks that your thyroid's messed up, but at least you can go on meds to help out.


Staff member
Well this isn't a direct win for me... it's indirect because someone I love got some good news.

This is the buddy of mine whose ex-girlfriend has been calling him, texting him, and crashing his tailgate parties for a year. He's got a date tomorrow with a very nice-sounding girl! Apparently it's someone he was good friends with in high school, which is making him much more relaxed than he usually is around girls.

Here's how it went, so he told me a minute ago:

My friend: Hey ____, I was wondering if you were free to hang out tomorrow, maybe get some coffee? I don't wanna bug you or anything, but--

Girl: *laughing* Please, you couldn't bug me if you tried! I'd love to go.

YAY! He always, always, always calls me for girl advice, which is tremendously hard for me to give considering I've only dated one guy. But I told him what I always do in regards to a first date, and it made him feel better.

I did get a really sweet compliment out of it, which I suppose is a little win for me. I asked if she was an easy person to hang with, and he said, "I haven't been this relaxed with a woman since you and I started hanging out again." Flattering. ^_^ Then he said, "She reminds me of you, but more 'country', so more what I'm looking for, ya know!" :rofl: I love my friends.
So, I have a little win. Sort of. A Win-let. Maybe.

Spent 6 hours today with awesome friends who are doing graphic design. My female friend who is doing the program asked my other female friend to model. I mentioned that I wanted some photos taken of me, and i got invited along as well. She brought along her guy friend who I became instant best friends with, and another girl from the program who asked if she could get in on using my friends' 'models.'

It was a hillarious good time, and I got to basically stare at one of the best looking women I have ever met in my life for four hours. The entire time, her and I were joking and carrying on. I had forgotten how well we get along.

Anyhow, we'll be hanging out sometime before she heads home for Christmas. I feel like there might actually be some chemistry there. ... I might very well lift my self-imposed embargo on dating. Especially since she wants to be a foreign correspondent, which jives very well with my desire to be an itinerant writer someday. And especially since 'incompatible future plans' has been my reason for not dating thus far ...
Birthday today, I have the day off work, finally! Going to spend the day taking a much needed rest from my hectic schedule. People keep giving me moneyz, MOAR!

Thanks to Krisken, CG, and Ame for B-days wishes yesterday, helped perk me up a bit.

Also, I may or may not be in my birthday suit for random reasons today. :ninja:
Birthday today, I have the day off work, finally! Going to spend the day taking a much needed rest from my hectic schedule. People keep giving me moneyz, MOAR!

Thanks to Krisken, CG, and Ame for B-days wishes yesterday, helped perk me up a bit.

Also, I may or may not be in my birthday suit for random reasons today. :ninja:
Happy Birthday, hope that today is better than yesterday.

Just got up the hill to my house against a bazillion mile an hour winds, and two feet of snow in a Chevy Astro with Tootsie-Rolls for winter tires, and it only took me three attempts.


Just had a celebratory cigar and glass of rum. No. I'm not kidding. When you live in Newfoundland during the winter, the most mundane task becomes an epic quest.


Unless there is a woman involved. Yes, that would be the only thing that would make getting home any better, a woman to warm me up.


Staff member
O.O We should live every day the way Rob King lives when he's driving through bad weather.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to get my morning glass of water, AND THE FLOOR IS QUITE CHILLY. BUT I SHALL BRAVE IT.....WITHOUT SOCKS!

No but seriously... reading that was such a great way to start the day... and I'm happy you made it home safe. :D
It's a mixed bag. On one hand, I only get christmas day off, so I have friday/sat/have to come home on Sunday because I have work on Im not sure whether or not the cost is justified. On the other hand, a very good friend of mine, Brad (who came over to visit me in Tianjin this past August) is coming from Korea to visit Shanghai and wants me to come down to visit him. Plus I'll get to see another good friend, Hui Wen, who's in Shanghai until the 28th, when she goes back to the US.

However...This will be the first trip I'll take without my girlfriend, with whom I just broke up with a few days ago (of which I wanted to write a large post about in the Rants thread, but havent yet), so I'm still feeling...weird. Yeah. Plus Christmas without the family, and my now ex-girlfriend will be a little bittersweet.

But, I havent been to Shanghai yet, hear its exciting, and it can't possibly be colder than Tianjin currently is.
not life-altering epic, but now that I've got Callistarya a new computer, we've been playing DDO together pretty consistently. She's never played an MMO before (not really being a 'gamer'), so she's got the newb learning curve to get through, but she's doing pretty good and is having a lot of fun with the adventures we've run.
Finally have Office installed on my computer (thank you, best buy black Friday)!

Had a yummy meal cooked by the boyfriend last night and LEFTOVERS!!!!

Eating an Otis Spunky chocolate muffin (I'm not bluffin' with this muffin).

Nog in my coffee (just like nog in my coffee and, you're sooo vaiiiiiin...)

Forgot my trombone at home today, but all is well!

Dragon Ball Z season six, only 10 dollars!!!

...but now the Dragon Box is out and that's supposed to be even better. :p Oh well.

Ten dollars!
Pics or we will assume that you are attempting to fabricate a ficticious event in our minds for the purpose of enhancing your reputation upon teh intarwebz.


Staff member
Fine,fine, you frickin' hair fanatics ;)

For comparison's sake, here's what I looked like a week ago:

Here's the new do:

Got a bit of a bed-head on this side...

But this is what it should look like after I take a shower tonight:

It may not be too awesome... but before that I basically had the same, really short, almost school-boy-like cut for years. But after having longer hair for a while I thought I'd ask for a little something different.

All I gotta do now is lose some weight and I'll look bitchin' in my turtleneck and jeans ensemble :p


Staff member
I've been thinking of getting a buzz cut for summer, just for kicks mainly. I remember it being so damn easy and comfortable back when I was doing my army time in '03.

Not completely bald, though. I'm afraid the Iraqi guy who runs the nearby pizza/kebab place would start spittin' in my salami pizza take-away... or at least "forget" cutting it.
I've been thinking of getting a buzz cut for summer, just for kicks mainly. I remember it being so damn easy and comfortable back when I was doing my army time in '03.

Not completely bald, though. I'm afraid the Iraqi guy who runs the nearby pizza/kebab place would start spittin' in my salami pizza take-away... or at least "forget" cutting it.
It IS confortable, but here in spain nobody would think you are in league with the neonazis if the rest of your attire, body language, etc. don't fit. But I remember you saying that wasn't like that in North_land.
The question is: Wouldn't it cause the same effect to have a completely bald hairstyle and a military looking one?


Staff member
A buzz cut does not have the same connotations. And I'm worried simply because I'm paler than Conan O'Brien and otherwise have the whole flippin' Aryan thing going on. Save that I'm a fat-ass...

Besides, back in the army we didn't get any weekend leaved for the first month. By that time, everybody had some growth going already.
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