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Just salt and pepper here. We actually have people capable of cooking in our restaurant kitchens, so we don't see the need to hide the taste under masses of horrid ketchup to make everything taste the same.

That said, the rest of it differs with thype of restaurant. In an Italian, you'll probably find spiced oil, in a Chinese soy sauce, etc.

Wasabi Poptart

Also. I just sort of stumbled upon this while surfing Wikipedia ... I knew that eating fries with white vinegar was a fairly Canadian thing to do, but Wikipedia asserts that bottled vinegar is uncommon on restaurant tables outside of Canada. That's just weird to me. I've always thought of the four things that belong on a restaurant table as Salt, Pepper, Vinegar and Ketchup.
I know many places in New Jersey where malt vinegar bottles are on the table for your fries. Maybe it's because of all the Canadians that visit the shore areas in the summer.
Received an email from my boss saying that my raise will be retroactive back to October 1st. That's about an extra $650 minus taxes.

Booked my wife and I into two nights into the Banff Springs hotel here:


Upgraded to Gold service on the exclusive rich people floor. Butler service and a personal activity planner. $469 a night.


Staff member
Received an email from my boss saying that my raise will be retroactive back to October 1st. That's about an extra $650 minus taxes.

Booked my wife and I into two nights into the Banff Springs hotel here:


Upgraded to Gold service on the exclusive rich people floor. Butler service and a personal activity planner. $469 a night.
Adopt me.
God DAMN. I've heard of that place, it's fuckin' magnificent.
The first time we stayed there, our room was probably about the size of my office and didn't have a window, it had a port-hole. And the room still cost upwards of $200 a night.

Gorgeous area, but it's not too different from the area where I live.


Staff member
How about that? The Saints beat the Patriots. I'm happy for my family and friends who remained faithful fans throughout all those years of losing.
Trip home was awesome. Girlfriend is coming down to visit this weekend, too. Also, my younger brother asked his gf to marry him while I was home last week.


Staff member
That's what I hear. I'm not a football fan myself, but this is pretty cool. All my Saints jokes are pretty much null and void now. :confused:
We lived in CenLA right as the team once again became the Saints instead of the 'Aints. Saw pleanty of people that would talk about having to get the bags back out after a bad game or couple of game losing streak.
I gotta tell ya, I love McDonalds for a lot of things (mostly salt, fat, and sugar) but if they would only serve eggnog shakes year round I would be a happy man.

As it is, the introduction of the yearly eggnog shake availability is epic for me.


Staff member

One 10-day thematic unit down, 1 10-day thematic unit to go! And this one will be easier! The Giver > An awkwardly-written portrait of a run-down neighborhood that's better-suited to high schoolers.

*end of the semester dance*
This is basically the most epic win I have ever posted.

Someone basically just gave me $1200. My Church is sending a mission team to Haiti. I went to Haiti in a similar fashion three years ago, and it changed my life. For the last two years I've been dying to get back. Well, I was ready to work my ass off and fundraise to get to Haiti with my church this year, but someone just talked to me and informed me that they would be taking care of my costs if I am selected to go.

So stoked.
Go go refusing to help people unless they worship your god? Or has missionary work evolved beyond the cruel standards they used to have?


Staff member
This is basically the most epic win I have ever posted.

Someone basically just gave me $1200. My Church is sending a mission team to Haiti. I went to Haiti in a similar fashion three years ago, and it changed my life. For the last two years I've been dying to get back. Well, I was ready to work my ass off and fundraise to get to Haiti with my church this year, but someone just talked to me and informed me that they would be taking care of my costs if I am selected to go.

So stoked.
How generous. :) Glad you get to go back!
Go go refusing to help people unless they worship your god? Or has missionary work evolved beyond the cruel standards they used to have?
Well, even years ago you had people going to do good work without any strings attached. By contrast, today you still have mission organizations who refuse to give out soup unless you convert. But the missions the Salvation Army does are generally on the level. I have heard stories about some underhanded 'preaching,' but they've always been from a guy who heard from a guy who knew a guy ...

Last mission we went on was to repair a Salvation Army complex that served as a church, school, occasional medical clinic, and quarters for the officer in charge of the work done in that town. This mission will be to repair the national camp/conference center, which is used for everything from nation-wide strategy conferences to childrens' camps. The eventual hope is to drum up enough support to build a school in a small town called Vialet, where the nearest school is an hour and a half down the highway by car ... something not everyone has.

One 10-day thematic unit down, 1 10-day thematic unit to go! And this one will be easier! The Giver > An awkwardly-written portrait of a run-down neighborhood that's better-suited to high schoolers.

*end of the semester dance*
The Giver has such a depressing end though :(
Go go refusing to help people unless they worship your god? Or has missionary work evolved beyond the cruel standards they used to have?
Yeah, this is the first thing I thought of too when he said his church was going to help people in Haiti. I mean, WTF?
Go go refusing to help people unless they worship your god? Or has missionary work evolved beyond the cruel standards they used to have?
Yeah, this is the first thing I thought of too when he said his church was going to help people in Haiti. I mean, WTF?[/QUOTE]

Honestly, I hesitated to post that win at all for fear of misunderstanding or downright judgment. But in the end I felt it was too epic to stifle.
Go go refusing to help people unless they worship your god? Or has missionary work evolved beyond the cruel standards they used to have?
Yeah, this is the first thing I thought of too when he said his church was going to help people in Haiti. I mean, WTF?[/QUOTE]

Honestly, I hesitated to post that win at all for fear of misunderstanding or downright judgment. But in the end I felt it was too epic to stifle.[/QUOTE]

Hey, it's really awesome. Winter trip planned, or next summer?


Tin is the most awesome man ON THE PLANET!! Today my Christmas present came in. My brand new metallic red computer with ALLLLLLLLL the trimmings...We built it together and it's soooo cool!!

I feel some sort of worship for this lovely man who spoils me endlessly....

oh and btw the diamond tennis bracelet is PRETTY FUCKIN AWESOME TOOO!


I must leave now...have to Tinwhistlers feet and kneels)



Staff member
For better or for worse, it's all over. I have no more presentations. I need only hand two things in this week and next week, and one of them is already complete. Although there were complications, everything that I can control is taken care of. I'm not as insane as I was last night. And when I look at the big picture, I realize that one small portion of my portfolio is missing (pictures). The important stuff is all there, and I can take comfort in the fact that I worked hard.
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