I left work at 2pm today, and I don't have to go back (except to pick up my car and my blood glucose monitor) until the 29th. I get a whole week of relaxing, baking, cooking, eating Christmas cookies and candy and quickbreads (in moderation), watching Christmas movies, playing video games, and just plain relaxing. Oh, and drinking. And, since my sugar levels aren't as bad as we feared last month, I can have egg nog.
As of approximately 1 hour and 24 minutes ago, I am on vacation. In the morning I am boarding a train and going to see my awesome family for Christmas and New Year's, and all the free (and copious) food that entails (and their company, sure, but mostly the food :p).

Then I do not have to go back to work until 2 February. Unless something comes up, it's only gonna be sleep and video games for a solid month once I come back here.

That is, unless the country crumbles and we all descend into anarchy and chaos.

So everybody behave, mmmmmmkay? Thanks, love ya lots.

And in case I don't get the chance to say it day of, everyone have a merry Christmas, or whatever your Christmas equivalent may be, I hope it's merry. Nothing but good things for all!


Staff member
I love Christmas. Just saying. I just wanted to balance out the rant threads (no judgement). I am an introvert of the highest order but for one short span every year, I enjoy bustling through the crowds to get something for my family to see that look on their faces. My in-laws are here, and I like my in-laws. Presents bought, shipped what needed to be shipped. Kicking back with a nice coffee. Merry Christmas.


Staff member
My in-laws don't have wi-fi. So we paid $50 and got a portable hotspot. Put $60 (3 GB) on it and they were able to skype with Zach for an hour! Clear picture and sound and we only used .66 GB.

They hadn't seen him for over a year. It was very cool.


Staff member
Bitsky sounds like a TV cop's name. The loose cannon who doesn't play by the rules.

"Bitsky, get in here!"


Staff member
Bitsky sounds like a TV cop's name. The loose cannon who doesn't play by the rules.

"Bitsky, get in here!"
Oh god yeah everyone loves yelling my last name angrily. "BITSKY! DAMN IT!"[DOUBLEPOST=1420608709,1420608593][/DOUBLEPOST]

Oh I guess I was even in the episode.