Dammit all, guys. I'm supposed to be famous, respected, high-literary, award winning author!

Well, okay, I'm supposed to be a famous, respected, high-literary author.

...fine, I'm supposed to be a famous, respected author.

Can I at least be a respected author?


I'm not supposed to make mistacks!


Staff member
Did people actually play that shit? I was a fairly goody two shoes teenager.
By the time I was a teenager, nobody did that anymore. And preadolescent me wanted nothing to do with the potential social complications and/or drama.
Baby N0. 1 is 14 months old in a week, and Baby No. 2 will be here early Oct!! :aaah:It was nice talking to you all. I will check in every 100th diaper change. :Leyla:


Staff member
Got a call from a newspaper yesterday for an interview for an upcoming show! EPIC WIN!

I called the guy back and he said, "We'd rather talk to Brandon." EPIC FAIL!
Steinman, can I date her in 18 years? :D

EDIT: Just remembered I'm married. So... can my son date her in 18 years? He's not born yet, or even conceived, so he'll probably be 16 or 17 years old at most. Adalyn won't mind going out with a younger guy, will she? I'll make sure he's very mature for his age.

Seriously though, congrats!
It doesn't seem like they wanted to redeem his stamp card. ("Buy 7 deliveries, the 8th one is free!")
To be fair, he was cheating, this one was the heaviest and biggest of the lot. Normally it's the smallest/cheapest one free, not the biggest one...and given that this is the first girl, heh, the most expensive one, too :p

(no disrespect towards women or in any way or form any slight to anyone intended; just trying to make a joke about the cliché that girls are more expensive to raise than boys)