Just my $0.02... I've been using WinAmp as my player since 1998 or 1999 or so, and have YET to be disappointed with what they have to offer.
The bank has been notified, the papers have been signed, the champagne has flowed.

My little brother bought a house today.
YES! Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes! Oh, happy days!

Brief context: My original plan to graduate this year was taking a 3-credit course in the summer. If I pass everything this year, then I've fullfilled my requirements for my English degree. I just needed 3 credits more to finish (basically a half-year course). After speaking with the English department, he said it didn't need to be any subject or particular year. So, I tried enrolling in a first-year level course...

...and I'm in! 8:30 AM tutorial followed by a 10:30 AM class. The time sucks, but if it means I graduate in the Spring/Summer instead of October? Worth it.
I just found out I have a composer for my film after all! :D
I hadn't heard from him in so long that I was ready to give up and take my scratch tracks into Protools and fiddle with them. They are good tracks, they just don't match the tempo I need them too/ are not the right length.

Wasabi Poptart

I have about 3 weeks until this nightmare deployment filled with learning experiences is over. Hallelujah!
Awesome news, Checker.

Our Epic Win would've only been a minor victory had it not been for how awesome Dream Goddess is. It would've been a minor anecdote of "hey, we met Spoony". Instead when we went to Magfest last night, we hung out in line for Spoony's stand-up with Nella (who appears in Nostalgia Chick's videos) and Linkara. Dream did her fangirling and we actually chatted with them a bit. If not for them, we wouldn't have even gotten into Spoony's show and Q&A. We got to talk with Linkara more later, meet Spoony, get him to sign Final Fantasy X-2, and talk to Scarlett as well. A lot of that wouldn't have happened had things been left to me, as I don't go mingle and get all hyper fan, even though I know that's part of why these guys come out to cons.

She was really a star last evening and made it a memorable night.

Philosopher B.

Woah, so much good/cool news up in this mug!

< Would love to meet Spoony.


I feel better!!

and if anyone doubts the epicness of that win trust me this shit going away could quite possibly be the best thing that ever happened to me.