Lost credibility at, "care for me as a person. Then ask me on a date."
That point should read, he really cares for me as a person...
That point should read, he really cares for me as a person...
Not really. Our eyes are just especially good at seeing green, so it looks brighter to us because it excites our eyes more than other colors.([...]green laser pointers are generally several orders of magnitude brighter/more powerful than the red ones we've all played with)
I didn't mean the color itself is inherently more powerful, just that the more powerful laser pointers I've seen generally tend to be green. IE, the ones that pop balloons, etc.Not really. Our eyes are just especially good at seeing green, so it looks brighter to us because it excites our eyes more than other colors.
If you look carefully, you'll see more than a few purple beams in that picture, too. Converting a Blu-Ray laser is one thing, but a purpose-built high-energy violet is another.A laser pointer with a beam that visible would have to have a pretty decent amount of power.
Well, you know, we all know who uses green lasers and who uses the red tints. He's just not an Imperial.Nah, the guy who requested the purple laser just didn't want viewers to confuse him with the green-wielding ones to either side.
Those are so amazing.Restored historical photos.
Ooo, they've added some new ones since last time.
Ouch my nostalgic feels.So, was browsing a certain other site, and this happened:
holy shit, that is from the week before I was born literally! I was born on the 19th.
Seconded!Thanks for making me feel really old.