[Other] The not so funny pic thread (some NSFL or gore)



This one is safe though...

And so is this!


The biggest problem I have with the billboard is that it was in a neighborhood that was low income and very, very skewed to the African American demographic. It wasn't as much the message but the picture. Kids don't read or know the message but they know enough to ask when they see a black guy in a metal collar. This, to me, is JUST as offensive as the abortion protesters holding up signs with bloody fetuses.
Funny story, there was a guy who lived along my way to work several years ago who, every week, would put different "fried baby" and "Jesus hates fags" type posters up on this sign in his front yard. It was along probably the busiest street besides any highways.


Staff member
Funny story, there was a guy who lived along my way to work several years ago who, every week, would put different "fried baby" and "Jesus hates fags" type posters up on this sign in his front yard. It was along probably the busiest street besides any highways.
And he's just as big a dipshit as the people who put up this billboard in my eyes.
Except that it was an exact quote from a book that some claim is flawless and does not need updating. Even some of the political candidates in the "race" right now believe that.
Rebuttal in spoiler
Modern slavery and the modern definition of slavery is abhorrent and downright evil. People selling people/breeding people/kidnapping/etc is awful and inhumane. No true Christian or human for that matter could or should defend slavery. Slavery in the ancient world (the world of the Bible) is not necessarily the same as modern slavery. Slavery in the ancient world was very common. People owned nothing, nor had the right to own hardly anything. If you fell on hard times or owed a debt, you paid it off by being a 'slave' until the debt was paid. The majority (all) of Christians (that I know) do not think that slavery is or was good. I am ashamed of the U.S. and it's history in this regard. I am ashamed that our fore-fathers were slave owners while signing documents claiming that all men were created equal. It was hypocrisy. However, find one nation that doesn't have some negative aspect of their past. Find one religion where people haven't twisted its teaching for personal gain and power. People can and will screw up anything because people are inherently selfish.

As Espy said, the billboard is mixing 2 different ideas to shock. I don't like or understand some information in the Bible, but there is a lot of good stuff there as well, but folks that are dead set to condemn it, will find and look for faults.

Usually the same folk (on their 3rd marriage) who rally against homosexuals while ignoring that adultery is usually right next to or even in the same verse condemning it.
Agreed. So many folks forget they have a 2x4 in their eye, while pointing out the speck of dust in another's eye.
drawn_inward - When someone says "The bible is infallible" then turn around and say "oh except that part, and that part, oh and that part too" what do you say to that?
Thats called a)being a hypocrite and b)ignorant of literary theory and theological /cultural and understanding.
Secondly I would add that it is really the falling down of the church. We don't teach people how to understand the Bible correctly, too many merely say "it's infallible" and then ignore anything they don't know how to deal with it. We say "God wrote it" rather than "Man wrote it and God inspired it" and add into that literary and cultural understanding, which really, I can't harp on enough. Does that make sense?

I suppose though we shouldn't crowd this thread with this stuff. I'm open to continuing it in a civil manner via pm or another thread though.
needless death, while I understand it is just a dog, makes me upset. Needless cruelty against any creature goes against my creedo. I get its silly, it still makes me sad.
RE: That dog gif.

As soon as I saw the little guy still moving, I had to close the spoiler window. There's some things that I still can't handle, and that's animal cruelty. "Free cat" isn't the same, since I'm going to assume (or hope) that the cat was dead before the sign was made.

What the hell is that?

Huh. No, that can't be....


Apparently this is what happens after floods in Australia.
That's nothing. I think it was after the tsunami in Japan that there were entire trees along the entire coast filled with spider webs.
I'd be more afraid to walk under one of those trees. Though I do recall the coastline of spider trees was why there was little to no mosquitoes spreading diseases.
Would you walk through that field?

And yeah, that's what I hear too. Obviuosly after floods there's a lot of stagnant water and therefore major mosquito infestations, so the spiders hang out in clusters like this, virtually erradicating the mosquito problem, then they spread back out when the water's resceded.
So, every once in a while at work we get a trailer that has a fine piece of trailer art in it. Last week we got one that had a beaut. I don't know how people find the time to work on these, but I present to you:



Can it be called rule 34 if the "artist" probably can't count that high?


Staff member
That Marge drawing... as much as I hate knocking your trailer artist down a notch, I've seen it in ads on some of the less savory sites I've been to. It was for one of those porn-of-popular-cartoon-characters sites.