When I was pregnant with Noah I wanted to give him a not very popular name, but not highly unusual. Noah was in the low 20s on the Social Security annual list of baby names. Every year since that name has gotten more and more popular. It was the USA's overall number 1 name for boys in 2013.
Lily was also in the mid-20s, but hasn't gotten any higher than 15 since she was born. She was almost Lorien which I picked as a shortened version of Lothlorien, but then her brother intervened.
Noah seems to strike me as a good balance of uncommon but not weird, but that's purely subjective. Lorien.... ehhh.... maybe her brother had the right idea

though I have a friend who has a sister named Lori.
Heck, even this board aside, I've known an Errol and an Ariel (male). The latter one was in 1st grade summer camp, so naturally he got taunted mercilessly... and this even predated Disney's little mermaid - kids just called him Oreo.
Then there are the wackos who theme name. I had a friend in high school whose parents named all their kids (and they had several) starting with the letter K. Eldest was Kyle. Ok, nothing odd there. Then they had a daughter and named her... Kottie. Uh... what? Then a son (my friend) named Keenan. I forget what his younger brother was named, but it started with K.
Then his older sister got pregnant (not married), got excommunicated (mormons), ended up having two kids by different fathers (still not married)... older kid was named... Kayern? Kairn? Rhymes with Iron but I'm not sure of the spelling other than it starts with K. Younger kid I don't remember either... but also started with K!