Mine was either "Roundabout" or "Wish You Were Here," I don't remember which was first.Ah Smoke on the Water--the first song everyone plays on an electric guitar.
Get busy.Mine was either "Roundabout" or "Wish You Were Here," I don't remember which was first.
Wait, that was on acoustic. I don't have an electric yet.
So there's still time.
I didn't bring my guitar with me, for obvious reasons.Get busy.
Yes! I was already a fan of Princes of the Universe thanks to Highlander. But, Led Zeppelin was one of those bands that I "discovered" too. All of my friend's older brothers were into Zeppelin, but I never got it and thought they were over-rated. So, yes Kashmir is a song that I will wait to finish before I get out of the car.Your statement got me to thinking on my way home from work the other day.
I'm going to recommend you revisit the following, if you haven't already:
The Chain
Smoke on the Water
Sympathy for the Devil
Princes of the Universe
WARNING: Listening to "Princes of the Universe" while driving can be hazardous to your health and to the health of those around you. Please remember that you are not immortal.
After it, it's a great big worldI can't help thinking that there is a little more to life.
In the same way that Wonderwall is the first song everyone plays on an acoustic.Ah Smoke on the Water--the first song everyone plays on an electric guitar.
Really? I thought it was Closer to Fine.Wonderwall is the first song everyone plays on an acoustic.
In the same way that Wonderwall is the first song everyone plays on an acoustic.
Peter Gunn.
I don't know why, but when I first read that I thought your tattoo was going to be part of a colon...I'm getting my first tattoo today: a semi-colon behind my ear. And I'm not gonna be a crybaby about it, either. In fact, this is a visual representation of how it'll go.
A friend of Alix's, actually, who is getting experience to earn an apprenticeship. So out of her home. And she's great.Super fun! What shop Nick?
Pictures please
I love tattoo pictures!
What's the significance of a semicolon behind the ear?
From a different thread:SECONDED, sounds neat but the symbolism is on the tip of my beard.
This is a great idea. I'm actually thinking of getting a small tattoo of this, now.
I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.Attention my fellow old people who are no longer "with it."
The Epithet of the Moment has officially changed. I know, I know, we were all getting comfy and jolly with calling/being called "Shitlord." Well, now the grown ups know about it, so it's not cool any more. Those now spewing hilariously hypocritical invective at those they perceive as their mortal enemy now have moved on to the equally juvenile yet somehow even less impressive "Fuckboy."
So, watch for a whole lot of tumblr and twitter posts with people calling people "fuckboy."
It's never taken less brain cells to shout down and marginalize those who you claim shout down and marginalize you. Tune in next month for the next Epithet of the Moment!
My money's on "Assdick."
It varies from dumbass to dumbass.I thought they were terminating it with "i" not "y?"
I believe the proper spelling for this neologism is "fuccboi".I thought they were terminating it with "i" not "y?"
Ahh, I miss the classics, like "turdwaffle."
I don't know what direction the new epithet will go, but I hope it's something classy, like "fecalcitrant" or "scatslurper."
I've seen Munch's butt. It hasn't been "long ago" enough yet.I miss the halcyon days of "fartknocker" and "buttmunch". Oh, Early-to-Mid 90's, you don't seem so long ago in my mind.
I miss the halcyon days of "fartknocker" and "buttmunch". Oh, Early-to-Mid 90's, you don't seem so long ago in my mind.