Ah Smoke on the Water--the first song everyone plays on an electric guitar.
Mine was either "Roundabout" or "Wish You Were Here," I don't remember which was first.
Wait, that was on acoustic. I don't have an electric yet.
So there's still time.

Your statement got me to thinking on my way home from work the other day.
I'm going to recommend you revisit the following, if you haven't already:
The Chain
Smoke on the Water
Sympathy for the Devil
Princes of the Universe
WARNING: Listening to "Princes of the Universe" while driving can be hazardous to your health and to the health of those around you. Please remember that you are not immortal.

Yes! I was already a fan of Princes of the Universe thanks to Highlander. But, Led Zeppelin was one of those bands that I "discovered" too. All of my friend's older brothers were into Zeppelin, but I never got it and thought they were over-rated. So, yes Kashmir is a song that I will wait to finish before I get out of the car.


Staff member
In no-common-sense news, one of our students had no shoes to wear the morning we left Wyoming. He packed them all in his suitcase which was loaded on the bus the night before we departed for the airport. We told them to pack everything except their change of clothes and toiletries for the morning--those things would go in their shared duffle bags. So he had to walk in a pair of loaner boots, open his suitcase at 4 am, and pull it apart looking for his shoes. I would have laughed if I'd gotten more than 3 hours of sleep.
I'm getting my first tattoo today: a semi-colon behind my ear. And I'm not gonna be a crybaby about it, either. In fact, this is a visual representation of how it'll go.

I'm getting my first tattoo today: a semi-colon behind my ear. And I'm not gonna be a crybaby about it, either. In fact, this is a visual representation of how it'll go.

I don't know why, but when I first read that I thought your tattoo was going to be part of a colon...
Maybe because on my phone semi and colon were on separate lines.[DOUBLEPOST=1431443182,1431443062][/DOUBLEPOST]And now I've got the image of a partially erect colon in my head. Something is wrong with me.
Going to the AC con this week, a good mix of Rob Paulsen, Stan Lee, and Burlesque panels! Wish I could be there for that Warriors reunion but whatevs.


Staff member
Attention my fellow old people who are no longer "with it."

The Epithet of the Moment has officially changed. I know, I know, we were all getting comfy and jolly with calling/being called "Shitlord." Well, now the grown ups know about it, so it's not cool any more. Those now spewing hilariously hypocritical invective at those they perceive as their mortal enemy now have moved on to the equally juvenile yet somehow even less impressive "Fuckboy."

So, watch for a whole lot of tumblr and twitter posts with people calling people "fuckboy."

It's never taken less brain cells to shout down and marginalize those who you claim shout down and marginalize you. Tune in next month for the next Epithet of the Moment!

My money's on "Assdick."
I thought they were terminating it with "i" not "y?"

Ahh, I miss the classics, like "turdwaffle."

I don't know what direction the new epithet will go, but I hope it's something classy, like "fecalcitrant" or "scatslurper."

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Attention my fellow old people who are no longer "with it."

The Epithet of the Moment has officially changed. I know, I know, we were all getting comfy and jolly with calling/being called "Shitlord." Well, now the grown ups know about it, so it's not cool any more. Those now spewing hilariously hypocritical invective at those they perceive as their mortal enemy now have moved on to the equally juvenile yet somehow even less impressive "Fuckboy."

So, watch for a whole lot of tumblr and twitter posts with people calling people "fuckboy."

It's never taken less brain cells to shout down and marginalize those who you claim shout down and marginalize you. Tune in next month for the next Epithet of the Moment!

My money's on "Assdick."
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So I apparently passed my crippling social anxiety on to my daughter, who bursts into tears at the very idea of having to ask her teacher for a new permission slip for her field trip in two days, because she's terrified she will get in trouble, even though there has never been any indication of her teacher so much as needing to discipline her for anything ever.

Also, I emailed her teacher and asked her to please put a form in her backpack, and now her teacher feels bad and thinks my daughter thinks she's mean. LoL. :/
I thought they were terminating it with "i" not "y?"

Ahh, I miss the classics, like "turdwaffle."

I don't know what direction the new epithet will go, but I hope it's something classy, like "fecalcitrant" or "scatslurper."

I believe the proper spelling for this neologism is "fuccboi".

Further, recent reports indicate that the next trendy epithet du jour will be either "diccnave" or "kuntknight", following the now-established compounding formula of an expletive followed by a historically male social status, with misspellings as needed.


Staff member
Just finished driving 13 hours. I'm home. I'm showered. I've eaten. I'm going to ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Staff member
I miss the halcyon days of "fartknocker" and "buttmunch". Oh, Early-to-Mid 90's, you don't seem so long ago in my mind.

Huh huh huh huh huh....
She said "fart."
Heh heh heh... hnggh.. heh heh... she said "butt."
Uhh huh huh huh huh... dillhole.
Heh heh hnngh... dillweed.
...Dumbass. Huh huh huh huh...
Heh heh heh... hngh... asswipe...