Charles Fleischer called me "Professor Beard" at his panel today, it was awesome!

And dear LORD twisted toons is great live, kinda wish Jeremy Shada got more lines though, he has a bigger range than I thought.
I have been working on an actual budget for the family and have made a "debt-snowball" plan to get rid of our debts (credit cards/student loan). We're not in a tight spot yet, but we haven't been intentional with our money, and seen our savings ebb and flow. I am ready to be an adult about it and knock out the debt. I am not quite obsessed and find myself double-checking my numbers. I have spreadsheets and graphs made. We've known how much we owe, but now that I put it to paper and calculated how long it will take to get rid of it. Now, I am even thinking about taking a PT job to hasten the process. I might need to chill a bit; I think I might be over-obsessive.
I have been working on an actual budget for the family and have made a "debt-snowball" plan to get rid of our debts (credit cards/student loan). We're not in a tight spot yet, but we haven't been intentional with our money, and seen our savings ebb and flow. I am ready to be an adult about it and knock out the debt. I am not quite obsessed and find myself double-checking my numbers. I have spreadsheets and graphs made. We've known how much we owe, but now that I put it to paper and calculated how long it will take to get rid of it. Now, I am even thinking about taking a PT job to hasten the process. I might need to chill a bit; I think I might be over-obsessive.
When it comes to your family's finances, it's really hard to be over-obsessive.
The trouble comes when you sit down and figure out your snowball date, and then realize it coincides with traditional retirement age.

The trouble comes when you sit down and figure out your snowball date, and then realize it coincides with traditional retirement age.

Since we are expecting our 2nd child in October and we desperately need a different car, we won't be climbing out of the hole as fast as I like. Though, hopefully we won't tack on too much more. We should both get a significant pay increase once we leave our postdocs.

As for retirement, I only have 5k in a 401k. Retirement is a four-letter word right now.
Postdocs? You're so young. Don't take another job. Spend less money on what you don't need. Spend more time with your family. This is how you should obsess over your debt.

Also, don't expect to have all the things someone 20 years older than you has. ("Nice" home, and retirement savings, both)
Postdocs? You're so young. Don't take another job. Spend less money on what you don't need. Spend more time with your family. This is how you should obsess over your debt.

Also, don't expect to have all the things someone 20 years older than you has. ("Nice" home, and retirement savings, both)
No, I am old. Life wasn't a straight shot for me; lots of winding roads.
In a similar boat, @drawn_inward. Except I can retire in less than four years, though my debts won't likely all be paid off by then (looks evilly at Discover Financial Services).

Thing is, I have a pretty damn good pension, and the earlier retirement date of 2018 would allow me to GTFO of a situation that is more and more mentally draining every day.

What I need to do is get savings built up enough that I can do what I want - move OUT of Wisconsin.
Dammit Facebook! They had a trending link... Peter Mayhew actor best known for playing Chewbacca (I just about had a fit) ... turns 71.

I mean, shit, every time you post a "actor best known for" normally means Brazzelton.



Staff member
I've been laughing at this for like 15 minutes now: Tic Tac adds new flavor-changing varieties to draw millenials

The best parts of the article.
The new varieties -- cherry cola and peach lemonade -- are the first major innovation for the brand since 2008 and were designed for young consumers who hate being bored, said Todd Midura, marketing director for Tic Tac in the U.S.
The company also identified a third reason consumers may want Tic Tacs: “emotional rescue.”

“It’s all about people wanting the product to entertain them,” Midura said. “Younger people are really looking for a product to do that.”
Hmm, candy that changes flavor... yeah, Everlasting Gobstoppers did that nearly 40 years ago.
Then you need to interact with a few more of your entitled peers, my friend.
I think it's more because the "millennial" generation includes the original wave of web-enabled kids (my kin, the 25-30 somethings that are shaping the world in their image as we speak) that remember the world before the net and the tail end of that, the 18 year old helicopter parent generation that don't know how to function without stimulation 24/7 because their parents parked them in front of a TV all day and gave them anything they wanted. There's a huge difference in culture between these two groups and it's why marketing to them as a group (like previous generations) has mostly failed.
I think it's more because the "millennial" generation includes the original wave of web-enabled kids (my kin, the 25-30 somethings that are shaping the world in their image as we speak) that remember the world before the net and the tail end of that, the 18 year old helicopter parent generation that don't know how to function without stimulation 24/7 because their parents parked them in front of a TV all day and gave them anything they wanted. There's a huge difference in culture between these two groups and it's why marketing to them as a group (like previous generations) has mostly failed.
YES YES YES. I remember my first job when I got myself a phone, a palm centro one of the first proto-smart phones. I now use a Galaxy S5, its literally hilarious to think about how much the world has changed. I remember being excited to come home to watch anime on Toonami in the afternoons, now kids just stream it on their web enabled devices and shit. like saying I am part of that group is just sad because the front end(us) is a completely different mindset from the tail end(them)
Then you need to interact with a few more of your entitled peers, my friend.
I'm not about to have another "millenials are the worst thing ever" debate. I meant more along the lines of "millenials will like these flavor changing foods because they like to be entertained!" Who the fuck finds that entertaining? It just doesn't make any sense and I can't imagine anyone I know enjoying food for that reason.