Every generation likes to stomp on the upcoming generation; Happened with the Gen X group too.
When I was 28 to 30 I hated Gen X coverage. It was like a disparaging news story every day about an entire generation. Being at the head of the generation it was weird trying to figure that the kids I was teaching was my generation too, even though they had no idea about anything that formed my part of the generation.
Anyone who insists on keeping "generations" of at least 10 years all clustered together isn't moving fast enough. Yes, we born in the '80s all sort of had similar youths. No, people born in the '90s haven't. Generations are getting shorter and shorter, and are in some cases starting to somehow overlap. Trying to appeal to someone born in '90 and someone from '00 at the same time is an exercise in futility.


Staff member
I remember the exact year the mindset started to take place.

In 1984, I competed in our school's field day. I got a red ribbon for coming in second in a footrace, and a white ribbon for coming in third in the long jump.
In 1985, the same school had another field day.

I got a blue ribbon for every single event I entered, regardless of where I placed.
And then civilization collapsed.

Or everything was fine and people aren't nearly the level of entitled that old people like to imagine to try to prop up an idea that their youth was when "things were done right."
Fuck the 80s. Fuck Reagan and fuck Rockefeller. The boom times of the second half of the decade happened far too late for my family. The Reagan Recession pretty much destroyed this region.
That was almost the same as my night! I drank whisky and watched Coronation Street.

I have a drinking game that goes along with it. Everytime the show gets boring I take a drink. If I'm still sober by the end the show wins. I call it Scotland vs England.