Odds are better that if you do find it, it's in somebody else's possession. And then you'll either have to trade them something very precious to you, like your ability to feel joy, or get involved in a contract with them, which, well, you know.

Which really just solidifies to me why, if I had to be in a nWoD game, I'd be a Sin-Eater.


Staff member
I had an epic dream last night. I was some sort of magic lord in a fantasy realm and found myself transported to an alternate dimension and mistaken for my evil counterpart (possibly switched with him). I was at some sort of gathering or award ceremony, like the Golden Globes of evil magic or something. As the festivities wound down my duplicate's wife/consort was getting bored and decided that we should go find our own fun for the evening. She headed off to start flirting with everyone, and I scanned the room to try and see if my love from the good dimension (played in the dream by my crush from reality) had a duplicate as well. She did, and her red hair flowed down behind her, and she was beautiful and terrible at the same time, some sort of evil enchantress in black and shadow and flame. I tried to start a conversation, but she was bored until I mentioned dragons, which I knew about from my home dimension.

So, evil enchantress (or maybe not so evil...) excitedly took me to one of her estates to discuss the dragon problem, when several huge dragons started fire-bombing the place. The biggest dragon was titanic, big enough that a man would be smaller than the pupil of his eye. Seeing the dragons acting this way, I tried to speak magic words in dragon tongue, but I didn't have the magic here. I shouted the words at the top of my lungs, knowing the words still had power, but without the magic I couldn't make myself heard.

After the attack was over I set out to... well, I'm not really clear on that. Something about finding the heroes and their magic artifacts or something MacGuffin-ish. I stopped a passing warrior and demanded her fire-horse. She was about to trample me and be on her way but I bluffed a thread to use a command tone of voice-magic on her. She let me have her steed, and I pulled her up to ride behind me since we were going the same way.

We passed many troops traveling, the world was at war or at least unrest. Then we came across one of the heroes, who was being attacked. He was killed before my eyes, and his MacGuffin was taken. I dismounted to examine the body, and the warrior woman rode off without me. There was something about a spider and continuing on my journey but the dream was breaking up at that point as I woke.

My sub-conscious writes some pretty crazy stories.
I started my new position at my job a week ago and while the pay is a lot better and the actuall work is more fun I must say it has me a lot more busy than I was before and it has seriously cut into my internet time. So if anyone is wondering why I haven't been on as much that should be your answer :p


Staff member
What could have ended in human chop suey, instead resulted in victory for German engineers at e-volo as they successfully completed the first manned flight of an electric multicopter. The human death trap multicopter uses multiple mini helicopters to lift the passenger upwards -- who's snuggled in the center of the carnage, firmly strapped to a squishy exercise ball. Like an UAV, the hovering device is controlled via radio control from the ground -- talk about trusting. The passenger was able to hold on for one minute and 30-second of flight victory, causing raucous celebrations from the Wright brothers in aviation heaven. Click past the break for the video.
Continue reading First manned multicopter takes flight, brave human sits amidst blades (video)


Staff member
A chinstrap doesn't get distracted, though.
Added at: 01:44
How do you figure?
Because like 9 times out of 10 he's defeated when someone forcibly removes his helmet, opening him to attack by Jean/Charles/Emma.
Added at: 01:47
Also, it was kind of meant as a joke.
Thought so, but just had to be sure. Magneto's powers are open-ended enough that the writers probably have trouble coming up with ways for him to lose. So they just go for the easy way over and over again.
Work has been extremely slow this week but I've been kind of under the weather and not able to work at full capacity. It's kinda nice timing, but kinda boring too.

Guess that makes it not a win or a rant, but something worth mentioning. :p


Staff member
Just picked up Age of Apocalypse. Never read it before. Was there some requirement for all men to grow long hair after Apocalypse took over?
Just picked up Age of Apocalypse. Never read it before. Was there some requirement for all men to grow long hair after Apocalypse took over?
I think that Apocalypse had a beef with barbers since he wasn't able to grow hair. So they were first against the wall, even before the lawyers and politicians.


I found someone from here on a fetish website. hehe that amuses me. I am not much of a net stalker but when it happens I get a good chuckle.


Ive already said I was on a fetish site lol. It isn't so much the site, I mean it IS, but it is mostly that I found someone from here.
Right now, like LITERALLY as I type, my boss and office manager are having an argument on the ethics of shopping at WalMart.


I got to experience something new last night. I was in a training meeting for my new job (woot new job) and it was just like something out of the Office or Dilbert. It was all buzz words, paradigm and acronym. I had a good laugh to myself at how absurd it all was. I am kind of happy I got to experience that though because it makes the jokes about it even funnier.


Staff member
YOu know what I'd love to see? A really really good Flash movie. I friggin' love the flash. Barry and Wally. I want to see one of my favorite heroes done well on the big screen. The TV show was good, and had one of the best real-life realizations of a superhero costume I've seen, even in the days since it was on the air.
YOu know what I'd love to see? A really really good Flash movie. I friggin' love the flash. Barry and Wally. I want to see one of my favorite heroes done well on the big screen. The TV show was good, and had one of the best real-life realizations of a superhero costume I've seen, even in the days since it was on the air.
Here, here!


Staff member
His Rogues Gallery is so well done, too. I love this almost grudging respect they have for the Flash (except some of the newer ones like Girder).

You know what was good? The JLU episode with Batman, Orion, and Wally. That was probably the best episode of the series, and really summed up the Flash nicely.
His Rogues Gallery is so well done, too. I love this almost grudging respect they have for the Flash (except some of the newer ones like Girder).

You know what was good? The JLU episode with Batman, Orion, and Wally. That was probably the best episode of the series, and really summed up the Flash nicely.
Fade, I love you. My husband hates that Ep. of the JLU to the point that when I break out the DVDs I have to skip it.

Luckily, my baby boy has developed a strong love of the Scarlet Speedster so I can share my affection openly. :p


Staff member
You know what was good? The JLU episode with Batman, Orion, and Wally. That was probably the best episode of the series, and really summed up the Flash nicely.
Yes, "Flash and Substance" is my favorite episode of JLU. Actually, there is a lot of awesome flash in the Justice League animated series. I also love him in the Christmas episode fighting the Ultra-Humanite over DJ Rubber Ducky, when he singlehandedly takes down Luthor/Amazo, the body-swap with Luthor, etc.