The Random Crap Thread

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From: Margaret Bennett
Date: Friday 22 August 2009 3.40pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: computer room
Hello David
I tried to call you but your phone is off. Just letting you know that Seb bought a flash drive to school yesterday and copied a game onto the school computers which is against the school rules and he has been banned from using the computer room for the rest of the term.
Sincerely, Margaret

From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 24 August 2009 9.16am
To: Margaret Bennett
Subject: Re: computer room
Dear Maggie,
Thankyou for your email. I am not answering my mobile phone at the moment as I am experiencing iPhone envy and every second spent using my Nokia is like being trapped in a loveless marriage. Where you stay together for the kids. And the kids all have iPhones. I was not aware that my son taking software to school was in breach of school rules. Although the game is strategic and public domain, not to mention that it was I who copied and gave it to him, I agree that banning him from access to the computers at school is an appropriate punishment. Especially considering his enthusiasm for the subject. Also, though physical discipline is not longer administered in the public school system, it would probably be appropriate in this instance if nobody is watching. I know from experience that he can take a punch.
Regards, David.

From: Margaret Bennett
Date: Tuesday 25 August 2009 10.37am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: computer room
We would never strike a student and whether the software is pirated or not is not the issue. He denied having the drive which means he knew he shouldn’t have it here then it was found in his bag so I feel the punishment is suitable.

From: David Thorne
Date: Tuesday 25 August 2009 11.04am
To: Margaret Bennett
Subject: Re: Re: Re: computer room
Dear Maggie,
Yes, I agree. Education and access to the tools necessary for such should always come secondary to discipline. When I was young, discipline was an accepted part of each school day. Once, when I coloured outside the lines, I was forced to stand in the playground with a sign around my neck that read ‘non-conformist’ while the other children pelted me with rubble from the recently torched school library. Apparently a copy of Biggles had been found behind a filing cabinet. Another time, because I desperately wanted a Battlestar Galactica jacket like Apollo in the television series, using brown house paint from the shed at home, I painted my denim jacket and used Araldite to attach brass door hinges as clasps. Feeling that it was an excellent representation and despite the oil based paint still being soaking wet, I wore it to school the next day. Unfortunately, the paint dried while I was sitting in Mrs Bowman’s English class, securing me to the chair. After the school handyman cut me free, I was sent to the principal for damaging school property. My punishment was to scrape wads of chewing gum off the bottom of every chair in the school after hours. It took several weeks and it was during this lonely time that I created my imaginary friend Mr Wrigley. During class, when the teacher was not looking, we would pass each other notes regarding the merits of disciplinary action and how one day we would own real Battlestar Galactica jackets.
Also, if you happen to see Seb eating anything over the next few weeks, please remove the food from him immediately. He forgot to feed his turtle last week and I feel a month without food will help him understand both the importance of being a responsible pet owner and the effects of malnutrition.
Regards, David.

From: Margaret Bennett
Date: Tuesday 25 August 2009 4.10pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: computer room
I hope you are not being serious about the food but I am forwarding your email to the principal as per school policy.

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 26 August 2009 11.18am
To: Margaret Bennett
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: computer room
Dear Maggie,
Rest assured I would not really withhold nutritional requirements from any child. Except maybe that one that starred in the Home Alone movies. I read somewhere that a healthy breakfast helps concentration and have found, since replacing my usual diet of nicotine with froot loops, I am able to move small objects with my mind. Just this morning Seb and I were discussing the importance of good nutrition which is why, if you check in his school bag, you will find a bag of rice, vegetables, a wok and a camp stove. The gas bottle can be a little tricky but has instructions printed on the side so he should be alright. Please remind him to stand well back and cover his face while igniting as the hose is worn and has developed a small leak.
Also, I am not sure what you are teaching in your classroom but Seb came home the other week talking about a healthy eating pyramid. I had to explain to him that pyramids are made of stone and therefore not edible so I would appreciate you not filling his head with these fanciful notions.
Regards, David.

From: Margaret Bennett
Date: Wednesday 26 August 2009 2.05pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: computer room
I have no idea what your point is. I will speak to the principal about the ban but you have to understand that only government approved software is allowed on the computers and Seb knew this rule.

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 26 August 2009 2.17pm
To: Margaret Bennett
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: computer room
Dear Maggie,
I understand the need for conformity. Without a concise set of rules to follow we would probably all have to resort to common sense. Discipline is the key to conformity and it is important that we learn not to question authority at an early age. Just this week I found a Sue Townsend novel in Seb’s bag that I do not believe is on the school approved reading list. Do not concern yourself about it making its way to the school yard though as we attended a community book burning last night. Although one lady tried to ruin the atmosphere with comments regarding Mayan codices and the Alexandrian Libraries, I mentioned to the High Magus that I had overheard her discussing spells to turn the village cow’s milk sour and the mob took care of the rest.
Regards, David.

From: Margaret Bennett
Date: Thursday 28 August 2009 11.56am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: computer room
I have spoken to the principal and in this instance we will lift the ban.
The bell county storm shelter and rest area is the best rest stop in all of Texas and maybe the world. It's probably the highlight of my drives to and from Dallas. It's like the Ritz of crappers.

And there be some fly honies out there today, too.

Truely the highlight of the drive between Austin and Dallas. And that's taking all of Waco into consideration.

---------- Post added at 10:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 PM ----------

And C-dog is getting an Abby road thing, if I remember correctly.

I try to keep my files on all of you current.
That's kind of like the drive between St. John's and my hometown of Corner Brook. The best (or rather, the only good) thing about the trip with DRL coachlines is the Lunch/Supper stop at Gander International Airport. That place is a hole, but goddammit if they don't have the best burgers in the province.


Staff member
If you're driving between Houston and D/FW, make sure to stop in West, TX at the Czech Stop. Best pastries and kolaches EVAR.
Have you ever wondered where the phrase "Healthy as a horse" came from? Or who first said it?

I have some weird mental image of the old west or some country place where some guy is sick and there isn't any doctor nearby so they ask the veterinarian to look at him and the guy replies with "You're as healthy as a horse!" and than 2 days later the sick man falls over dead or he has a broken leg so the vet shoots him dead.


Staff member
My nephew's wife just posted a picture of her new puppy on Facebook. All of the comments are "Daww!" and "CUTE!"


Then they get bigger and try and hump your neighbor's leg, causing him to fall backward onto his mower, which unfortunately is running and self-propelled. The mower goes winding off on its own, flattening everything in its path, finally coming to rest on another neighbor's prize-winning azaleas. She then comes out screaming and ranting until her face turns a bright red and she collapses to the ground clutching her chest. Nothing you or the paramedics can do bring her back and she dies at 3:43 PM of a massive heart attack.

What I'm trying to say is that PUPPIES KILL!
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