The Random Crap Thread

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Staff member
I feel very silly right now. I've taken the stuff they gave me at the clinic before, so I don't think it's that. I'm not caffeinated. But this feels chemical, not just a goofy mood. Not really complaining, not worried, just thought I'd comment... randomly... in this thread of random crap. Goddamnit, this Kashi bar is excellent. God bless flax.
Twice today I heard someone in my cube area eek out a fart and pretend it didn't happen, and both times it reduced me to giggling like a schoolgirl. I would love to blame exhaustion, but the truth is I'm a man-child, and I'm okay with that.


Staff member
Twice today I heard someone in my cube area eek out a fart and pretend it didn't happen, and both times it reduced me to giggling like a schoolgirl. I would love to blame exhaustion, but the truth is I'm a man-child, and I'm okay with that.
I just laughed out loud at this post right when a student walked in, so I had to share Halforums. Good thing it was a grad student.


In law, a class action is a procedural device used for large numbers of people whose cases involve common questions of law and/or fact.
Something that has been weighing on my mind lately is that (depression warning) one day the last Goonie is going to die. After he goes, there just won't be any adventure left in the world.

The last goonie, and Stan Lee are two deaths I'm not looking forward to.


Staff member
I've farted quietly into my chair before. It really wasn't noticeable until I had gotten up and sat back down again, making the cushion expel the smelly remnants into the air.
Look out kid
It’s somethin’ you did
God knows when
But you’re doin’ it again
You better duck down the alley way
Lookin’ for a new friend
The man in the coon-skin cap
In the big pen
Wants eleven dollar bills
You only got ten

Philosopher B.

I was making a film for Campus Movie Fest, and part of the script called for firing a bow at an alarm clock (I actually shot a big ol' target off-screen). The shot on camera actually looks pretty cool, as the flying arrow has this trailing effect on it, on account of the bow had collected a fair bit of dust in the time it hasn't been used.

---------- Post added at 09:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 AM ----------

Termites produce more methane than all the cows in the world.

Holy shit, lol, that pic is hilarious.
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