I'm trying to update the map, and too many of you live in too close proximity to eachother out west, especially since
Dirona and (I'm assuming since you said "we" and mentioned before that you lived together)
Eriol moved to Kelowna recently.
I don't know how I'm going to organize this.
You should have moved to PEI instead.
Or Nunavut. Plenty of space there.
*Edit: Managed it. Until I find out where in Saskatchewan Emyrs is located, this works. I can basically move that avatar around wherever right now.
Since I had to extend the edges out anyway, it made room to move us Southern Ontarians around, and so now Gusto is all on his lonesome, since Kitchener/Waterloo is not actually part of the GTA. Slightly more accurate now.
For whatever reason, I can't upload directly to halforums anymore. It won't recognize any image files when I try. They simply don't appear in the file browser. So I had to upload through imgur, cause photobucket kept resizing it.