I'm still of the mind that they shouldn't make more X-movies. I really think the smartest thing to do with the property is to give it The Defenders treatment in short, online seasons.
The smartest thing I think Marvel ever did with X-Men was the 90's cartoon. Not because it was the pinnacle of storytelling or animation, but X-Men is such a team-heavy story that you need to space it out. There's too much to squeeze into 2 hours, and then it tends to become "The Wolverine Show, starring Wolverine and some other guys" (sorry, Hugh). Plus, small-screen quality has improved dramatically. Do 8-10 episode seasons, give people time to know the characters individually as well as together, and then it also gives you time to add or remove characters without people going, "who?" or just not being emotionally involved.
The smartest thing I think Marvel ever did with X-Men was the 90's cartoon. Not because it was the pinnacle of storytelling or animation, but X-Men is such a team-heavy story that you need to space it out. There's too much to squeeze into 2 hours, and then it tends to become "The Wolverine Show, starring Wolverine and some other guys" (sorry, Hugh). Plus, small-screen quality has improved dramatically. Do 8-10 episode seasons, give people time to know the characters individually as well as together, and then it also gives you time to add or remove characters without people going, "who?" or just not being emotionally involved.