Ooo, I forgot about The Tick, thank you for reminding me.those assholes kept The Boys over The Tick
Can't have any fun shows, everything's gotta be *gritty* now.
Ooo, I forgot about The Tick, thank you for reminding me.those assholes kept The Boys over The Tick
I mean at least it gave us a few answers to some old questions.Cool, thanks Adult Swim. You did Brendan Small incredibly dirty by leaving Metalocalypse unfinished and now the 17 FUCKING YEAR journey with Venture Bros is left on a cliffhanger.
Fuck this.
Oooh, I didn't know that. Hope they make more, it was just getting good when it got cancelled.they bought all the rights for Symbionic Titan to air it on Netflix.
It sounds like they may have delayed reporting it being cancelled because they were hoping to continue the story another way. Probably would have preferred to give some good news with the bad news.
I'm excited but wary. We haven't really seen any actual footage from the show yet.It doesn't look like anyone has posted this... Official Sneak Peek of the Animaniacs return in November on Hulu.
And HOPEFULLY it'll...just be the...the GOOD parts of Invincible...and...not the horribly horrible parts. You know what scene I'm talking about, don't make me say it.Oh, neat.
It might be worth checking out a few more episodes.I watched the first episode of Lower Decks and I did not like it.
Yeah, I dug it. It's got some deep cuts for jokes too.It might be worth checking out a few more episodes.
As cool as this is, I hate the cape coming our of his two top buttons. It looks bad. It's all I can stare at and it drives me nuts.
This is exactly what happened in my household. Taped off TV VHS copy that was watched way too many times. Disney property that was trying to become a full series, but viewership of the special wasn't high enough.I never get tired of the level of detail the writers over at Ducktales put into this show, but this blink-and-you'll miss it may be one of the most amazing easter eggs I've ever seen-
The Fluppy Dogs!!!! I haven't thought about them in years! I didn't remember they were a Disney property! We had that movie taped off tv and I watched it so. many. times. I squealed, not gonna lie.
That's unfortunate. Though they definitely succeeded at making Bushroot terrifying without a voice actor.Related, I was confused why they didn't let Bushroot talk, but I just found out Tino Insana died 3 years ago. RIP Uncle Ted and Mr. Grouper.![]()
Tim Curry doesn't really... do voice acting work (or acting work in generally) much anymore because of a serious stroke he had a few years back. Check him out in the FOX remake of Rocky Horror (he's the Narrator): he's not doing well. I suspect the different direction is to account for that.Zombie!Bushroot did seem menacing. Megavolt at least sounded pretty close to his old voice. Liquidator not at all. But then again, Tauros Bulba was clearly not Tim Curry anymore, but they've gone in different directions with a lot of the characters and yielded some really good results.