I feel like I have to disagree with this. In the very first episode, we see that he’s been training really hard for the role, and his lack of skill in the role is just that; He’s new at it and doesn’t have much experience at the whole hero thing until he’s been on a few adventures. I think it isn’t until later episodes that he’s also shown realizing that heroing is not always a solo gig and that sometimes he has to work with (or even lead) a team. Even Gizmoduck, who quite literally fell into his role through sheer chance and is utterly untrained for it, is intelligent and so eventually learns what it takes to be a better hero.The original Darkwing seemed like a buffoon who just happened to save the day most of the time out of pure luck or though the help of his team.
No, if you’re looking for the buffoon who wins through blind luck, you’re obviously referring to Launchpad.
Also did they get a new VA for DD? That doesn’t sound like Jim Cummings.