[TV] The What Animation Are You Watching Thread 2!: The Sequel!

Finally finished a full watch of "American Dragon Jake Long" some parts are VERY dated especially the slang(also one ep brings up the Beiring strait theory out of no-where) but all in all a pretty damn good Disney adventure cartoon, wish it had a third season or follow up but I'm glad for what we got!

Could've used with Trixie and Spud having love interests they...ACTUALLY had on screen chemistry with like Jake and Rose, BUT- c'est la vie!
Transformers Earthspark Season 2 Pt 1

Continuing the longstanding Transformers tradition, of continuations of Transformers series being JUST okay but not even CLOSE to as good as the previous incarnations.

Seriously, they wasted Weird Al on only ONE episode! If it was a normal cartoon I'd be understanding but...DARE TO BE STUPID! AND HE DIDN'T EVEN PLAY A JUNKION!
Batman: Caped Crusader

Don't listen to any neigh sayers out there who hate the show before it even aired just because of the new interpretation of characters.

Who cares if Penguin is now female, Harley asian, Jim and Barbara black and Barbara a defence attorney.

It's a great show and a positive example of adult animation. Something that doesn't need crude humour and the "fuck-crutch" Like the new Superman show.

It feels like the grown up version of Batman TAS.


Staff member
My sentence structure is shit. I meant that the new animated Superman show doesn't rely on constant swearing like the Harley Quinn show
Thank you for the explanation.

Though I've got to disagree on Harley Quinn. That show has a lot of smart things to say. It is disappointing that leans heavily into swearing, because it definitely isn't relying on it. The episodes inside Bruce Wayne's mind are some of the best examinations of Batman's mindset and motivation, even if they are done as a parody.
Not that I dislike the Harley Quinn show. I'm well aware that you can't really compare a parody and a serious show.


Staff member
The first couple episodes of Harley Quinn WERE a bit on the "HEY LOOK WE CAN SAY FUCK NOW FUCK FUCKITY FUCK FUCK FUCK" but it calmed down to normal, accurate conversational levels of fuckery after that.
Yeah it was kinda figuring out what it wanted to be early on, then it focused more on character dynamics and the swearing is more just a PART of the series than just a main factor.

Its also legitimately a good Elseworld in season 3, with Joker becoming a socialist mayor wanting Gotham to actually improve, and Bats constant obsession with his parents deaths making HIM the villain ironically...also the tax evasion to (Season 4 kinda retcons BOTH of those aspects, but still).
The first couple episodes of Harley Quinn WERE a bit on the "HEY LOOK WE CAN SAY FUCK NOW FUCK FUCKITY FUCK FUCK FUCK" but it calmed down to normal, accurate conversational levels of fuckery after that.
That seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeems to usually be the case with stuff lately. If they get the freedom to use the naughty words they go overboard in the beginning.
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Yeah it was kinda figuring out what it wanted to be early on, then it focused more on character dynamics and the swearing is more just a PART of the series than just a main factor.

Its also legitimately a good Elseworld in season 3, with Joker becoming a socialist mayor wanting Gotham to actually improve, and Bats constant obsession with his parents deaths making HIM the villain ironically...also the tax evasion to (Season 4 kinda retcons BOTH of those aspects, but still).
I have no seen seasons 3 or 4. This needs to change.
Batman Caped Crusader
Two episodes in. I appreciate the homage to the Batman Animated series. It doesn’t quite pull it off though and I’m still not exactly sure why. The pacing is a but rushed and clumsy. I think there have been so many variations of Batman that this one wanted to start as if we’ve been watching the show for a few seasons now. Very little mystery and the villains are clear right from the start. I wouldn’t have minded it if we got a little bit more suspenseful buildup of the reveals of the rogue gallery, as if this were my first Batman series.
The other issue is I haven’t seen anything too impressive with the characters yet. Batman is fine and I appreciate the detective side of him that is more prevalent, but Bruce Wayne doesn’t quite have the charm you’d hope for. Gender swapping Penguin would be normally fine but it doesn’t really work here. She’s a mob boss and there isn’t much else tying her to the character except the look and the name. You design her differently and call her “Ma” or “Mom Boss” (that needs to be a villain now) and you wouldn’t even have to change anything else in the script.
Detective Montoya is the only character I really think got it right in this interpretation.
Batman Caped Crusader
Two episodes in. I appreciate the homage to the Batman Animated series. It doesn’t quite pull it off though and I’m still not exactly sure why. The pacing is a but rushed and clumsy. I think there have been so many variations of Batman that this one wanted to start as if we’ve been watching the show for a few seasons now. Very little mystery and the villains are clear right from the start. I wouldn’t have minded it if we got a little bit more suspenseful buildup of the reveals of the rogue gallery, as if this were my first Batman series.
The other issue is I haven’t seen anything too impressive with the characters yet. Batman is fine and I appreciate the detective side of him that is more prevalent, but Bruce Wayne doesn’t quite have the charm you’d hope for. Gender swapping Penguin would be normally fine but it doesn’t really work here. She’s a mob boss and there isn’t much else tying her to the character except the look and the name. You design her differently and call her “Ma” or “Mom Boss” (that needs to be a villain now) and you wouldn’t even have to change anything else in the script.
Detective Montoya is the only character I really think got it right in this interpretation.
Episode 3 was the first episode where it started to feel like the show was doing something more than being a pastiche of Batman: TAS.
I burned through all ten episodes. It's very much doing it's own thing but it's very clearly aiming for Golden Age Batman and not modern Batman. I generally enjoyed what they did with everyone and I'm happy to see a lot more of the lesser used villains in this one. Hope this gets another season.
Episode 3 was the first episode where it started to feel like the show was doing something more than being a pastiche of Batman: TAS.
Just got through episode 3. Sadly it hasn’t helped. The best word I can describe this show with is “hallow”. The voice acting is flat and boring. Everyone talks the same. There is no emotion behind any performance. Even during a flashback when a cop is talking to young Bruce about his parents’ murders both he and young Bruce have the exact same lack of any kind of emotion whatsoever. Bruce has to say he’s sad to convey he’s sad.
The other issue that is becoming very obvious is low quality animation. It looks okay but then you realize the characters haven’t either moved or changed facial expressions for several seconds. It’s always incredibly stiff. There is like this generic AI walking animation they use to save on the budget where everyone just kinda walks the same. There was this scene where microphones rise into the air from a crowd and you realize they basically just had the computer slowly raise a single frame of an arm holding a microphone up into the air. It’s like the animation of a pop up book.
I was really looking forward to this show. So far I’m severely disappointed.
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Just got through episode 3. Sadly it hasn’t helped. The best word I can describe this show with is “hallow”.
Do you mean hollow? Hallow means holy.

I'm only a few episodes in myself, but I disagree. So far I think the voice acting and animation are both great. Bruce's voice acting is intentionally flat because Batman is an emotionally stunted crazy person, but everyone else sounds very animated and lively.

I think the animation looks great too, though it is a style that could take getting used to. The characters are clearly all 3D models that are textured to look like flat animation, and while I agree that can be offputting right when you first step in, I find that it soon just looks right after you adjust to it. Thankfully I had a full season of X-Men 97 to adjust to this animation style.

But overall, I think the reason I'm enjoying it when perhaps you aren't is I went into this expecting an elseworlds story, where the audience is expected to already know the characters and then be amused in the changes. I can understand how, if approaching this from a more classic series point of view, it could come off as strange. But then everyone likes what they like, so who's to say.
Do you mean hollow? Hallow means holy.
Yes thank you. I misspelled it.

I want to like it. It just seems so stiff and flat. A good example of the bad animation is in the 4th episode as a police car gets hit with a bunch of newspapers. Newspapers scattered everywhere except every one of them hits and sticks to the windshield and hood of the car. Some even get pulled in towards the car just to ensure none of them would miss. It’s weird and I had to watch it a few times to just to fully understand why it looked so bad.
Other people are liking it and that’s great. It’s not a terrible show but it hasn’t hooked me yet.
Batman: The Caped Crusader

I'm only 5 episodes in so far, but I'm really digging it. It's interesting how this is less a show directly about Batman and more about the people, or cops, of Gotham. In some ways, it feels like a version of Gotham Central.

What we DO get of Bruce is interesting, though. His personal walls are way higher than most takes in Batman. He's even closed off to Alfred, treating him more like another soldier in his war on crime than a surrogate father figure. That's despite Alfred trying to be the father figure. This Bruce isn't entirely heartless, though, like rescuing children instead of going after the bad guy.

I love the 40s aesthetics and it's exactly the kind of Batman setting I've wanted for awhile.

I LOVE the new take on Harley Quinn. I love that this take leans hard into her being a psychiatrist, which only rarely comes up most times. I actually think it'd be interesting if she's responsible for creating The Joker if we get more of this show. It could be kind of a reversal of her origin.

Minor criticism, but I don't like that Bullock is a dirty cop in this. I've always seen him as someone who is generally a good cop, but he's more old school in his results. Taking things too far, some police brutality, but aimed at the worst scum. Here, though, I like that he often hesitates when Flass pushes him. So maybe there's a chance of redemption for him.

But yeah, overall, I'm really digging it so far.
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This is exciting and I'm looking forward to a future Bluray or 4K re-release, but...

I don't really see a difference in the comparison images?
I think this one shows it off the best, much less anti-aliasing? I think is what has improved there.


Little more clarity in the multi-coloured bar behind Megabyte too.