[Gaming] Tragic the Garnering


Staff member
Jacking up prices - again - for Final Fantasy - a standard set, sort of ends the game for me. It no longer has its own setting and lore. There’s no decent paper tournament play anymore, and collector’s edition stuff is out of control. They can’t decide how to release boxes anymore, and secret lairs don’t feel worth it anymore given how frequently they release them.

Warhammer is now cheaper than MtG, and it feels insane to type that.
I suddenly have an idea for a card:

Restore Sanity -- 2BUW
You may pay 5 life in lieu of this card's casting cost. If you do, this spell cannot be countered.

Exile all permanents and remove all pending spells/effects from the stack which depict or directly reference characters/locations outside the standard MtG canon.

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I suddenly have an idea for a card:

Restore Sanity -- 2BUW
You may pay 5 life in lieu of this card's casting cost. If you do, this spell cannot be countered.

Bury all permanents and remove all pending spells/effects from the stack which depict or directly reference characters/locations outside the standard MtG canon.

This design space has been played with in the past.

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The bigger issue with Universes Beyond now isn't even that it's reference-slop entirely chosen and developed to milk as much money from casual Magic players as possible without concern for the rest of the ecosystem (and that was frustrating enough). It's that as of this year, all of these absolute nonsense cards are legal in all constructed formats, so even if you're playing Standard, or playing in a tournament, or even showing up to play Modern or Legacy (the formats that have always been the quintessential MtG experience) you need to be prepared to run into Spider-Man, or Sephiroth, or now SpongeBob. There isn't even a meaningful pretense anymore that the actual universe or plot or settings mean anything at all to anyone involved in the game.


Staff member
Yup. I had a buddy ask me about going Premodern, and it’s pretty tempting given my Stiflenought deck is basically already there.