"Transformers 2" is a horrible experience of unbearable leng

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Another thing that kept popping into my head is why their arent that many hot chicks that were at LeBoot's college during the film.
Their are some cut hot chicks but not as the majority that their seemed to be during the film
PhantomShadow said:
Another thing that kept popping into my head is why their arent that many hot chicks that were at LeBoot's college during the film.
Their are some cut hot chicks but not as the majority that their seemed to be during the film
they're means "they are"
their is a possessive for multiple people
there is a destination and place

Your post is kind of hard to read even without those mistakes
DarkAudit said:
They'll keep shoveling up the paste as long as there's a profitable market for it.
Isn't that the point of media? To make money? And that's the point I'm trying to make. We can bitch all we want that Cathy and Garfield are bland and humorless, that Avril Lavigne and Eminem are the death of music, that Michael Bay is killing Hollywood but as long as money is being made then our voices are going to be ignored. Sure I thought Transformers 2 was bad. But considering the amount of money it pulled in and most of the people I talk to seemed to like the movie I've come to the conclusion we are the oddities. If you liked the movie then you are in the majority and there's nothing wrong with that. If you didn't like the movie by all means tell us how you feel. But the way a few people who liked the movie are being thumped in this thread it reminds me of high school when the small clique of nerds (yes I was there) sat in the back of the cafeteria throwing out the air of false superiority and our group pity on the losers such as the football quarterback and head cheerleader as their life was pointless while my group lived life to its fullest with our weekly treks to the local comic book shop.


Staff member
Steve said:
DarkAudit said:
They'll keep shoveling up the paste as long as there's a profitable market for it.
Cathy and Garfield
up yours, Garfield...

If you liked the movie then you are in the majority and there's nothing wrong with that.
Just because you bought a ticket doesn't mean that you LIKED the movie. I don't know where this majority bullshit came from.

But the way a few people who liked the movie are being thumped in this thread it reminds me of high school when the small clique of nerds (yes I was there) sat in the back of the cafeteria throwing out the air of false superiority and our group pity on the losers such as the football quarterback and head cheerleader as their life was pointless while my group lived life to its fullest with our weekly treks to the local comic book shop.
Fucking comic book nerds :angry:
I just saw it today. People are going way overboard on this. It certainly doesn't deserve 16 pages of back and forth.

It's a summer action movie. The plot is goofier than all hell, the dialog is pretty bad, quite a few of the jokes fall flat, and a few of the characters are really annoying.

However- the action is well put together. Anyone who saw the first Transformers movie and expected something other than what was there was expecting too much.

Describing the twins as black face robots is very overboard. They seemed more hillbilly to me, and their 3 minutes of dialog was very easy to ignore.

Maybe my very low expectations made watching the movie easier. Mostly, I laughed through the bad acting and dialog and shook my head ("How do you know it will work?" "Because I believe it will").

It's not worse than Batman and Robin.
Krisken said:
It's not worse than Batman and Robin.
I think we've got the core question right there. The answer to which will settle once and for all where this movie ranks among this generation's worst...

No, but they do have penis' and balls apparently, which far surpasses B&R. I honestly can't decide which of the two is worse. I feel like at least B&R had some semblance of coherence, TF2 felt like the editor was just given a huge list of scenes and told to "go nuts".

Really though, I've been thinking about it and if they had cut a solid HOUR out of TF2, worked a little on continuity it would have been a much, MUCH better summer action film.
DarkAudit said:
Krisken said:
It's not worse than Batman and Robin.
I think we've got the core question right there. The answer to which will settle once and for all where this movie ranks among this generation's worst...

One had balls, which was a 'shake the head moment', but other than that, no nipples.

Really, the acting in Batman and Robin was worse than in Transformers, too. I'm not a Shia fan, and Fox is typically just there for eye candy, but they do act a 1,000 times better than anyone in Batman and Robin.
Krisken said:
One had balls, which was a 'shake the head moment', but other than that, no nipples.

Really, the acting in Batman and Robin was worse than in Transformers, too. I'm not a Shia fan, and Fox is typically just there for eye candy, but they do act a 1,000 times better than anyone in Batman and Robin.
At least Clooney acted like he was having fun in his bullshit role.
Espy said:
No, but they do have fireman' and balls apparently, which far surpasses B&R. I honestly can't decide which of the two is worse. I feel like at least B&R had some semblance of coherence, TF2 felt like the editor was just given a huge list of scenes and told to "go nuts".

Really though, I've been thinking about it and if they had cut a solid HOUR out of TF2, worked a little on continuity it would have been a much, MUCH better summer action film.
When it comes out, I'm probably going to get it and trim it to remove all the really bad parts to make it decent. As my brother in law said- "The good parts were really good, but when it had bad parts they were really bad."

-- Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:18 pm --

Shegokigo said:
Krisken said:
One had balls, which was a 'shake the head moment', but other than that, no nipples.

Really, the acting in Batman and Robin was worse than in Transformers, too. I'm not a Shia fan, and Fox is typically just there for eye candy, but they do act a 1,000 times better than anyone in Batman and Robin.
At least Clooney acted like he was having fun in his bullshit role.
Yeah, I'm of the mind that you shouldn't be able to tell. That is bad acting.


Shegokigo said:
Krisken said:
One had balls, which was a 'shake the head moment', but other than that, no nipples.

Really, the acting in Batman and Robin was worse than in Transformers, too. I'm not a Shia fan, and Fox is typically just there for eye candy, but they do act a 1,000 times better than anyone in Batman and Robin.
At least Clooney acted like he was having fun in his bullshit role.
No Cybertron credit card.

-- Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:29 pm --

BTW, What the fuck is a Gothcard????
I saw some review somewhere where the two guys were trying to find bad movies they disliked more than Transformers and the length of TF:ROTF pretty much beat most of the choices on length alone.
Krisken said:
Shegokigo said:
Krisken said:
One had balls, which was a 'shake the head moment', but other than that, no nipples.

Really, the acting in Batman and Robin was worse than in Transformers, too. I'm not a Shia fan, and Fox is typically just there for eye candy, but they do act a 1,000 times better than anyone in Batman and Robin.
At least Clooney acted like he was having fun in his bullshit role.
Yeah, I'm of the mind that you shouldn't be able to tell. That is bad acting.
Yeah, I'm of the mind that if it's bullshit, they should at least acknowledge it, instead of swallowing it whole and spitting it out in globs.
Shegokigo said:
Krisken said:
Shegokigo said:
Krisken said:
One had balls, which was a 'shake the head moment', but other than that, no nipples.

Really, the acting in Batman and Robin was worse than in Transformers, too. I'm not a Shia fan, and Fox is typically just there for eye candy, but they do act a 1,000 times better than anyone in Batman and Robin.
At least Clooney acted like he was having fun in his bullshit role.
Yeah, I'm of the mind that you shouldn't be able to tell. That is bad acting.
Yeah, I'm of the mind that if it's bullshit, they should at least acknowledge it, instead of swallowing it whole and spitting it out in globs.
Heh, that reminds me. What the fuck was with the Transformers vomiting goo all the time? Starscream especially.
That'd be funny wana10, if it actually made a point. :eek:rly: I hope you were posting that out of how humorous it is in it's own irony.


Shegokigo said:
That'd be funny wana10, if it actually made a point. :eek:rly: I hope you were posting that out of how humorous it is in it's own irony.
if i had actually given a damn i would have shooped out the bottom half because that part doesn't apply. but i'm lazy and i don't give a damn so i took the easy way out. seriously though, the amount of rage this movie has generated in this thread is amazing. we ever find a way to bottle this shit, we'll never have an energy crisis again, and michael bay will be rolling in nobel peace prizes.
wana10 said:
i read this and could only think of this thread
Actually i heard that the IQ scores have been levelling lately... and the previous increases where more or less the result of actually bothering to teach more people to read (and feeding them better). And the children thing is true...

Also, that whole point rests on the idea that things in the past where better and that trends always go up (and that IQ tests are a good way to test intelligence as opposed to being taught to take tests). I for one wasn't arguing that...

Of course intelligence isn't as hereditary as the movie implied... being fed fizzy pop would have been worse for the brain actually.
IQ tests are bullshit these days, anyway. They test too much mathematical reasoning and not enough critical reasoning.

Disclaimer: I'm good at math and always score high in IQ tests, this is not a sour grapes argument, it's just fact.
I remember seeing on Discovery once how they gave african bushmen an IQ test that had them recognize paw marks and other stuff their culture would be familiar with...

IQ was always too specific to one sort of knowledge set...

And as someone pointed out if the increase would be taken as liniar then Aristotle etc. would have like -2000 or so...
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