Steve said:
Lally said:
And that's the problem. Who decides that? As this thread shows better than any, there is a great disparity in the opinions on what sucks donkey balls and what doesn't. So, that's why I fear it will turn into a really snarky discussion as everyone tries to recommend things THEY think are awesome.
This is true. As I left the theater I couldn't tell you the number of conversations being had by movie goers saying how great they thought the movie was. The local news interviewed people who had come from the movie and praised it. I doubt Micheal Bay is going to lose sleep knowing the 1% of the population that lives on the internet and systematically pans everything but the Gargolyes animated series didn't like his movie. He's making the movie for the other 99% of the population that will help it become a billion dollar box office draw. We hate Garfield but Jim Davis has created something that is universally known and enjoyed by millions. We hate Britney Spears but she's topped the charts countless times. We are the minority and the entertainment world doesn't give two flips about us or our opinion which pisses us off so much we must protest by voicing on disgust in the only place where we think a bunch of random strangers actually give two flips about our opinion (in truth they don't.) I didn't like the movie as much as the first one but I've mentioned earlier if I had to invest in a director for a film it would be Micheal Bay.
So we are as dust, so few that are opinions aren't worth anything?
Sorry. Not buying it. Not going to accept the bullying tactics.
I want my movies to stop sucking. I want my music to stop sucking. And you have to start *somewhere*. Hollywood isn't going to change on it's own. They'll keep shoveling up the paste as long as there's a profitable market for it. The people won't change on their own. The marketing machine will see to that. You have to pull the lemmings back from the cliff one or two at a time. but eventually those one or two you've pulled from the brink will start pulling a couple more from the brink. And they'll tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends, and so on and so on...
You don't think it's worth the effort, well that's your problem. That guy coming out of the theater fuming "what the hell was I thinking?" is probably going to be a little more receptive to the argument.