Video Game News and Miscellany

Gamers: We don't care about tv integration, or phone calls, or any of that shit, stop trying to force all that in and just make a box that PLAYS GAMES! Where are the games?

Sony: Ok, we've made a console that plays games, and doesn't have that other stuff.


Sony: ...

*Poe now goes back to streaming twitch on one monitor and playing games on the other, feeling the proper smugness of a PC gamer*
They made a machine that only plays games, then forgot games.
The saddest thing is seeing people buy KillZone and extra controllers before the fucking system is out. I mean, you might as well wait, it's the only thing you'll be playing until next year.
There are games coming eventually that I want to play for PS4.

Sadly, they're being made by Square-Enix, which means I should just murder myself right here and now.
Or just hibernate till December 2014.
I don't mean because I can't wait for the games. I mean I'm going to be disappointed and feel like I wasted a lot of money.

Ignoring FFXV for a moment--I know the Kingdom Hearts team can pull off great stuff. Even in the side story games, you get solid gameplay and some surprisingly effective emotional moments. But they have a record of teasing this shit out and I'm going to be pissed if Kingdom Hearts 3 ends with another bullshit vague cutscene hinting at the story to come.
Yeah, I know! It's my like one big looked forward to game and it's been delayed now for over a year.

Yeah, I know! It's my like one big looked forward to game and it's been delayed now for over a year.

Did you mean next year? The article says March 2014. We're in 2013. It's only been delayed by three months.

EDIT: Or did you mean so far?
It's a decently popular game, but it's not like it's an eclipsing juggernaut.
It sold about 2.3 million copies (not include the Steam sales) on a shoe string budget. This next one is getting AAA money and the AAA push. Again, I wouldn't want to run against it.


Staff member
Mo' money don't mean mo' quality.
It does, however, usually mean mo' marketing, which is the issue - having to compete for someone in the marketplace who may not be up to buying two games at that particular time, when the jury may be out on quality for some time after launch.


Staff member
The Humble Bundle is changing how Steam keys are handled.

From my reading of the post and FAQ, from now on the way that Humble Bundle will unlock purchases on Steam will be by linking your Humble account, or the individual bundle page if you don't have an account, to your Steam library and all the games will automatically be added to your Steam library with a single click. (As far as I can tell, old bundles still have Steam keys available.) They're doing this to attempt to prevent the resale of Steam keys. Which was especially problematic during the Humble Origin bundle, where keys were being sold on eBay to people who had obviously never heard of Humble Bundle.

Naturally this is causing an uproar among gamers, who have enjoyed being able to gift extra keys to friends. I know there have been quite a few swapped around here on Halforums.
I don't like the idea that people were using the keys to make their own little profit, but it doesn't surprise me. I can see why the people behind the Humble Bumble would change things to prevent that.

With that said, though, I liked being able to give keys to friends for games I already owned. :( Way to ruin it for everyone else, profit-driven assholes.
According to their FAQ, if you buy a bundle and you already own any of the games in it, you're SOL. You don't get an extra copy or key to give away.

Which sucks.
The Humble Bundle is changing how Steam keys are handled.

From my reading of the post and FAQ, from now on the way that Humble Bundle will unlock purchases on Steam will be by linking your Humble account, or the individual bundle page if you don't have an account, to your Steam library and all the games will automatically be added to your Steam library with a single click. (As far as I can tell, old bundles still have Steam keys available.) They're doing this to attempt to prevent the resale of Steam keys. Which was especially problematic during the Humble Origin bundle, where keys were being sold on eBay to people who had obviously never heard of Humble Bundle.

Naturally this is causing an uproar among gamers, who have enjoyed being able to gift extra keys to friends. I know there have been quite a few swapped around here on Halforums.
Gamers in an uproar because they can't give away extra copies of a 12 cent game. Jesus. Pick your battles guys.
Gamers in an uproar because they can't give away extra copies of a 12 cent game. Jesus. Pick your battles guys.
I'm not personally in an uproar, but it does suck that they had to enforce that change because some assholes took advantage of the program.
Nanny Nintendo sent out an announcement today that they've killed the Spotpass feature of Swapnote on the 3DS because inappropriate material was being sent between 3DS's and could be visible to minors.

So now Swapnote is pretty much useless and no one can send messages to each other. Nintendo, why not just add a report feature and let people report the offending 3DS. Then block them from the Spotpass. Or just get rid of the photo feature. Some people make friends on these games and have no other way to communicate with them except through sending these bite-size picture emails. This seems extreme.

Bad enough every one of their games reminds me to "Remember to take a break".

NO. :fu:
I had this thought myself. I often wondered if I would see those little Miis occassionally pop up crude drawings of private parts.
I've been in there a little. Mostly what I've seen are Wind Waker selfies and never-gonna-happen Smash Bros wishes.

On another note, I'm surprised there was no Nintendo Direct for this month, what with the releases of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Mario Party 3DS, and Super Mario 3D World. I'm especially surprised they don't want to plug the Mario Wii U and Skylanders Wii U bundles. Those would seem like good selling points.

Iwata says they're hoping on Mario 3D Land to do the work of selling Wii U's this Christmas though. I hope he's right.