Video Game News and Miscellany

The couple times I've checked out the boards, it's pretty much scribbled drawings, messages asking for Yeahs, or pictures of various achievements/lolthisissorandumXD.
The Wii U is actually starting to come into it's own. I knew going in that there would be a dearth of games to start out with, but right now, there are pretty much enough good games to make the system a little bit more attractive. When Mario comes out, it will start selling pretty well, I think.


Staff member
Footage of the next Guilty Gear has come to light.

LOL @ Faust ultimates. One of those victims is not like the others!

I'm not a big fan of the art style, but the presentation just shits all over all other fighters.
That's the thing I've always loved about Guilty Gear. They may not have ever had the most balanced or technical 2D fighter, but they made a game that is by far the most fun to just experience.
Club Nintendo was kind this month.

On 3DS, there's the original Metroid and Dillon's Rolling Western.

On Wii, there's Zelda: A Link to the Past! Fuck yeah, I never got to play the original and my GBA copy was a little difficult to figure out on the tiny screen. I only played this for an hour tonight and I'm already as far as I've ever been. I'm so glad they're offering this, it'll make A Link Between Worlds all the sweeter later on.

Damn, I have too many new Zelda games right now. Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, Okami, and now this. Gonna be a while before I get through them all.
All the games are available via steam only.

So much for humble bundles being DRM free...
It was probably inevitable once big publishers got involved, honestly. The indie stuff (and the occasional well-meaning pub) will hopefully keep the DRM-free trend running.


Staff member
Humble Bundle has updated with this: You spoke, we listened

"We understand that our Humble customers may already have a game that is featured in a bundle and would like to share the game with their family or friends. We’ve just rolled out an experimental feature that allows you to send extra games on Steam to someone else by clicking the gift icon next to the game on your download page. We and the developers we work with trust that our awesome customers will keep spreading the Humble way by sharing extra games with those who will appreciate it. With your kindness, we hope to be able to continue this feature in the future. "

Since this is the case, I'll be picking up a copy of the latest bundle to test the feature, and give out the extra copies I get.
I just bought the WB bundle (they're taking out the other crap DRM on the Batman games, right? Not installing until I'm sure that's gone), and discovered I had a whole Humble Bundle I'd bought and forgotten about - never redeemed it. Cool, suddenly lots of new games :)
I just bought the WB bundle (they're taking out the other crap DRM on the Batman games, right? Not installing until I'm sure that's gone), and discovered I had a whole Humble Bundle I'd bought and forgotten about - never redeemed it. Cool, suddenly lots of new games :)
Yeah, it's all nothing but steam. GFWL is dead and gone and is going to be patched out of most of the games that have it.

Square focusing Eidos on online games, among other things.

If I see a Deus Ex Online, I swear you this Square, I will cut you. I will cut your company physically so the physical manifestation of your company bleeds to death in an alley where no one comes to help. No one. Not even your Final Fantasy iPhone game will come to your rescue. It will just rock back and forth in it's room awaiting it's own merciful death.
Invisible War is kind of unfairly maligned I think. Is it shitty compared to Deus Ex? Yes. Is it a bad game?'s alright.
Invisible War is kind of unfairly maligned I think. Is it shitty compared to Deus Ex? Yes. Is it a bad game?'s alright.
This is my opinion as well. It's a fine game in it's own right, but it had the misfortune of being a Deus Ex game. It certainly did some things that I really liked, like making ammo universal so you don't have to carry 5 different boxes.
It's sad because if they get the right team behind it, SE can still make a solid game. XIV is a ton of fun, plays well, and the devs listen and build quite closely to the community. The first major content update is introducing a lot of things people have asked for, and instead of nerfing some types of grindy xp gain, they're upping dungeon xp instead. Most companies would have just nerfed other xp modes down.
Square Enix just needs to bite the bullet and let a western studio make a Final Fantasy game. Doesn't have to be a big numbered one, but it's clear they need some new ideas right now.
Square Enix just needs to bite the bullet and let a western studio make a Final Fantasy game. Doesn't have to be a big numbered one, but it's clear they need some new ideas right now.
I think they need to let guys other than Nomura or Toriyama make a non-MMO Final Fantasy. Toriyama and his fetishization of Lightning and Nomura and his belief that convoluted non-sensical messes = good storytelling....and zippers.
I think they need to let guys other than Nomura or Toriyama make a non-MMO Final Fantasy. Toriyama and his fetishization of Lightning and Nomura and his belief that convoluted non-sensical messes = good storytelling....and zippers.
Nomura can tell a good story... he did it with The World Ends With You. It's just that he's much better at character pieces than over-arching storylines. He just needs to get over his fucking belt and zipper fetish.

As for Toriyama... the whole thing with Final Fantasy 13 is that it cost them A FORTUNE to make and it's only just now making money. So they've re-used the characters and engine for three games because they HAVE to make money off of it, especially after 14 spent a year fixing a game that wasn't ready for release. So Toriyama has been sexualizing Lightning to appeal to the otaku market. It's just not working.