Video Game News and Miscellany

Sounds like they took some of the aesthetics of the Elder Scrolls and all the MMO stuff from early WoW, like the developers never played an MMO past early Burning Crusade. Having long stretches of nothing is normal for Elder Scrolls, but not for an MMO. It seems like this is a tough blend that probably isn't going to work.
Long stretchs of nothing was basically the entire basis of Ultima Online. If you give players things to do on their own, they will do them. Some will become crafters... some will start towns... some will go to dungeons and some will hunt down other players. It CAN work, if your player base runs the economy.
Long stretchs of nothing was basically the entire basis of Ultima Online. If you give players things to do on their own, they will do them. Some will become crafters... some will start towns... some will go to dungeons and some will hunt down other players. It CAN work, if your player base runs the economy.
It doesn't sound like this game is as open as that, though. There are probably places to explore, but I'm kind of doubting ESO will let you do just anything you please.
So, this seems as good a place as any to ask. My Xbox 360 controller for my PC is getting kind of long in the tooth. Some of the buttons are starting to get a little unresponsive.

The question is:

Should I wait for the PC support to come out and just get the XBone controller, or should I just go ahead and replace my current controller with another 360 controller (or el cheapo equivalent).

Thoughts? Opinions?
Not having played an Xbone controller... is it significantly different than a 360 controller? If no, they jut buy a wired 360 controller.
Played an hour of it, I really dislike it.

Really doesn't feel like a TES game at all.

And GOD, sooooo many fetch quests.
Played an hour of it, I really dislike it.

Really doesn't feel like a TES game at all.

And GOD, sooooo many fetch quests.
It feels kinda like a knock off elder scrolls game.

The most common feedback I've heard from people that played it is "it makes me want to play skyrim"
ESO, WOW and TOR are all games in franchises I absolutely love, that are guaranteed to end the lore, world and story I loved forever; because they insisted on porting it to a different genre. I know WOW is hugely successful, but that doesn't mean it still meant the end of the Warcraft series as it was. The lore of Warcraft I, II and III is really quite something else from the story as it stands now in WOW. TOR shat all over everything KotOR I and II did, and TESO...Well, don't know yet, but I can't see myself playing it. And I can't see a TES VI following after - an MMO doesn't have a stable end point to continue from, after all.
So, this seems as good a place as any to ask. My Xbox 360 controller for my PC is getting kind of long in the tooth. Some of the buttons are starting to get a little unresponsive.

The question is:

Should I wait for the PC support to come out and just get the XBone controller, or should I just go ahead and replace my current controller with another 360 controller (or el cheapo equivalent).

Thoughts? Opinions?
I had this issue with my old SNES sontrollers, and just popped them open and cleaned the sensors. Dunno if that'll work with a 360 controller.
So, this seems as good a place as any to ask. My Xbox 360 controller for my PC is getting kind of long in the tooth. Some of the buttons are starting to get a little unresponsive.

The question is:

Should I wait for the PC support to come out and just get the XBone controller, or should I just go ahead and replace my current controller with another 360 controller (or el cheapo equivalent).

Thoughts? Opinions?
The One and PS4 controllers are definitely upgrades to the previous gen, the shitty part is waiting for Microsoft to put out drivers for PC or using some 3rd party program to use the PS4 controller and never having native prompts (which are always nice).

I had some issues with a new transforming dpad 360 controller. It would not connect to my wireless dongle, until, eventually, it did, after an hour of trying and scouring the internet for solutions.
The One and PS4 controllers are definitely upgrades to the previous gen, the shitty part is waiting for Microsoft to put out drivers for PC or using some 3rd party program to use the PS4 controller and never having native prompts (which are always nice).

I had some issues with a new transforming dpad 360 controller. It would not connect to my wireless dongle, until, eventually, it did, after an hour of trying and scouring the internet for solutions.
I'm waiting for them to announce that xbone controller drivers will only be compatible with Windows 8.
An unsurprisingly jank decision by the makers of an unsurprisingly jank game.

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I'm sure I'll buy it when it's dirt cheap.

Because it's Batman. Sigh.
But why? I haven't heard anyone saying good things about it. The combat is somehow more repetitive than in the predecessors, the villains are largely from the C rank of Batman's rogues gallery, there's both glitchy and game-breaking bugs that WB has no intention of fixing--just find a let's play if you really need to see the story.
I'm sure I'll buy it when it's dirt cheap.

Because it's Batman. Sigh.
The game itself isn't that bad, provided that you don't run into any of the bugs.

That being said, it's not nearly as good as either of the other Arkham games and I myself ran into multiple bugs, even after numerous patches. My first fight with Killer Croc, he glitched out and I was fighting the first boss and I couldn't even see him.

Even without the bugs, there are multiple poor gameplay design choices, such as the fact that the combat is basically one big counter-fest. Get prepared to press the counter button through 90% of the combat you do. Also, the grappling points are shockingly sparse compared to Arkham City.

So, basically, I don't really recommend it unless you're a diehard fan of the series.
But why? I haven't heard anyone saying good things about it. The combat is somehow more repetitive than in the predecessors, the villains are largely from the C rank of Batman's rogues gallery, there's both glitchy and game-breaking bugs that WB has no intention of fixing--just find a let's play if you really need to see the story.
I've played it. It feels like a mod for Arkham City, and Arkham City was pretty fun.

Then again, when I did play it, it just made me start playing Arkham City again, so...
Gamers show time and again that they make a lot of noise and don't follow through at all. Despite boycotts, general calls to ask refunds, enormous amounts of posts, there are very rarely any big financial consequences. Publishers keep pushing the line on what they can get away with (anyone remember back when patches were rare and games were supposed to work out of the box?); every step there are complaints of a vocal minority and every step we can only see that games are still profitable and there's barely a blip on the sales numbers. EA: SimCity? Made a profit. Diablo III: the Auction House Edition? Huge profits. Anything by Ubisoft? Still raking in the cash. And so on and so forth.

Nick - you say that now, but, in two years' time, when they release Metropolis Asylum: the Superman Game, you'll buy it. You'll complain and gripe, and buy it nonetheless. (and if not, you're one of the few).

Fact is- the very few remaining "big" publishers all have IPs people don't want to miss. EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Square Enix - they can do whatever the hell they want - Uplay is a piece of trash (and still active on too many games), Origin is pretty much a virus, the new and RealIDs are a pain and a violation of my privacy - we still buy their games because the next AC, or Settlers, or C&C, or Madden, or whatever, well, apparently we can't go without.

This is just a next step. People have bought at full retail, played, suffered. Patchign things up after the big bump, not worth it. The time that Blizzard released patches for DII 8 years after release is far behind us.
I, for one, am proud that I've stuck with all my boycotts.

I didn't buy any Assassin's Creed games until Ubisoft removed the "always-online" DRM requirement. I haven't bought or played Mass Effect 3 or Dragon Age 2. I have never played Diablo. I have never touched a Zynga game in my life. And I think the last EA game I played was Madden 2004.
But why? I haven't heard anyone saying good things about it. The combat is somehow more repetitive than in the predecessors, the villains are largely from the C rank of Batman's rogues gallery, there's both glitchy and game-breaking bugs that WB has no intention of fixing--just find a let's play if you really need to see the story.
Nick - you say that now, but, in two years' time, when they release Metropolis Asylum: the Superman Game, you'll buy it. You'll complain and gripe, and buy it nonetheless. (and if not, you're one of the few).
If it has as many unplayable bugs as Origins and the developer is more interested in sucking more money out of me than fixing them? Unlikely. I don't want just _A_ Superman game. There have been some in the past, but never a great one on par with Arkham Asylum/City. I very rarely pre-order a game or buy it first day, usually waiting until the game drops to around $20. By then, I've heard enough about the game to make an informed decision on whether I'll want it or not.
...Not to necessarily derail this discussion, but I wonder what would make a good Superman game? There have been so many bombs, what might make the Man of Steel work in video game form?
Supes is a hard character to bring to games because... well... he's Superman. It's difficult to apply the normal game systems to him since noting can really hurt him. The closest thing I ever saw to a good system was in the EA Superman game where the health meter actually belonged to Metropolis and so it became more about saving people and the city rather than Supes himself receiving the damage. Too bad the game was otherwise mediocre.

I've talked about my idea for a Superman game on multiple occasions. I haven't thought about the concept in a long time, so I'd probably change or tweak some things, but the overall concept is still the same. It'd be taking a lot of cues from Prototype or Infamous in terms of earning new powers (or in this case, earning them BACK because of a story element that saps most of your powers).

Personally, while I never played the game you mentioned, I HATE the idea of a city health meter. What if someone wants to just fly around town just to experience the flying mechanic (like Spider-Man 2's awesome web-slinging)? You can't because you'd die. That's not cool.
When I think of actually being Superman, I think of that Astro City issue where we see how Samaritan desperately wants to spend time just flying in the sun, but spends his day embroiled in non-stop chaos for every little waking moment, so the only time he can truly fly is in his dreams.
When I think of actually being Superman, I think of that Astro City issue where we see how Samaritan desperately wants to spend time just flying in the sun, but spends his day embroiled in non-stop chaos for every little waking moment, so the only time he can truly fly is in his dreams.
One of the best Superman stories that's not actually Superman. :)
If you have Superman fighting the likes of Darkseid and Doomsday, his invulnerability is suddenly no longer a concern.