Video Game News and Miscellany

Tails looks pretty much the same. I kind of dig the hulking Knuckles look but I can't imaigne him gliding anymore. Sonic and Amy, however, look straight out of furry pron.
Knuckles skips leg day and for whatever reason they took the costume design out of 90's post-apocalypse comics (BANDAGES AND SCARVES EVERYWHERE).
I think the character designs are okay, and judging from the trailer Amy's missions will have her doing things other than running away so that's cool. But looking at the robot and background designs it looks less like a Sonic world and more like Jak and Daxter/Ratchet and Clank.
Questionable character redesign aside, and I like Sonic's, that game looks pretty fun. Then again they usually do.
Since the release of Dungeon Keeper Mobile, largely seen as one of the very worst pay to win games ever in the history of, well, ever (no, seriously, go find a review video or text. Some of them are hilarious), Dungeon Keeper 1 & 2 have suddenly skyrocketed to the number 1 and 2 most sold games at GOG. I find this amusing, and also telling: at least some people are realizing that $5 will buy you the original, whereas $99 will get you one carved-out 7*8 room in the Mobile game. Perhaps there is still a small amount of hope for us.
Since the release of Dungeon Keeper Mobile, largely seen as one of the very worst pay to win games ever in the history of, well, ever (no, seriously, go find a review video or text. Some of them are hilarious), Dungeon Keeper 1 & 2 have suddenly skyrocketed to the number 1 and 2 most sold games at GOG. I find this amusing, and also telling: at least some people are realizing that $5 will buy you the original, whereas $99 will get you one carved-out 7*8 room in the Mobile game. Perhaps there is still a small amount of hope for us.
They should put them on sale just to spite EA. Like they did when they put the older Fallout games for free to spite...whoever it was that put the hammer down on those.
They should put them on sale just to spite EA. Like they did when they put the older Fallout games for free to spite...whoever it was that put the hammer down on those.
Too bad it's unlikely GOG will be able to sell the games after that though. Bethesda is understandably upset at GOG and are "prioritizing" the re-release on just Steam instead.


Staff member
Sounds like EQ hasn't forgotten how to make you grind. From CTRL-ALT-DEL's news:

I've dabbled a little bit in the EQNext Alpha here and there since it opened last weekend... not much because, due to the volatile nature of an alpha test, things keep getting reset. Par for the course, but it makes me wary about investing too much time into detail building, knowing that nothing will last more than a day or three. Still, overall, I like where the game is headed.

The resources-to-recipe ratio seems... a little out of whack though. It's too early to tell if this is just an alpha anomaly, specifics yet to be tweaked, but certain recipes require an unusual amount of materials.
While looking to upgrade my axe, I found I needed a handful of Burled Wood planks to make the handle. I capitalize Burled Wood because it is a rare drop from regular trees. Better than regular old plebian wood, apparently.

So in order to make one Burled Wood plank, you need 100 Burled Wood Logs. You need 5 planks for the pick's handle. 500 logs.

Now that alone seems like a lot of wood for an axe handle... but to put it in some perspective, in the course of getting that much Burled Wood, I also harvested 300 planks worth of regular wood. Three-thousand wood logs.

I am now responsible for the extinction of countless animals and insects whose homes I obliterated in pursuit of my shitty axe. And that's just the beginning. I will now use said axe to wreak further destruction on the landscape in pursuit of even more Burled Wood, for even better tools of deforestation. I am a one-man environmental terrorist. My thirst for Burled Wood cannot be quenched.

Yep, just read that last sentence aloud. Good grief.
Since the release of Dungeon Keeper Mobile, largely seen as one of the very worst pay to win games ever in the history of, well, ever (no, seriously, go find a review video or text. Some of them are hilarious), Dungeon Keeper 1 & 2 have suddenly skyrocketed to the number 1 and 2 most sold games at GOG. I find this amusing, and also telling: at least some people are realizing that $5 will buy you the original, whereas $99 will get you one carved-out 7*8 room in the Mobile game. Perhaps there is still a small amount of hope for us.
Look up Tales of Phantasia mobile. It's just as, if not more egregious.
So, people playing in the Elder Scrolls Online beta have noticed a lack of imperials as a playable race. Turns out Imperial is a special race only for those who purchase the collector's edition.

... wat?
So, people playing in the Elder Scrolls Online beta have noticed a lack of imperials as a playable race. Turns out Imperial is a special race only for those who purchase the collector's edition.

... wat?
So far as I know, that's not new news. That's been an ongoing complaint ever since they announced the different available editions to pre-order. I think. Could be wrong since I'm not personally interested in ESO. Just something I heard.

A DLC Race.
Also, the imperial is able to join any faction, as the player base is going to be seperated into different alliances based on race.

BUT!!! If you pre-order the game, you unlock the ability to play as any race in any faction.
Shadowbane did this too. If you didn't pre-order, you didn't get Minotaur or the bird guys (both of whom were AMAZING) until you did some arbitrary stuff in the game. Considering squads of minotaurs with hammers were a key part of city destruction in the early game, this left groups who didn't pre-order at a disadvantage.
I think the problem with TESO isn't that it's going sub... it's that it doesn't look compelling in the slightest. Art style is generic. Game play is generic. World is interesting, but that only goes so far... and unlike TES, I don't get to make a lasting impact on THIS world.

This is going to flop HARD and they will have no one to blame but themselves.
I think the problem with TESO isn't that it's going sub... it's that it doesn't look compelling in the slightest. Art style is generic. Game play is generic. World is interesting, but that only goes so far... and unlike TES, I don't get to make a lasting impact on THIS world.

This is going to flop HARD and they will have no one to blame but themselves.
The funny thing is that those who actually care about the lore of the game will be pissed off because the game contradicts existing lore left and right.
The funny thing is that those who actually care about the lore of the game will be pissed off because the game contradicts existing lore left and right.
I'm hoping that when it bombs and they make TES:VI they retcon the whole TESO lore. Say it was a dream of a daedra or something.
Sounds like they took some of the aesthetics of the Elder Scrolls and all the MMO stuff from early WoW, like the developers never played an MMO past early Burning Crusade. Having long stretches of nothing is normal for Elder Scrolls, but not for an MMO. It seems like this is a tough blend that probably isn't going to work.
Sounds like they took some of the aesthetics of the Elder Scrolls and all the MMO stuff from early WoW, like the developers never played an MMO past early Burning Crusade. Having long stretches of nothing is normal for Elder Scrolls, but not for an MMO. It seems like this is a tough blend that probably isn't going to work.
So it sounds just like everyone thought it would the very first time they heard elder scrolls mmo
So it sounds just like everyone thought it would the very first time they heard elder scrolls mmo
Yeah, and I'm going to do what I planned to do when I first heard about an Elder Scrolls MMO and not play it.

I should really get around to doing the Dragonborn DLC in Skyrim though. We've had it for nearly a year, I think.